Chapter 2423 Modify


Is this... asking for a covenant from me?

What do you mean?

Isn't it about how to help us?

and covenant...

what is the relationship?

Looking at Watanabe Kenmai who was holding the letter paper just passed by the white pigeon in one hand and with a serious face on the other side, Kazuyo Haneda and Kazune Haneda looked at each other, stunned and speechless.

Obviously, he was confused by Kencheng Watanabe's sudden turn.

It was just talking about the one-month delay, and then, in a blink of an eye, it mentioned the written covenant.

This... there is no necessary connection among them!

Moreover, what do you want a written covenant for?

"May I?"

However, seeing the dazed look of the two, Watanabe Kencheng slowly put down the letter paper in his hand, and with a bang, flames ignited from his fingers, instantly burning the small letter paper to ashes .

Can't you show us the news?

Seeing this scene, the bewildered look on the faces of Haneda Kazuo and Haneda Ichiyo suddenly receded, their brows were slightly frowned, but their expressions slowly became serious.


Afterwards, Haneda Kazuon simply took out the scroll of the covenant, and gently placed it in front of Watanabe Kencheng.

At this time, there is no need to talk nonsense. Since this incident is going to completely deepen the trust relationship with Konoha, and exchange the current risk for more future, then there is no need to hesitate here at all.

Moreover, in this written covenant, Konoha also added a lot of clauses to guarantee Konoha's dominance over the written covenant, and even has the final veto power, even if Yuze personally signed and sent it, and interacted with the third generation of Hokage. With a certain understanding, the third Hokage is still able to have veto power over allies for a certain period of time.

Of course, this certain period of time should not exceed three days.

In other words, although Konoha has given Caoyin Village unimaginable benefits, it also restricts Caoyin Village in many ways and guarantees its own dominance.

Of course, those unimaginable benefits have already satisfied Caoyin Village. In terms of dominance, this kind of covenant, even if it is a verbal agreement, is exchanged for other Danin villages. There must be many guarantees in the content of the covenant or agreement. right.

At this time, in fact, he is not afraid of what Kencheng Watanabe will do to this covenant.

The dominance is already in Konoha's hands, even if she doesn't give it now, if Konoha really wants to do something to the covenant, he can modify it as he wants. After all, Caoyin Village and Muye Village are not equal.

Moreover, no matter how Konoha elevates Kusanagi on the surface, and treats them as equals and kindly, after all, the strengths of Caoyin Village and Konoha Village are not equal after all, and in the ninja world, after all, strength is the most respected.

It's just that because of the coexistence of the ninja world, a set of game rules that rely on covenants and reputation has been developed.

How much limits the situation where absolute strength is respected.

It also gave Xiaonin Village a little bit of survival.

With this set of rules of the game, Daren Village would not dare to take the action of destroying the village easily, and at the same time must act within the rules, otherwise, it will easily become the target of public criticism.

And as long as things are done according to the rules, Xiaonin Village will not be squeezed dry. After paying a certain amount of blood and tears, it can be exchanged for the chance to survive in armed conflicts and even ninja world wars, as well as the power restored after the war.

The same is true for Xiaoren Village. In such a relationship, in peacetime, it clings to Daren Village and obtains aid to ensure a certain degree of prosperity. During the war, it is driven by Daren Village to pay the price and survive in the end, and then obtain Daren The village's assistance guarantees restoration and prosperity, and so the cycle continues, from the birth of the ninja world to the present.

But now, what Konoha has done and the benefits that Caoyin Village has received from heaven is to break this cycle.

Strengthen the relationship between Konoha and Caoyin Village, form a mutually beneficial alliance with Konoha as the absolute leader, and break the ninja world pattern.


As for Haneda and Yin's straightforward offer, Watanabe Kencheng didn't show anything unusual, but spread out the covenant scroll and searched carefully.


Want to modify the terms?

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuo and Haneda Ichiyo looked at each other again, their eyes full of doubts.



Why do you want to revise it at this time, is the letter just sent by the third Hokage?

If it is revised, what clauses should be revised?

Good for us, or bad?

In this doubt, Haneda Ichiyo and Haneda Kazuo frowned slightly.

It's just that, after all, Konoha is the absolute dominant party now, all they can do is wait, wait for Watanabe Kencheng to finish all this, and then, after finishing, they will check again, and then weigh whether they need to raise objections.

And then, the whole room fell into silence.

"Okay, please take a look."

However, the silence didn't last long, and soon Watanabe Kencheng seemed to have found the clause to be revised, and directly took out his pen and ink, and revised one of the above clauses and several clauses that followed.

Then, after finishing the modification, after marking it with red ink, he handed the scroll to Haneda Kazuo.

"This is?"

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuon did not open it, but looked at Kencheng Watanabe, expressing doubts.

"I just received the above message. There are a few clauses. Konoha feels that it is not suitable for the relationship with Caoyin Village now, so I have made some changes. Please read it. If there is anything inappropriate, you can discuss it with me, of course. , the current one, if you agree, will have the effect of the covenant, and will not become invalid due to modification."

Hearing this, Watanabe Kenshin smiled slightly, his face already had that kind look on his face, and he said so.


Still has the effect of the covenant?

What kind of medicine is this Konoha selling?

In this regard, Haneda Kazuo blinked his eyes, and like Haneda Kazuyo who was silent at the side, such a thought flashed in his mind.

However, although he was full of doubts in his heart, Haneda Kazuon opened the covenant very simply, and looked directly at the place marked with red ink without looking at other places.


But at a glance, a look of shock suddenly appeared on Haneda Kazuo's face, his eyes widened slightly uncontrollably, and when he looked up, the surprised sentence in his mouth blurted out.

"You read that right."

However, Watanabe Kencheng seemed to have expected such a reaction from Haneda Kazuo, and nodded with a smile, as if not surprised at all.

"Is this... unfair to Konoha?"

In this regard, Haneda Kazuo said so.

"Haha! Master Heyin, you are really joking. The previous covenant was unfair to you. This is the covenant that Konoha should show."

Hearing this, Watanabe Kenshin shook his head and said.

And speaking of the latter, his face was already serious, as if what Konoha should do.


In this regard, Haneda Heyin suddenly stood up, bowed ninety degrees, and said solemnly: "Thank you! I'm sorry, I doubted Konoha's sincerity before!"

But he thanked and apologized at the same time.


Hearing this sound, Watanabe Kencheng also stood up abruptly, bowed ninety degrees, and said solemnly: "We should apologize for delaying this matter. We should discuss it with Caoyin Village. It is an honor for Konoha to form an alliance with a ninja village like Caoyin Village."

But he apologized and thanked him at the same time.

What is this... for?

But this scene blinded Haneda Kazuyo, turned his head to look at Haneda Kazuo, then at Watanabe Kencheng, and looked at the way the two bowed to each other, blinking their eyes with doubts on their faces.

However, his doubts didn't last long. Soon, after the mutual courtesy, the two straightened up. After noticing Haneda Kazuyo's dazed expression, Haneda Kazuo handed him the covenant.

And after looking at it, Haneda Ichiyo's eyes immediately showed a touch of shock, and he glanced several times at Watanabe Kencheng, who was seated separately from Haneda Kazune.

This is really...

After several glances, Haneda Kazuyo slowly regained his senses, and at the same time, he also understood why Haneda Kazuo stood up and bowed to thank and apologize.

Konoha, this time is really generous!


It should be said that the skill of harmony is really beautiful!

At this moment, on the covenant he saw, where the red ink marked, the original clauses had been crossed out, representing the clause "Konoha can take back the covenant within three days", crossed out.

Instead, there are some clauses that Konoha has the right to unilaterally cancel the covenant if Hidden Grass Village violates the obligations of allies.

In other words, Konoha has already acknowledged this covenant.

The originally half-effective covenant has officially come into effect at this time, as long as Yuze's signature is added or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

Of course, in terms of form, Yuze's signature is still required.

It can be said that Konoha has recognized Caoyin Village's ally, and from now on, Caoyin Village is Konoha's official ally.

And the reason why Konoha did this is naturally because Heyin's move just now, let Konoha's senior management and even the third Hokage understand the value of Caoyin Village, or in other words, the performance of Caoyin Village is exactly what Konoha wants.

That's why the terms were revised and the ally relationship was directly recognized.

As for how the Third Hokage or Konoha's other high-level officials knew, after all, the ninja was born in a cunning way and was good at intelligence and assassination, so naturally he had means.

Even Haneda Kazuyo himself has many ways to obtain real-time information from He Yin's side when He He Yin is not in the same place.

"Mr. Ichiba, do you have any questions?"

At this time, Watanabe Kencheng said as he was seated.

Instead, he looked at Haneda Kazuyo, seeking his opinion.

Although this Haneda Ichiyo is not one of the people in charge of Caoyin Village, Konoha can still see from the Chunin exams until now that the importance of Haneda Ichiyo is at least at the level of the future of Caoyin Village.

In addition to his face, as Watanabe Kencheng who has experienced that era, he also asked subconsciously.

However, this is just a polite question, Haneda Kazuo has said so, and this adjustment is also extremely beneficial to Caoyin Village, and it can make it feel at ease, let alone Haneda Ichiyo, even if it is Chiba-sama , from the standpoint of Caoyin Village, it must be no problem.


However, just under this question, between these words, Haneda Kazuyo casually pushed the covenant aside, looked at Watanabe Kencheng with a serious face, and said so.

There is a problem with this matter.


What's the problem?

When he heard this sentence, Watanabe Kencheng, who was originally only asking a polite question, couldn't help it, his face and eyes were full of astonishment. there still a problem?

Can Caoyin Village have any dissatisfaction?

And he couldn't figure it out.

In this situation, it can be said that Caoyin Village is extremely generous. He even didn't understand why the higher-ups temporarily asked to revise the terms that were most beneficial to Konoha, released considerable dominance, and set the "Russia Caoyin Village" If you violate the ally's obligations, you can unilaterally cancel the covenant," such loose regulations.

Even, deep down in his heart, he somewhat disagreed.

But now, such a generous treaty, no, it should be said that it is an unprecedented agreement between the Great Ninja Village and the Little Ninja Village, and there are still problems?

Ichiyo Haneda, is it possible that he wants to push his nose on his face?

And in his heart, a little anger was almost wiped out.

"Any questions about the covenant?"

However, although he was already a little angry in his heart, Watanabe's face was still kind and humble.

one leaf...

What's going on here?

At the same time, Haneda Heyin at the side also didn't understand what could be wrong.

However, although he didn't understand, Haneda Kazuon still didn't say much, just watched quietly.

For Haneda Ichiyo, He Yin still absolutely believes in him when it comes to the covenant.

"No, it's not about the covenant."

And hearing Watanabe Kenshin's kind and humble words, Haneda Kazuyo shook his head and said so.

"It's not about the covenant?"

In this regard, Watanabe Kencheng was slightly taken aback, and said blankly.

Not a covenant?

So what's the problem?

And in his heart, there was something he couldn't understand.

"Teacher Heyin, can you draw all the traffic arteries and terrain outside our Caoyin Village?"

To this, Haneda Kazuyo did not answer directly, but looked at Harmony and said.

"Traffic and terrain?"

Hearing this, Haneda Kazuon's face stiffened slightly, and he spoke.

"This...isn't appropriate?"

Regarding this, Watanabe Kencheng also hurriedly said.

Caoyin Village's main traffic routes and the terrain outside are all military secrets, and even his own people can't easily watch them, let alone him, a person from outside the village.

Although Konoha and Caoyin Village have formed an alliance and are formal allies, formal allies cannot watch this kind of military secrets.

Now, listening to Haneda Kazuyo's intention, he wants to reveal this military secret to himself.

How can this be?

This is absolutely not allowed!

Even if Kusakashi is willing, as a member of Konoha, he is determined not to watch it.

"Please trust me."

Regarding this, Haneda Kazuyo looked at Haneda Heyin and said word by word.

"What do you want?"

Hearing this, even though she still had great trust in Haneda Kazuyo, Haneda Kazuo couldn't help but become serious and asked. ,

It was a matter of military secrets, and Haneda Kazuo couldn't be careless, even if the other party was Haneda Kazuyo.

"As for the plan, I have a better plan."

And hearing this sentence, Haneda Ichiyo didn't hold back, and said directly.

better one……


As soon as these words came out, Haneda Kazuon and Watanabe Kencheng were all taken aback.

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