Chapter 2706

"Really, it went so smoothly!"

Looking at the bodies of the two best friends covered in golden tadpoles and emitting golden light in front of them, the convulsions slowly stopped, and the water level of the liquid in the fluorescent gap lowered little by little, as if being absorbed into the dead body. Among the many years of corpses, and on the ground made up of entangled roots, a paper-gray substance was slowly climbing up the gap, covering the body that gradually stopped convulsing.

Apparently, this kind of paper-gray substance is the dust from the reincarnation of the filthy earth, which is used to cover the sacrifices to capture their souls. At the same time, it is the embodiment of the soul reincarnated from the filthy earth, which can homogenize the bodies of the sacrifices. The appearance of the reincarnated soul transformed from the filthy soil, according to the reincarnation vision of the young Chiba who is now the avatar of the slug fairy art, it can be seen that this is a substance between the worlds of the living and the dead, pure The power of the world of the living cannot be destroyed, even if it is destroyed, it can be resurrected quickly, and this kind of dust can communicate with the world of the dead, and will bring the characteristics of infinite chakra in the world of the dead.

Yes, that's where Unholy Reincarnation's infinite chakra and destructive restorativeness come from.

Of course, this kind of dust is not really indestructible, or in other words, it can recover from any damage, and some attacks can still cause absolute damage.

For example, the attack of Qiudaoyu, after all, Qiudaoyu is a ninjutsu that combines seven chakra properties, and among the chakra properties, there are two properties of yin and yang, and these two properties are basically related to life and death. Its nature is not the conventional power that only belongs to the living. In a sense, it has the same attributes of life and death as this dust.

However, now the juvenile Chiba, who is the avatar of the slug fairy art, sighs that everything in front of him is so smooth, unprecedentedly smooth.

He is the caster of the spell. Although he did some experiments when developing and improving this filthy reincarnation, but since he confirmed that the spell has been completed, he has performed it this time, and this time is the most perfect.

As for this technique, the juvenile Qianye who is the avatar of the slug fairy technique does not master it to an absolute perfection every time, even he and his body have never performed it so perfectly.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as if it is God's help.

And as an outsider, he has done so many things, but this situation has never happened. Almost everything is contrary to his wishes. Even if it is not the opposite, it is smooth and smooth. Strange, but this time, it's really different. When performing the spell, there is almost a feeling of blessing to the soul, which can be described as a personality explosion.

"Chick! Chick!"

But at this moment, when he sighed in his heart, the dust touched the golden light, but it was blocked, and slowly accumulated, and traces of electric light burst out at the contact point between the two.

"Next, there is no need for such things as dust."

In this regard, the young Chiba who is the avatar of the slug fairy art is not surprised. His improved filthy reincarnation does not need dust, although it will make his filthy reincarnation lose the characteristics of infinite chakra and indestructibility. However, without this dust covering and homogenization, Hirohiko and Xue Nai could have a living dead body that is quite close to the physical body in life, which was fitted with the soul body by the technique of yin and yang escape.

Moreover, they can have the characteristics of 80% of living people, except that they cannot eat and grow, everything is similar to them before they were alive.

Compared with the dirt reincarnated body, this kind of living dead state can have the strength closer to the original body, and even become stronger through cultivation, and has the ability to grow, which can be regarded as compensation for the loss of infinite chakra and indestructibility.

And because there is no personality-limiting spell implanted, Hirohiko and Xue Nai return to the world of the living in the state of the living dead, completely free, and there is no limit to their strength.

Perhaps, in the end, he still doesn't want his two best friends to return to the world of the living in the way of reincarnation in the dirty soil.

After all, he wanted them to feel more of a part of him as a human being, not a puppet.

Moreover, this posture is also more able to cope with some unexpected forms.

"Beep beep... bobo..."

And following his mood, Dust, who was obediently fulfilling his obligations under the golden light, gradually began to lose its hold, and in the midst of the splashing of electric sparks, it had already begun to gradually turn into fly ash, disappeared into the air.

And wait until the golden light tadpole text chains that have softened the supreme power, the technique of yin and yang escape, and even some techniques of seeking Taoyu dimmed, and slowly penetrated into the skin of Hirohiko and Xue Nai's bodies, and with the golden light chains When the dust and dust completely turned into nothingness, a faint blood color emerged from under the skin of the two of them.


Then, there was a slight exhalation sound, almost at the same time, the bodies of Hirohiko and Xue Nai opened their eyes at the same time, and sat up slowly.

"This... this is!"

After sitting up, both of them looked at their hands at the same time, familiar hands, but with a tacit understanding.

"how did you do it?"

And almost in an instant, the two spoke at the same time.

"If I'm not mistaken, the soul and body of Hirohiko and I are maintained by something similar to puppetry, but neither Hiroko nor I have learned puppetry. Same as before."

In the end, Xue Nai, who had subconsciously rolled her eyes, said in amazement.

With her white eyes, she can clearly see the meridians of both parties at this time. From her own feelings and the visual Chakra flow in her and Hirohiko's bodies that is different from that of a living person, she can feel a feeling of controlling a puppet.

Of course, there is no delay in this kind of manipulation, or in other words, there is no interference, just like a living person using his own body, but she can still find the difference, or in other words, there are still subtle differences. Living is different.

It's as if, there is a layer of glue between my soul and body, firmly sticking my soul and body together, my soul wants to move, without any stickiness, my body will move, operability On the one hand, it is completely the same as before life, that kind of sticky feeling, but it tells her that she is dead.

And this method of manipulation, this method of sticking, is very similar to puppetry.

"Indeed, when I was improving this technique, I took advantage of some characteristics of the puppet technique. Now, it is not a problem to treat your body as a puppet, your soul as a thread, and your consciousness to perform the puppet technique. You still As sharp as ever."

In this regard, Chiba, the boy who was avatar of the slug fairy art, nodded, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be quite satisfied, but also seemed to be a little nostalgic. This smile was filled with joy that had not been seen for a long time.

At this time, his eyes were also looking at the two familiar figures clenched fists and kicking legs in front of him without blinking. .

But it is true, in front of him, every expression, every movement, every frown, every exclamation, even the occasional light in his eyes, is exactly the same as in his memory, no, it is more beautiful than in his memory. The ones are much more vivid and clear.

Even though there was still that sense of alienation between life and death, he knew that Hirohiko and Xue Nai had returned!

At this moment, the emptiness in his heart that had been in him for more than ten years suddenly began to fill up.

And with this kind of enrichment, what poured into my heart was an incomparable motivation, as if I had the energy to do everything.

To be honest, although Chiba, the young boy who is avatar of the slug fairy art, looks very calm, and seems calm and gentle about the "resurrection" of his partner, but for more than ten years, he has learned to fight against the loneliness and pain of loss in his heart. How could he suppress his true feelings? At this moment, the reason why he didn't show any surprise and ecstasy, and was able to deal with it so calmly, was all because of the habits he had developed over the past ten years.

Habitually suppress any emotions that are detrimental to calmness and reason.

The loneliness and pain back then, yes.

Now the ecstasy and surprise, yes.

"It's nothing..."

As for the undisguised praise of the young Qianye, who is the avatar of the slug fairy art, he raised his head, and the white pupils in his eyes slowly disappeared, but he saw that the young man's face remained the same, and his face couldn't help being hot. At this time, her face didn't change much, just a rosy feeling, but her soul was already a red face at this time, she lowered her head slightly, and said in a slightly murmured voice.

"Now, is there anything we need to do? I want to give it a try. How much of my current strength can be used. After all, it is not a resurrection. I will tell you when the time comes so that you don't make mistakes in the assignment."

And at this time, after glancing at Xue Nai, and then at the young Chiba who was the avatar of the slug fairy art, Hirohiko blinked, a sigh seemed to flash across Poker's face, and said so.

"There is also Teacher Jiu Xinnai, she is not in the prison at that time, she should be able to come out of the dirt at any time."

At the end, he glanced at his teacher Kushina's body in another gap, and added a sentence.

"Not yet, I'm afraid we won't have time to experiment later. As for Teacher Jiushinai, I have no way to contact her, or she seems to refuse to talk to me."

In this regard, the young Chiba who is the avatar of the slug fairy art said so.

"Refused to talk to you?"

Hearing this, Xue Nai and Hirohiko were taken aback at the same time.

To be honest, this sentence really surprised them.

"Why did you annoy Teacher Kushina?"

Then, subconsciously, both of them touched their heads and blurted out a sentence.

The illusion of pain that they had never felt before, which they might not feel at this time, quietly surfaced in their heads.

At this moment, they undoubtedly remembered the fear of being dominated by their teacher's blunt fist.

Moreover, my heart is full of incomprehension.

What Teacher Jiushina said, in their impression, is the person who treats them the best, and their parents may not be able to surpass Teacher Jiushina.

Although Teacher Kushina is often angry, and it is usually provoked by Chiba, and they are often beaten together by joint and several responsibilities, but Teacher Kushina returns to anger, and loses his temper, but he never Ignore them.

Almost instinctively, they feel that things are overwhelmed.

Moreover, it must be that Qianye caused some disasters to cause such a result.

Yes, there is such a sentence.

"Why do you think I'm the one who made Mr. Kushina angry? Couldn't it be that Mr. Kushina is in danger now?"

For this subconscious sentence, Qianye suddenly lost his mind, and blurted out a complaint.

"No... just think about the number of times you have annoyed Mr. Kushina."

To this, the two answered simply.

It has to be said that being jointly and severally responsible and beaten, although it can be regarded as greatly shortening the distance between them and laying a solid foundation for them to be so good, but Teacher Jiuxinna's fist is really hard to bear .

Although they trusted Qianye almost blindly, that was also before. In the past ten years, when they had nothing to do in the time prison, they would also start to complain about how Qianye lied to them and even got beaten.

To be honest, they still believe in Qianye and are still willing to give everything for him, but you have to say that it is impossible to follow Qianye in everything.

Did you suffer less from eating this guy back then?

They are not them anymore, at this time, they must be hated.

"Cough! Let's talk about Teacher Jiuxinnai's matter later. I can't get in touch for a while. The next thing is the key."

In this regard, Chiba, the boy who was avatar of the slug fairy art, coughed dryly, as if to cover up his embarrassment, and changed the subject when he saw the pride of the two of them "finally let Chiba be deflated".

"Next, what do we want us to do?"

But at this time, when they heard this sentence, the two of them didn't bother, and said directly.

For them, supporting Chiba is always the first thing they put, no matter in life or in battle, because Chiba treats them the same way.

They will always remember that it was Chiba's appearance that ended their lonely life.

They will never forget that it was Chiba's home that gave them a kind of homely warmth.

"Wait a minute, Qianye... Grandma Shengzi has been silent for a long time."

But at this time, after blurting out these words, Xue Nai seemed to realize something, and spoke.

"Don't worry, it's just because soul fusion takes time."

To this, the juvenile Qianye who was avatar of the slug fairy art answered simply.

Of course, Xue Nai's question and his answer are not what they seem to be. The words that Xue Nai just said are obviously guarding against No. 14, no, it should be said that it is Uchiha Seiko, the outsider Michiko.

As for Qianye's words, it means that there is nothing wrong and that they can talk about anything.

"Is time tight? Must we leave now?"

But hearing this sentence, Xue Nai hadn't spoken yet, but Hirohiko was the first to ask.

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