Chapter 2424 Strategy

This Haneda Kazuyo...

Who is it?

Looking down at the scroll in his hand, Watanabe Kencheng, who was already standing in the shadow of half a street outside the guest house of Caoyin Village, stopped, and couldn't help flashing through his mind that he got this scroll an hour ago Such a thought could not help flashing through my mind.

It is hard to imagine that his idea alone is better than any of the three plans conceived by the Konoha Defense Force, intelligence department, and related departments.

He already knew... no, did he already guess which three plans Konoha would come up with, and that's why he thought so?

Or, have you already guessed all the plans that Konoha can think of?

That's why they came up with such a better plan?

Then, after this thought flashed by, another thought came one after another, causing an uncontrollable astonishment to appear on his face.

Isn't this Haneda Ichiyo really Chiba-sama?

Then, in his mind, the handwriting and signature on the letter that had been burned appeared, but a layer of suspicion was cast on his face.

If it weren't for the information of the white pigeon that broke in suddenly, he would almost think that Haneda Yiye is his Master Chiba, Haneda Yiye's plan, the plan written on the scroll he is holding in his hand at this time, the style It is really similar to my Chiba-sama.

If it wasn't for the letter brought by the sudden intrusion of the white pigeon, he would definitely think that this Haneda Kazuyo is his own Chiba-sama.

After all, this letter, this letter to revise the covenant, was delivered by my Lord Chiba.

And Ichiyo Haneda didn't have any abnormal fluctuations of Chakra at that time, so it was impossible to have any remote operation. The pen and ink on the letterhead are still new.

There is no possibility of prior arrangement.

It is certain that Ichiyo Haneda and Chiba-sama who delivered this letter are not alone.

It is also because of this that he is so unbelievable now that there is still a person who can make such a strategic plan that is so similar to his Master Chiba, and even the level is almost exactly the same.

To be honest, Watanabe Kencheng still can't understand his feelings when he heard Haneda Ichiyo's explanation.

It can be said that up to now, the indescribable emotions at that time are still lingering in his heart.

Even thinking about it, it's still the same as back then.


so similar!

To be honest, at that time, he almost failed to focus on the strategy itself, but on the resemblance between this Haneda Kazuyo and his own Chiba-sama.

And he still remembered that at that time, after hearing Haneda Ichiyo said that there was a new plan, Haneda Kazuo just hesitated, and drew the military secrets of Caoyin Village that should not be passed on outside his eyes stroke by stroke.

To be honest, at that time, he almost didn't know how to react, and he didn't know whether he should read it. After all, this was the secret among the secrets of Caoyin Village. If it wasn't for the alliance relationship, maybe at that time, He will go to see it without hesitation.

But now, Caoyin Village is an ally recognized by Master Chiba, and whether it is political wisdom, military strength, or courage and courage, it is a rare ally.

Although it is just a small ninja village, it may not be able to become Konoha's official ally in terms of size.

However, in extraordinary times, extraordinary means, and for so many years, Konoha has also learned a lot of lessons in the three ninja world wars. It is not because of size and qualifications that one can become a qualified ally.

The characteristics shown by Caoyin Village are exactly what Konoha needs now.

Size doesn't matter, as long as Caoyin Village is reliable enough, Konoha has a way to make Caoyin Village have enough understanding to help Konoha change the situation in the entire ninja world.

This is Konoha's background, Konoha's self-confidence is also the strongest confidence in the ninja world!

And since Caoyin is already Konoha's rare ally, it is inconvenient to read the secrets of Caoyin Village.

Although Daren Village occupies a dominant position in the covenant relationship, this dominant position does not involve the secrets of the other party. Even, because of the relationship of the covenant, it is still necessary to avoid the secrets of the other party, so as not to What produced conflicts that undermined the covenant relationship.

Watanabe Kencheng doesn't know if other Dainin villages will do this, but Konoha has always followed this unspoken rule.

If it is known by accident, Konoha will also choose whether to inform the allies that they already know this part of the secret according to the situation at the time, reminding the allies to pay attention to protecting their secrets.

Of course, under some special circumstances, Konoha will also hide this layer.

However, like the situation that Haneda and Yin drew directly at that time, strictly speaking, Konoha basically avoided this kind of active exposure.

Therefore, Watanabe Kencheng at that time was really in a dilemma.

However, this dilemma did not last long. It was obvious that the topographic map was deeply in Haneda Heyin's head. Within a few minutes, a detailed topographic map of Caoyin Village was placed on him. In front of it, major military points are also marked.

Of course, with the level of detail of that topographic map, and Caoyin Village is not a big ninja village, Watanabe Kencheng can see the major military points without marking.

Then, before he could say anything, Haneda Kazuon at that time straightforwardly asked himself to watch together.

Obviously, he saw that he was in a dilemma.

And under the invitation of the other party, and since Haneda Kazuyo asked Haneda Kazuo to draw this kind of military secret in front of him, he must have great confidence in his plan, and he was not hypocritical at that time. Just look at it, and by the way, he also asked about Haneda Yiye's plan. ,

Afterwards, it seemed that he had become serious, Haneda Kazuyo didn't talk nonsense, and straightforwardly began to explain his strategic plan.

Actually, thinking about Ichiyo Haneda’s thoughts now, it’s quite simple. Generally speaking, instead of sending funds and personnel assistance, and traveling long distances, it’s better to set up an ambush at the shortest point to snipe All possible enemies can use offense as defense when necessary.

According to Haneda Ichiyo, although this matter, the news of the alliance between Caoyin Village and Muye Village is bound to be passed on to the major forces in the entire ninja world within a month, it is bound to cause a backlash. The think tanks of the major forces are not free, especially the think tanks of the four major ninja villages. Within a day after the news is sent back, they will definitely realize that Konoha did this to break the existing ninja. world pattern. In other words, they will definitely notice that such an alliance between Konoha and Kusakashi, coupled with the strength shown by Kusakashi, will definitely change the structure of the ninja world, and these are not what they are willing to see, so, when the time comes, the four major ninjas The village will definitely intervene, and Caoyin Village will inevitably face the direct attack of the Four Great Ninja Villages.

However, they will not face the attacks of the Four Great Ninja Villages at the same time.

According to Ichiyo Haneda's analysis, if something really happened, the worst case scenario would be that Caoyin Village was attacked by two Dainin Villages at the same time.

Moreover, it can't be a large-scale attack, it can only be an attack that is beneficial to the concealed elite squad.

Because, only if Cao Yin Village is wiped out or wiped out without anyone noticing in a short period of time, can Da Nin Village's goal of destroying Konoha's plan to change the structure of the ninja world be achieved. Optimal solution.

First of all, the reason Dainin Village attacked Caoyin because of the alliance between Konoha and Caoyin Village, is it really because of the alliance between Caoyin Village and Muye Village that changed the structure of the ninja world?

The answer is of course no!

The strength of Caoyin Village is indeed strong, but at best, it is just Xiaonin Village. Haneda Ichiba and Haneda Anna's fighting power is far beyond their own class. From the perspective of the lower ninja, it is indeed extremely terrifying. Even Haneda Kazuya Ye Fang is a top ninja, but that's just a jōnin, what about the elite jōnin and quasi-S or even S-level ninjas in the Great Ninja Village?

I'm afraid, it's still not enough to see!

At least, the strength shown by Ichiyo Haneda is not enough for these classes!

Even though Ichiyo Haneda, Anna Haneda and even Tatsuhiko Haneda are still young, they are all young geniuses, their future is limitless, and they have great potential, but that is just potential, not real strength and combat effectiveness.

In the future, they may become quasi-S or even S-level or even shadow-level existences of Dainin Village, but that is also the future, not the present.

But now, the strength shown by Caoyin Village is nothing but Xiaoren Village.

Even if these young geniuses grew up to be S-rank ninjas, wouldn't there be no Dainin Village?

Not to mention the existence of Daren Village, the number alone is probably much more than that of Caoyin Village.

Whether it is now or in the future, Caoyin Village will not shake the existence of Dainin Village, and Konoha and Caoyin Village cannot completely shake the general structure of the ninja world.

The Four Great Ninja Villages are not afraid of the Konoha Caoyin alliance itself, but the impact of the alliance between the two.

A single Ninja Village is nothing to be afraid of, but all the Ninja Villages plus Konoha, it is completely different.


The Four Great Ninja Villages directly attacked Caoyin Village in order to prevent other small ninja villages, because after Caoyin Village and Konoha formed an alliance, they also gave up living in the cracks like Caoyin, and all took refuge in Konoha, allowing Konoha to accumulate A very strong force.

A small ninja village may not be a cause for concern, but a group of ninja villages, in this era when the proportion of power in the ninja village is rising, that is two concepts.

A group of small ninja villages plus Konoha is enough to shake the big picture of the ninja world.

At that time, all the four major ninja villages will be in crisis, and there may be a crisis of destroying the village.

And as long as Caoyin Village is shattered in a short period of time, it can achieve an effect of killing chickens and monkeys, using the destruction or serious damage of Caoyin Village to warn all Xiaonin Villages, conveying the message that "this is the end of alliance with Konoha" Signal. Prevent Xiaonin Village from gathering towards Konoha, and give other Xiaonin villages a little bit of sweetness, and the current situation can basically be stabilized.

Secondly, the Daren Village will also consider that the one-month delay was announced by Konoha after all. Since Konoha wants to form an alliance with Xiaoren Village and send a friendly signal, Konoha will definitely protect Caoyin Village and send various All kinds of assistance, to show the importance he attaches to Xiaoren Village, and to win the favor of Xiaoren Village.

Therefore, Konoha will definitely help Caoyin Village.

Even the Dainin Village people still think that Konoha will definitely station troops in Caoyin Village. Although there may not be too many troops, if it is forced, it will easily turn into a ninja war.

It is inevitable to choose a surprise attack strategy in which a small number of elites do not know it.

That is to say, the four major ninja villages must send out elite teams to attack Caoyin Village, create chaos by assassinating the leader, and then take advantage of the chaos to cause the greatest damage with a small number of people, leaving Caoyin Village in a slump. To achieve the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.

Caoyin Village is located in the middle of the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire, with the Land of Earth to the north, the Land of Fire to the south, the Land of Rain to the west, the Land of Wind to the east, and the Land of Taki, which should never move. , even if the four major ninja villages launch a surprise attack, they must arrive one after another.

As for the matter of the four major ninja villages agreeing to jointly attack at a time, Haneda Ichiyo thinks it is unlikely. From the confirmation of the four major ninja villages to the launch of a surprise attack, if they agree together, it will inevitably be given to Konoha and Caoyin village. Adequate time for the arrangement was spot on. As I said before, the Four Great Ninja Villages also knew that Konoha predicted that they would attack.

The so-called speed is the most important thing in a soldier. If they agree to attack together, the geographical locations of Yunyin and Wuyin may take a few months to come here.

After a month or so, if there is another surprise attack, the consequences may be that the Four Great Ninja Village will suffer heavy losses. The best result is a stalemate, but if it is a stalemate, it will cause both sides to invest more troops. At that time, if one fails, it will be the Fourth Ninja World War.

Therefore, the four major ninja villages can only attack separately, and the first to come must be the ninjas of Yanyin Village, followed by the ninjas of Sand Yin Village, and finally the ninjas of Wuyin and Yunyin.

In other words, the first may be the coalition forces of Sand Yin and Yan Yin.

But now, knowing the order in which they dispatch troops, and predicting based on the time of information transmission, adding the geographical movement time, and supplemented by the military points drawn by Haneda Kazuo, Haneda Kazuyo almost marched all possible four major ninja villages. The route is deduced.

And Konoha only needs to send far fewer troops than the three aid plans to finalize the situation.

Even, it can give the Four Great Ninja Village some small hardships, such as destroying their elite troops.

After all, in terms of elite troops, Konoha is still the best in the ninja world in terms of overall strength.

Moreover, if Yan Yin or the coalition forces of Yan Yin and Sand Yin are wiped out from the beginning, then Yun Yin and Wu Yin may not necessarily attack.

This can also act as a deterrent.

Of course, Watanabe Kenshin believes that Haneda Ichiyo still has a set of specific operational plans to deal with various situations at that time, which can quickly disintegrate the offensive of the Four Great Ninja Villages and keep Caoyin Village.

It can be said that this plan of attacking as defense is definitely much better than the original three plans given by Konoha.

Also, the best solution!

And this kind of unexpected plan, which catches people's eyes and makes the enemy's eyes dark, is also that person's strategic style!

Konoha's patron saint, Taki Chiba's style!

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