Chapter 2469 shaken

"This should be fine."

Gently put the last brilliance in his hand into the prepared water, and after fainting a layer of blood, the man in silver black robe raised his head, looked at Maitekai who looked worried and nervous, and said.

"How superb is your medical ninjutsu!"

But when he heard about this life, what came out of Maitekai's mouth was not gratitude, but an unbelievable exclamation and exclamation.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

In this regard, the man in the black robe of Yinyue was slightly taken aback, and looked at the dizzying blood in the basin water, some extremely small particles floating up and the layer of fine sand under the water, at the same time, another The green brilliance in the hand also slowly dissipated, and under the palm, the big gaps cut by the scalpel on the boy's severely injured hands and feet have also healed completely, and it looks like there is no scar at all.


Hearing this, Maitekai did not answer directly, but followed the eyes of the man in the silver moon black robe, looking at the large pot of blood-colored water that was placed next to the patient and the man in the silver moon black robe, and saw the blood in it. After the scene, he couldn't help but speak.

Just now, when the man in the silver moon black robe, that is, Qianye, was treating his beloved disciple Xiao Li on the hospital bed, he directly cut open Xiao Li's severely injured hands and feet, and then he didn't know how to use it. What kind of medical ninjutsu actually made a long cut, almost the length of the whole arm and the whole foot, or it can be said that the incision of the gap did not flow out a drop of blood. At the same time, the other hand , is to use a kind of medical ninjutsu similar to the technique of extracting the disease, and put the things extracted from the incision into the pot of water that has been prepared a long time ago.

And as less and less things were extracted, the place where Xiao Li was cut also began to heal naturally, until now it has completely healed.

Now, the floating particles in this water basin are extremely small. If it is not because of the accumulation of a large number, the barely visible particles and the fine sand on the bottom of the basin are naturally the things in the body.

How could there be such a layer of fine sand in my disciple's body, not to mention those particles, and judging by the quantity, there are quite a lot of them.

And seeing that his disciple's brows were obviously relaxed a lot, after taking out these things, it obviously relieved his disciple's pain.

In other words, these things got stuck in his disciple's body, which caused a lot of pain.

Almost subconsciously, Matkay wondered what these things were and why they were present in his disciples.


Hearing Maitekai's words, the man in the black robe of Yinyue was startled for a while, then subconsciously looked at the pot of blood-colored water, and suddenly said: "These floating things are the disciples stuck in your body. The bone powder in the muscle fiber tissue, and these fine sands should be the sand embedded in the flesh and even the muscle tissue when the hands and feet are severely injured or the skin is broken. If I guess correctly, the opponent your disciple is fighting against should be It must be Gaara from Sand Falls of Sand Hidden. His strength is far superior to that of Genin, if it is not for Eight Gates Dunjia, with your disciple's level of physical skills, there should be no chance of winning."

"Now that I think about it, even if he uses the Bamen Dunjia, Xiao Li actually has no chance of winning. The opponent's qualifications, at least in terms of combat awareness, are far superior to Xiao Li. The experience accumulated this year is ultimately not enough."

And at this time, hearing the words of the man in the silver moon black robe, Maitekai almost subconsciously said.

It turned out to be like this.

In that blow just now, because of the strong squeezing force, the hands and feet that were broken due to the Bamen Dunjia were directly crushed, and the bone powder and sand were embedded in Xiao Li's hands?

I'm still... one step too late.

At that time, if you don't hesitate for that 0.2 seconds.

At the same time, such a thought flashed through his mind, and with the flash of the thought, the previous scenes of his disciples' battles flashed through his mind, and finally it was fixed at Gaara to launch the victory When one of his disciples was entangled in the sand with one hand and one foot.

At that time, he actually hesitated for a few tenths of a second. Otherwise, if he could interrupt the attack and announce the failure of his disciple when the sand was entangled, then at least his disciple's hands and feet could be saved. of.

And at this time, it caused the current result. Looking back on this, he also regrets it at this time.

As for what the man in the silver moon black robe said about the bone powder and fine sand getting stuck in his muscles, Maitekai believed it. If he put himself in his shoes, he knew that this was the only possible reason. After all, Maitekai also used eight gates. Dunjia has been injured quite a few times. It can be said that he has senior injury experience. In the fragile period of the body after Bamen Dunjia, he must have suffered such an attack. It is also normal for powder particles of bone debris and sand used as a means of attack to become embedded in the muscles.

"This is the best I can do now. There are still some bone fragments that have entered the blood vessels. I can't cut the blood vessels to remove these things. I can only rely on Tsunade-sama's surgery. But don't worry, Since these things have entered the blood vessels, Rock Li has no major problems, so these bone powders that have entered the blood vessels should not cause much harm to Rock Li. However, it is best not to use chakra or strenuous exercise. Because removing these Things, plus immobilization, his injured hands and feet may regain consciousness, but still can't make any movements, you know?"

Hearing Maitekai's words, the man in the black robe of Yinyue didn't pay too much attention to the resignation and helplessness in it, but just told him so.

"Well, I know, thanks, Chiba."

In this regard, Maitekai suddenly straightened his body, suddenly bowed ninety degrees, and burst out a huge thank you: "Really, thank you so much."

"Look up quickly, this kind of thing is what I should do."

Hearing this, the man in the black robe of Yinyue obviously turned cold, obviously he didn't expect that Maitekai would have such a big reaction, but he soon reacted and said so.

In the words, there is some element of dissatisfaction in it.

It seemed that Maitekai's somewhat out-of-the-ordinary behavior made him a little unhappy.


And don't look at Maitekai's strange nerves and sometimes all kinds of strange blood on weekdays, he looks like a master who can't observe words, but after all, he knows Chiba quite well, and he also regards Chiba as an opponent and has studied it quite a lot The people passing through Qianye also sensed that the person in front of them was not busy at this time, and immediately straightened up like a spring, with a bit of embarrassment on their faces.

"Qianye... tell me, people like Xiao Li will never be able to catch up with those so-called geniuses."

However, just when the Yinyue black-robed man thought that the old zealot was about to show his shiny teeth and give him a thumbs-up, this guy who had always been full of energy and blood had a sudden expression on his face. After dimming, looking at his disciples, he said in a somewhat depressed manner.

It seemed that his disciple's defeat this time hit him a little bit. ,

With the speed and power of the eight gates and the fifth gate, it is obvious that even Gaara from the sand waterfall cannot defeat Li Luoke head-on. The only possibility is Gaara's fighting consciousness, or the fighting spirit. Points, through various details, defeated Rock Lee in the fifth gate state with absolute speed and strength.

Of course, Gaara also has his special features, but, according to the information obtained by the silver-moon black-robed man, Gaara's special features may not be brought into full play, and Maitekai has not noticed it.

However, even if there are special features, it cannot be said that Gaara relied on the special features. Obviously, fighting against the fifth door Rock Lee and winning is the embodiment of Gaara's fighting talent.

In other words, the reason why Rock Lee lost was not because Rock Lee didn't work hard enough, nor was it because Rock Lee wasn't strong enough, but because his fighting talent was not as good.

A ninja's battle requires a strategy and a flash of inspiration.

Especially when encountering a strong enemy.

However, what can better reflect the fighting talent is the fighting of the same level or the difference in strength is not too big.

Obviously, at the same age, the same ninja level, and the difference in strength, Rock Lee has the advantage, but for Gaara, he is a strong enemy, but it can only be said to have an advantage, not too strong a strong enemy , In this kind of battle, Rock Lee lost and was severely injured. On the other hand, Gaara, according to the intelligence, did not suffer many injuries. It is obvious that this is the gap in combat talent.

This point, the people in the silver moon black robe can figure it out without even thinking about it, it is nothing more than a stand-in tactic.

I'm afraid Gaara caught the opportunity to use substitutes and other evasions in the several key battles after Rock Lee opened the Bamen Dunjia,

However, in the case of Lianhua in the fifth door, the substitute technique is of little significance. I am afraid that it is Gaara's special feature that played a winning role.

However, the evasion of the previous substitute technique also effectively reflected the gap in combat talent between the two.

Here, Gaara's talent cannot be denied just because Gaara has something special.

And Matt Kay must have thought so too.

Even with the Eight Door Dunjia, he still lost in the end.

And it was a fiasco.

It is true that for hard-working people like Matt Kay and Rock Lee, this is undoubtedly the most damaging to self-confidence.

As for the current Maitekai, it is not that he has shaken himself, but that he has shaken the future he has planned for himself.

At the same time, he is also deeply unworthy of his disciples.

Although Locke Li has a unique talent in physical arts, and even a very good talent, in a sense, he can also be said to be a genius of physical arts, or a genius of the forbidden art of Bamen Dunjia.

However, a genius among ninjas will never call this ninja a genius because of his genius on one side.

Moreover, the so-called physical genius is not the main criterion for judging whether one is a genius.

These power geniuses possessed by a ninja genius are only the most basic, and what is more critical is combat talent, such as the talent to keenly capture the situation of the battle, such as the talent to open up the situation every moment of whimsy, such as The talent of reading information about enemies with insight into subtleties and being able to make correct judgments, etc., can only be satisfied in a battle. Without much experience at a young age, he can quickly learn to quickly observe the enemy and integrate Relevant information, and the ninja who formulates a reasonable and effective tactical strategy before and even during the battle and wins can be called a genius.

It was the same for Kakashi back then, the same for Namikaze Minato, and the same for other ninjas who were designated as geniuses.

That is to say, when you are just a fledgling, you can use your comprehensive strength to win what is difficult for others to win, and you can be called a genius.

In layman's terms, those who can be called geniuses among ninjas are born to be ninjas. They don't need to do more training and experience more battles, and they can have the strength of senior ninjas, the experience of senior ninjas and the ability to fight against enemies.

Although Rock Lee was able to obtain the strength of a senior ninja and even surpass ordinary senior ninjas by relying on the Bamen Dunjia, he still can't become a genius, he can only be said to be a hard worker.

Because, in terms of confrontation with the enemy, Rock Lee still lacks a lot.

If the fifth door was used by the experienced ninja Mitekai, even with Rock Lee's physical condition, the situation of the battle would be completely different.

At least it is impossible to be unscathed and uninjured.

This is the gap against the enemy.

Of course, as long as Rock Lee accumulates experience in the future, he will also be able to gain enough ability to fight against the enemy, but at that time, I am afraid it will still be difficult to defeat Gaara, who has gained the same amount of experience, in terms of ability to fight against the enemy.

This is, talent.

This is also a huge advantage of genius over other ninjas.

At the same time, it is also the reason why Maitekai is now shaken.

"Of course!"

But upon hearing this sentence, the man in the silver moon black robe who understood why Maitekai said that made such a voice that made Maitekai startled.

"Ordinary people want to surpass geniuses, do they really regard geniuses as a stepping stone? Don't be too arrogant!"

Then, before Maitekai could react, the silver-moon black-robed man's words, which seemed to be full of reprimands, sounded again.

"The fifth door of the Eight Schools of Dunjia only wants to defeat the ninja who is already a genius and the future killer of Shayin Village. Are you lacking in people's hearts and want to swallow elephants like snakes?"

After that, looking at Maitekai who opened his mouth as if to say something, the man in the silver moon black robe almost didn't even give him a chance to speak, and said a series of words.

"Don't be stupid, it's only natural for Rock Lee to lose!"

In the end, the man in the black robe of Yinyue uttered such a sentence that seemed to kill his heart.

"Chi... Chiba?"

At this time, Matt Kay was completely dumbfounded.

Am I... making Chiba angry?

At the same time, such a dazed thought flashed through his mind.


But at this moment, a carrier pigeon flew from outside the window and landed on the shoulder of the man in the black robe of Yinyue.

"I still have something to do. In the next 24 hours, I will ask the hospital to assign a nurse to observe Li Locke's situation."

Afterwards, the man in the black robe of Yinyue, who took down the letter and looked at it, didn't say anything more. After raising his fingers, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Yu left Maitekai with a dazed expression on his face, blinking his eyes with a puzzled look on his face.

Chiba means...

Xiao Li is just too weak?

However, there was such a hesitation in his heart.

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