Chapter 2470 Silver Moon Black Robe Man

"First Kai, then Kakashi..."

Looking down at the Muye Village bathed in the bright sunshine, feeling the unique warmth of the sun, the stationery in the hands of the man in silver moon and black robe standing on the high place slowly burned out, turned into ashes, and drifted away with the wind .

And in his mouth, he muttered to himself.

The content of the letter is very simple, just let him go over, the sender is waiting for him in a certain landform practice field in Konoha.

And the sender was Kakashi.

That is to say, after solving the matter of Maitkai just now, Kakashi sent a contact and asked him to go over.

Moreover, the letter stated that since you are free to help Kai, then you must be free, and don't use your lack of time as an excuse.

In a sense, the only person who knows him best now is Kakashi.

And what Kakashi said is right, at this time, or this month, he is quite free.

He has already arranged everything that needs to be arranged.

In fact, although the third Hokage has handed over the entire Konoha organization to himself through oral, written, etc. methods, and, vaguely, the third Hokage has gradually begun to launch the first stage and move towards the backstage In fact, from his return to the transfer of all departmental powers to him, except for the third Hokage who personally asked and received the fourth Kazekage's question, he said almost everything else by himself. Calculate.

Moreover, all the departments of Konoha have cooperated quite well, and have not given themselves any prestige, or any stumbling blocks, they are all orders and prohibitions, and they can do whatever they say, and the efficiency is surprisingly high.

I'm afraid that the three generations of Hokage have been preparing for him.

Although in the past ten years, he has always unilaterally contacted the village, and sometimes even made the contact ninja who knew that he was alive feel missing, but the third Hokage still maintained his influence more or less.

Even if he is already a "dead" person, and because of Uchiha Nobuhiko's existence, the most important thing Sandai Hokage should do is to try to erase his existence.

Obviously, Sandai Hokage is still looking forward to the day when he can come back and take over Konoha.

Therefore, among the high-level executives of Konoha's various departments, they are still spreading their influence.

As for how to spread his influence under the condition of keeping it secret, the silver moon black-robed man didn't know, and he didn't have any clues. However, as an old politician, the third Hokage was even the longest-serving Hokage of Konoha , its own influence is already strong enough, and even the resurrection of the first and second generations may not have as much influence on the current Konoha as the third Hokage. In this case, the Third Hokage should have his way.

In a sense, politically, there is still a big gap between him and the Three Hokages.

Although he has also participated in Konoha's politics, but after all, the time is short, and he also knows that at that time, as Konoha's successor, he was the only candidate for the fifth Hokage, and he was treated with tolerance, because he had already shown that In terms of politics, it must be amazing, and the age is also young. All the high-level people in politics, especially the third Hokage, are quite tolerant of themselves, and they deliberately highlight their advantages in politics. Three generations of Hokage did not show their political means too much in front of people, they have always paved the way for themselves, and deliberately appeared to be very prominent.

If you really want to count, in politics, it would be very appropriate to use the three generations of Hokage to completely abuse yourself.

He is still very self-aware.

The level of the third generation of Hokage is the accumulation of experience in the position of Hokage for many years. He may be able to see some political means. From the perspective of others, he is also quite talented in politics. However, this kind of experience accumulation can only be done step by step. It is necessary to accumulate in a down-to-earth manner, talent alone is useless.

You know, the three generations of Hokage were chosen to become Hokage at the beginning, didn't they have political talents?

In the case of losing the second Hokage, the third Hokage was able to take orders in the face of danger and quickly rectify the panic and intricate relationships within Konoha. It also showed extraordinary means to the outside world, using both grace and power to end the fierce war at that time. He still has the title of "The Strongest Hokage", without super high political talent, can he do it?

And now this move embodies the political terror of the Three Hokages.

Originally, he thought that after he came back, he would receive some dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction when he accepted the powers of the Third Hokage other than the right to appoint and dismiss. Then, because of these dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, various problems and embarrassing little shoes arose. .

Even, he has already planned. In order to grasp these powers as soon as possible, he will use absolute strength to subdue, and focus on suppressing a few thorns. It is still his original self to sacrifice some popularity and suspicion. Way, master Konoha Village as soon as possible to cope with this Chunin exam.

And this process, he estimated that it would take ten days.

However, I didn't expect that everything seemed to have been arranged by the third generation of Hokage. His reception work was surprisingly fast, and even if it was carried out in the dark, there was no problem. The curiosity of the ninja.

This was really a surprise. He directly omitted many steps, and with fewer steps, he naturally saved a lot of time.

In just half a day, all the departments were already in his hands.

And everyone's morale seems to be quite high, and they are also very motivated. Even those field ninjas who are on duty all day long are full of energy and apply for a few more shifts.

It can be said that the success has completely exceeded his expectations, almost making him think that, in fact, the entire Konoha knows that he is still alive, and has been waiting for him to come back to take over Konoha.

To be honest, the current him is wondering whether a month is too long.

That's right, in fact, the reason why he suggested to the third Hokage that the qualifiers and the third official test should be separated by one month is not only to put a little pressure on Orochimaru, but also to make time for himself to take over Konoha.

Yes, he knew very well that when he returned to Muye Village this time, he must take over Muye.

At least, the Third Hokage will definitely let him accept Konoha, and he probably has no way to refuse, and having the real power of Konoha is also necessary for this Chunin exam and some future arrangements.

Therefore, he proposed a month's time.

It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

And it is precisely because of this that he took over Konoha so smoothly, that's why he is free now.

And it is very free, for a month, very free.

Konoha's defense is no longer necessary for him to beak. Under the arrangement of the old defense minister, Konoha's current maximum defense level is already reached, and he can't adjust it. On the contrary, it will only be a disservice.

Everything else was carried out in an orderly manner, even if Moonlight Gale died suddenly, there was no confusion.

To this extent, as long as it is maintained.

At present, when there is no connection, too many adjustments will cause chaos in personnel, and as long as there is chaos in personnel, Konoha, which already has security loopholes, will have more and more loopholes.

This is also why, no matter how big or small a ninja village is, no matter whether it is Konoha Yunyin, Sandy Wuyin, or Kusanagi Yinyin, there will always be things like invasion or secret invasion, and even fixed spy contact points in the village.

The power of ninjas. The second ninjutsu and phantom have extremely strong intelligence detection capabilities, and ninjutsu and phantom are rarely updated in the current ninja world, but they will still evolve or evolve due to the need to spy on information. The development of a series of new forces focused on espionage intelligence is always unpredictable.

In addition, due to the war, education problems, and the death of geniuses in the ninja village, there will always be a shortage of people in a certain period of time, resulting in a shortage of manpower, so the village will always have security loopholes.

Even, these vulnerabilities are often exploited, leading to a series of intrusion events.

It even gives people an illusion that the defense of Ninja Village is always in vain, and they can invade if they want to, especially Konoha.

It is claimed to be the strongest, but intrusion incidents abound, which sounds a bit misleading.

But this is actually an unavoidable situation in every ninja village and in every period, especially those ninja villages with attractive blood succession limits and ability forbidden techniques.

And among all ninja villages, which village can compare with Konoha in terms of the preservation of the blood-stained boundary family, the development and quantity of abilities, and the quality and quantity of forbidden techniques?

The probability of Konoha being invaded is probably hundreds of times that of other ninja villages.

It is also normal to be sparse.

Even, in the era of green and yellow in every period, the only occurrence of these invasions in Konoha can already show the strength of Konoha.

"Heh... let's go and have a look."

And thinking of this, the man in the black robe of Yinyue sighed softly as he looked at the invisible ashes that drifted away with the wind until they disappeared.

To be honest, the mood of the Yinyue black-robed person at this time is somewhat complicated.

On the one hand, I have been struggling in the dark world for so many years, although relying on my own strong strength, unless Uchiha Nobuhiko comes in person, basically I can do whatever I want, of course, without revealing my identity in the case of.

However, after all, it was because of the departure of his partners one after another, and the fact that he was alone outside, which always made him feel a strong sense of loneliness.

Although he got used to loneliness a long time ago, he was always alone before. After experiencing the warmth, happiness and peace of mind of having a partner, he could no longer bear loneliness.

At least, in the past ten years, except for the time in the Haneda Clan and Caoyin Village, he was surrounded by loneliness all the time, and every time he felt lonely, he would always think of those partners, those close friends, those relatives, think of The redemption and warmth they gave him, and whenever he thinks of these, he will think of their tragic death, almost every time he thinks of it, he will feel a heart-piercing pain, and after this pain has nowhere to vent, Often it turns into hatred that he can't control.

Afterwards, after every contact with Nobuhiko Uchiha, this irresolvable hatred was suppressed and compressed by forced calm, and finally, it was transformed into a kind of darkness, which took root and spread in his heart.

Yes, for more than ten years, his heart has actually been infected by darkness, and even, when he came back this time, he has already embraced that even if he wants to exchange the names of everyone in Muye Village, he must achieve his goal .

He really isn't who he used to be.

On the other hand, after returning to Konoha Village, especially during the process of taking over Konoha, he felt the warmth again.

This kind of warmth is given by the trust of everyone in the village, whether they have experienced that era in the past or the new ninjas who know his deeds from various channels.

Regardless of the ninjas who have experienced that era, these new ninjas can give their lives to themselves without hesitation, even if they are only secretly arranged, and they hardly show their faces. They still gave themselves the utmost trust, and gave their lives to themselves without hesitation.

This kind of absolute trust made him feel the long-lost warmth, just like the trust given to him by Kushina, Hirohiko, Yukina and many other friends of the same period back then, as if the whole village was tolerant. My own feelings arise spontaneously.

At the same time, the strong sense of belonging generated by mutual trust still lingers in his heart until now.

The rooted darkness in his heart seemed irresistible.

At this moment, he already knew that he would not be able to sacrifice so many people after all.

At the same time, he also realized that he is not the kind of paranoid person after all, nor is he a personality who can destroy the whole world for love. In Muye Village, there are still people waiting for him.

And those waiting for him include old ninjas who have experienced that era, and new ninjas of the younger generation who have admiration, trust and admiration for themselves because the news of their lives is made public and they have obtained various deeds of themselves. There are also those who I cruelly hid when I left the village, those friends who were still alive who cried for me.

He was never alone.

He just didn't realize that there are still many people waiting for him in Muye Village, and there are still people who put everything and the future of the village on him.

Here, in a pure sense, was already his home.

And he's home now.

"Now, I'm afraid there are a lot of people waiting for me."

And as the determination was made, the man in the black robe of Yinyue also, without any hesitation, stepped on his feet, his figure had already sprung out, and flew towards the Huoying Rock Statue at an extremely fast speed.

do not know either……

How are they doing now.

But at this time, the corner of his mouth under the hood has slowly turned up.


The long-lost smile.

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