Chapter 2707 Believe and Next...

"Well, I want to ask that question too."

After Hirohiko's words fell, Yukina stood up from the gap, landed softly, looked at Chiba, and asked.

"Shouldn't you know the situation of this Uchiha son better than me?"

But upon hearing this sentence, looking at the two people walking out of the gap, Chiba, the boy who was avatar of the Slug Immortal Technique, took out two sets of clothes from nowhere and threw them to the two of them.

At this time, although it is said that using the power of nature, or using the method of celestial chakra mixed with yin and yang escape technique, the bodies of the two are preserved very well, but this method is especially good when preserving the body. It's out of their control, and the two of them dropped a lot of pieces of clothes when they jumped down.

Although it will not be out of sight, it is still not suitable.

The two of them didn't seem to notice the problem with their clothes. Maybe they just reincarnated as living dead, and their senses are relatively dull. After all, they are dead now, and it is normal that they are not as sensitive to the skin of their bodies as they were when they were alive.


And at this time, they subconsciously took the clothes thrown by the young Chiba, who was the avatar of the Slug Immortal Technique, and the two of them were slightly startled, then immediately understood what was going on, and turned around to put on the clothes.

"At first, we thought we knew Grandma Shengzi very well, but in fact we might not know it, especially when we were unknowingly led away by her without knowing that she was cooperating with you. I don't understand what kind of person Shengzi's mother-in-law is!

Besides, the outsiders claim to know everything. The feeling that you used to predict things like a god, as if nothing could escape your predictions, is because you know everything.

And in front of you who know everything, those of us who lack information will easily be confused.

I trust you.

However, at this time, I can't trust Grandma Shengzi. "

While putting on her clothes, Xue Nai said, her tone was a little hasty at first, but after that, she became very calm, no, it should be said calm.

Even, there is an aggressive feeling that is not easy to fool.

"At this point, I won't hide it from you anymore, and I have nothing to hide."

Regarding this, the juvenile Qianye who was avatar of the slug fairy art smiled again and said so.

"Where should I start with this matter..."

Then, after saying this, he frowned, as if he had begun to organize his words, and pondered.

Perhaps, this is the so-called tacit understanding that can only be had with them.

When Hirohiko almost uttered these words, he naturally skipped those twists and turns in his head, and subconsciously knew that they were not asking when they were leaving now, or how urgent the situation was, they were asking Need to move now or something.

Rather, is it appropriate to leave now?

Now, is it appropriate for this Uchiha Seiko, or the outsider Michiko to stay here alone?

is it safe?

Obviously, they are doubting Uchiha Seiko, or rather, Michiko.

This person they have contacted more than him.

To be honest, Chiba is still very happy to hear this kind of questioning. This shows that even in the world of the dead, Uchiha Nobuhiko’s time prison, Hirohiko and Yukina have not become dull because of the days without fighting .

Still so sharp.

What comes next, they are also able to take care of themselves.

Even, as before, unless it was the torrent of fate, he didn't have to worry about the two of them at all.

Anyway, the girl standing in front of him is also the deputy commander of the defense force, and the only candidate for the former defense force commander.

And the man standing next to him, as the brother of the reborn person in this life, has experienced no small amount of cruelty. Compared with himself, Hirohiko has endured more. To be honest, the person he admires the most in the Hokage world , it must be Hirohiko.

If it were him who had experienced what Hirohiko had experienced, there would be absolutely no way for him to choose to forgive Uchiha Nobuhiko at the last moment.

Of course, what he admired was not the so-called generosity, the so-called greatness of forgiveness, the greatness of forgiveness.

It's because Hirohiko was born in the Uchiha clan and opened the existence of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan. His heart has endured the pain and darkness enough to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the pain and darkness enough to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan , coupled with the paranoid character of the Uchiha clan, Hirohiko still chose to embrace the sunshine instead of falling into darkness.

Moreover, in a spontaneous situation, as only him and Xue Nai, there is no such behavior as friendship breaking face fist or personality modification fist. Even, to be honest, even if Uchiha Nobuhiko is not his old enemy, Hirohiko intends to If he takes revenge, he will also support him 100%. Even if he wins the position of Hokage, it is not impossible to use the power of Konoha to avenge him.

Yes, this is what makes Chiba admire Hirohiko the most.

Hirohiko relied on himself and chose to embrace the light. Everything was his own will. After experiencing the darkness and hatred enough to make people crazy and bloodthirsty, he still chose to embrace the light in the darkness instead of sinking into the darkness .

Looking at the original book and this Naruto world, there is probably only one Uchiha Itachi who can do this.

Even, in the past ten years, Chiba was able to maintain reason, not fall into the darkness, and even has been actively planning and moving forward with the desired ending, thanks to Hirohiko.

Whenever he can't hold on, he always thinks on the basis of what he would do if it were Hirohiko, which always calms him down.

In a sense, even though Hirohiko and Xue Nai were not by his side, everything they imprinted in Chiba's heart has been silently supporting him.

Some things will not be lost with the passing and time.

This can be regarded as the most painful and deepest understanding for Qianye in the past ten years.

Then, I can be more fearless.

And looking at the two of them, after deeply realizing that they are still the same as they were back then, the young Chiba, who was avatar of the slug fairy technique, couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart,

"Speaking of it, this incident was caused by a mistake. Originally, I just wanted to find..."

Then, thinking of this, Chiba, who had no worries, began to narrate.

After hearing Chiba's narration, Yukina and Hirohiko put away the clothes they had put on as quickly as possible, turned around, and looked at Chiba.

And the expression is already serious and serious.

And the beginning of all this was actually when Qianye was exploring the power of reincarnation eyes and pupils. At that time, Qianye hadn't touched the research of soul splitting, but was simply familiar with the supreme power that was taken away.

Then, at that time, he had already negotiated the deal with Yaoshidou and Dashewan about the reincarnation of the dirty soil. Of course, it was in another capacity, or under the guise of borrowing someone else's hand. He also paid a lot of money to help Orochimaru and Yaoshidou clear the original Tianyin Village in Tian Zhiguo, and helped Oroshemaru establish Yinyin Village.

Just at that time, Yaoshidou and Dashewan sent two copies of the improved version of the technique of reincarnation.

At that time, he also wanted to give it a try. After all, reincarnation of the dirty soil can be released. Although he already had the idea of ​​recalling the two of them without the conventional method of reincarnation of the dirty soil, the opportunity to meet each other was right in front of him. Chiba After all, it is impossible to turn a blind eye.

Unexpectedly, after this attempt, he found that he had no way to find the souls of the two.

In a hurry, he used the power of the life and death part of the eyes of reincarnation that he was still searching for.

Then, when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a space full of black mist.

That's right, he entered Nobuhiko Uchiha's time prison directly by accident. Now that he thinks about it, it should be that the pupil of the reincarnation eye is under the life and death sensing limit of the reincarnation of the dirt, and communicated with the pupil of Nobuhiko Uchiha's time prison. After all, the time prison is in the world of the dead, and at that time Chiba communicated with the world of the dead according to the method of reincarnation from the dirty soil, and used parts of the bodies of Hirohiko, Yukina, and even Kushina to find their souls, which also made perfect sense.

Later, in the Time Prison, he met Uchiha Seiko, the outsider Michiko.

At the beginning, they all tested each other suspiciously for a long time. These have nothing to do with the main topic, so I won’t go into details. In short, after a series of trials, he learned everything about the time prison. At that time, Michiko, in fact It should be that he has been aware of his identity as an outsider. After a relatively friendly temptation, he has meticulously included everything in this time prison, including the souls of Hirohiko and Xue Nai, who were actually imprisoned by Nobuhiko Uchiha. Chiba was informed about the time prison.

And, in a tacit understanding without words, they reached an agreement.

Michiko is responsible for deepening the relationship with Hirohiko and Yukina, so that they can be moved to the first place, so that they can meet frequently, and when the time comes, they can implement the plan. And Chiba is responsible for finding the soul split body that Michiko left in the world of the living, and the newcomer who obtains the soul split body. When the time comes, bring the soul split body to a safe place, or directly reincarnate as Hirohiko and Yukina place of place. Moreover, it is also necessary to restrain the soul split body of the unknown.

In this way, Chiba can rescue Hirohiko and Yukina, and Michiko can be resurrected through the split body of the soul.

It can be said to be a win-win situation.

As for what this timing is, they have also set a date. As outsiders, although there is no Naruto manga in the era when Michiko lived, but Michiko has been in time prison for so long, those plots have long been familiar, and the details are word for word Not bad, after all, there is nothing in the time prison, except for the lack of boredom and suffering. As for the original work of Hokage, other outsiders can talk to her hundreds of times from simple to deep, from detailed to deep, and even Chiba's various analysis posts from his previous life are familiar to Michiko, so the two of them are actually people who know everything. The first time they agreed on is actually the fourth Ninja World War three years later. Michiko can Know the time by sensing and reading the memory of the soul split body, and Chiba will implant the concept of time into the memory of the split body during the interaction with the unknown soul split body, so that the unknown can time.

At the same time, the signal to launch the plan will also be implanted into the memory of the split body as a signal.

Secondly, considering the occurrence of this situation, there will be situations where you have to plan in advance, and the best time to advance is this Chunin exam.

As a major event in this original book, Chiba and Michiko agreed that the Chunin Exam might become a turning point that they had to plan in advance.

As a matter of fact, the appearance of those children has indeed prompted Hirohiko and Yukina's determination to escape from the prison of time, especially Yukina, in terms of her attachment to Chiba, and her talent not inferior to Chiba, there is no way for Michiko Hold her down.

And Yuki Nai just happened to be able to think of using Hirohiko's pupil power to communicate with Uchiha Nobuhiko's pupil power to open the door.

When that time really came, there was no way for Michiko to stop her.

And if Yukina opened the door hastily, without the connection between Michiko and the splinter body, as well as the safe place prepared by Chiba and the necessary conditions for reincarnation, it is very likely that only those children will be sent out. And Hirohiko, Yukina, and even Michiko may never be able to leave the time prison.

After all, they only have one chance, and this time prison should belong to the ability of the right eye held by Uchiha Nobuhiko, Chiba can enter, but that time prison is not owned by Chiba.

What he can do is to go in without anyone noticing.

After that, he also tried, but unfortunately he was not able to enter that space independently. Later, because he was afraid of being noticed by Nobuhiko Uchiha, he didn't try again.

Coupled with the series of things that followed, this attempt to enter was completely abandoned.

"So... this is your deal?"

After listening to the young Chiba who was a clone of the slug fairy art, Hirohiko and Xue Nai looked at each other, frowned slightly, seemed to doubt the moisture in Chiba's words, and let out a cry.

"I can swear to the sky, I didn't lie to you."

In this regard, Chiba, the juvenile slug fairy avatar, seemed to finally understand his current position in the hearts of the two, and hurriedly swore to the sky.


Hearing this, the two looked over almost at the same time, and said in unison.


In this regard, the young Chiba who is the avatar of the slug fairy art said so.

In the end, he even forced a smile.

"we know."

And looking at this ugly smile, Hirohiko and Xue Nai didn't struggle with this issue after all.

"Next, what do we want us to do?"

Then, after responding to Qianye's sentence, the two asked again.


Afterwards, upon hearing these words, the young Chiba, who was avatar of the Slug Immortal Art, immediately put away the forced smile, and his face became serious in an instant.

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