Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2298 the other side

At this time, on the other side, in the underground secret room of the Konoha Information Office.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

Gently put down the document in his hand, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure walking out of the secret door, the intelligence ninja hurried out of the document area, stepped forward, bowed at forty-five degrees, and saluted respectfully, saying: Say hello.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

And in this secret room with plenty of light even though it is underground, the figure slowly revealed, nodded slightly, and said.

"Third Hokage-sama, who is this? We will send the information to the Hokage office later, and I'm sorry to trouble the Third Hokage."

And upon hearing this, the intelligence ninja showed a look of shame on his face.

From his words, it can be seen that this intelligence ninja feels that his speed of obtaining information is too slow, and the third Hokage can't wait to come over and check it out for himself.

This is his dereliction of duty.

"No, please don't care, it's just that I can't wait."

In this regard, the third Hokage was naturally aware of the self-blame of this intelligence ninja, and hurriedly said.


Hearing this, the intelligence ninja quickly responded.

However, the ashamed expression on his face did not dissipate much, and it still seemed that he was quite self-blaming.

Regarding this, Sandai Hokage took a puff of cigarette lightly, a sigh flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say much after all.

And soon, his gaze was attracted by the things placed in the center of the basement.

"Is this what you found?"

Almost instantly, his eyes flashed with astonishment, and his face instantly became dignified.

At this moment, on the left side of the intelligence ninja, directly in front of him, there is something like a mortuary. On it, there is a humanoid lignified mummy or something like a corpse or something. something to carve.

"Yes! Exactly!"

In this regard, the intelligence ninja followed his gaze and quickly responded.


Hearing this, the Third Hokage who received an affirmative response almost took two quick steps, stopped in front of the mortuary, and looked down solemnly.

At this moment, it was unknown whether it was a sculpture or a corpse. It looked completely woody, and it looked like a human-shaped piece of wood. The entire left chest disappeared, showing a round, hollow, human-shaped piece of wood.

There are clumps of thorns growing all over the body. It looks like the center of a thorn bush, but the thorns growing from all parts of its body have been staged. At this time, only one by one can be seen. The thorny stake, and the face part also showed a screaming appearance, but it had thorns growing from the left cheek to the forehead, and even in the mouth, and the face could no longer be distinguished.

Moreover, even without these thorns, it is impossible to distinguish the face. At this moment, from its body, you can see the bandages that have been wrapped in wood, and you can't see his face clearly.

No, Nobuhiko Uchiha...

But at this time, such a thought flashed through the mind of Sandai Hokage.

At this moment, the wooden thing in front of his eyes seemed to be carved and looked like a corpse. It was dug out from the center of the huge thorn bush that suddenly appeared like a flower in the dead forest.

Jiraiya also reported that it was related to Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Two days ago, Jilai also returned to the village under his order, but broke into his office in a hurry, saying that he was in the forest of death, and found a suspected trace of Mudun, that is, Nobuhiko Uchiha.

At the moment, he told himself all the inferences he had found about this flower-like thorn bush.

And he also sent the intelligence department directly to the death forest immediately, according to Jiraiya's speculation, dug up the thorn bush, and took out such a thing from the most central position.

Of course, this is all confidential.

After all, the Chunin Exam is still going on now. For Konoha, this is also the most important. The trace of Uchiha Nobuhiko is indeed the top priority. When necessary, you can also because of this matter, Stop the Chunin Exam, but now, before everything is clear, the Chunin Exam must also be taken into account.

And now, the thing in front of him, according to Jiraiya, should be a participant of the Chunin Exam, or an intruder who mixed in this Chunin Exam.

"I found out, which village is the participant?"

And after taking a look at this, Sandai Hokage also started to ask about the identity of the guy in front of him who seemed to be a sculpture and should be a corpse.

"No! There are no records."

In this regard, the intelligence ninja shook his head. As a professional intelligence ninja who can stay in this underground secret room, this intelligence ninja is not an ordinary intelligence ninja. He has already remembered all the information about the corpse in front of him. Convenient for the above inquiries.

At this time, the above naturally began to ask.

At the moment, he also looked serious.

"Really...then, do you know which ninja village it is from?"

In this regard, the third Hokage asked, but his face slowly became dignified.

Since he is not a test participant, then he is an infiltrator, and according to Jiraiya's inference, this should be a ninja who has reached the S-level standard line. This is already a provocation and demonstration to Konoha.

If he doesn't handle it well, it can easily turn into a war.

If you overreact, that is the consequence of war.

But if the reaction is too slight, then it is Konoha showing weakness, which is absolutely not acceptable.

Therefore, at this time, the first thing to do is to investigate the identity of this corpse.

"Don't know, there is no information explaining his identity."

In response to this, Anbu Ninja's face slowly turned serious, and he spoke.

This is also a difficult place. As an intelligence ninja, and an intelligence ninja in a very important position, he knows exactly what this means.

What happened to such an important Chunin exam, not to mention being infiltrated unknowingly, is still a ninja who can launch such a powerful jutsu, the meaning behind this can already rise to serious military and political incidents.

All this indicates that the era of peace may be coming to an end.

In other words, if one is not handled well, it will be the end of the war.

After all, he went to the excavation site, and he knew very well the power of the technique launched by the corpse and the meaning behind it.


Regarding this, Sandai Hokage's brows also slowly frowned, and the frowns became tighter, a look of worry slowly appeared on his face.

"So, how much information can be found from this corpse?"

Then, he took a deep breath and asked.

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