Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2297 Passed


Was seen through!

Eyes widened slightly, Tatsuhiko Haneda almost stopped breathing when he heard these words, looking at the Haneda who turned his head in front of him with that kind of carefree smile on his face that seemed to see through everything Yiye, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

For a moment, some didn't know what to say.


Then, in the next second, Haneda Kazuyo, who was also looking at Haneda Tatsuhiko, had a clear smile on the corner of his mouth.


But upon hearing this sentence, Haneda Tatsuhiko's expression completely changed, becoming rather ugly.

This guy!

Then, in the next moment, the ugly expression was instantly replaced by a kind of anger. Obviously, Haneda Tatsuhiko was really angry.

This Haneda Kazuyo did it on purpose. He deliberately mentioned the names of Beard Beard and Sister Aju. It was actually a test. At the beginning, Haneda Kazuyo was not sure what he did, but only vaguely guessed that he might have contacted Beard Beard. The fact that Team 1 and Sister Aju’s Team 1 did not arrive was related to me, but it was not confirmed. After all, when the second contact was made, the two teams could no longer be contacted. At that time, there was no information that could absolutely prove that they had arrived. converged.

From Haneda Ichiyo's point of view, he didn't know that he and the two teams had joined, and when they made contact for the second time, only the two of them were heading towards the central tower at high speed.

There is no direct evidence or intelligence to prove that they have joined together, and they poisoned the two teams to lose their ability to move.

In other words, the two teams couldn't get in touch, and Haneda Kazuyo didn't know it was their strategy.

In fact, he just needs to pretend to be stupid.

This is the temptation of this idiot Yiye.

And he perfectly fell into this idiot Yiye's trap and lost completely.


But thinking of this, Tatsuhiko Haneda turned his head angrily, folded his hands on his chest, but chose to ignore Kazuyo Haneda.


At the same time, Haneda Anna is quite firmly on the side of her childhood sweetheart.


Regarding this, Haneda Ichiyo smiled lightly, turned around, and didn't care.

Is it really the child's handwriting?

It's kind of scary.

But in his heart, there was a sigh like this.

At this moment, Haneda Kazuyo almost understood what was going on, and through probing Haneda Tatsuhiko, he had thoroughly confirmed that the bearded man and Aju were indeed the ghosts of Tatsuhiko.

As for what means to use, Haneda Ichiyo is also roughly clear.

After all, it was absolutely impossible for Xing Nai who was following him to have such an idea.

The only possibility, what made the bearded man and Aju suddenly unable to communicate, could only be what Long Yan did.

As for what kind of method was used, Haneda Kazuyo also had a rough idea. Based on Tatsuhiko's habit, he probably gained their trust first. Of course, since he was a partner in the village, this step could basically be omitted, and then he gathered them together. , there happened to be a meeting point, and he reckoned that he was using his own idea to bring the two teams together.

Then, take a pot and poison it directly.

Finally, hide them who are in a poisoned coma or other symptoms to ensure their safety.

In other words, the current Haneda Kazuyo, the reason why he is not worried about the two teams of Aju and Beard, is because he knows that Haneda Tatsuhiko has arranged them properly.

At this time, it was precisely because of Long Yan's proper arrangement that he felt terrible.

As a child of six or seven years old, even Haneda Kazuyo was a little at a loss for being able to do this.


At a loss.

At this time, Haneda Kazuyo was more helpless than relieved.

"It's changed a lot, Long Yan!"

But at this time, it seemed subconsciously, he murmured.


Obviously, neither Haneda Tatsuhiko nor Haneda Anna had expected Haneda Ichiyo to say that, they were almost agitated, and looked at the back that was facing away from them, which seemed to be unexpectedly different from before, and at the same time, blinked He blinked his small eyes twice, and said this unconsciously in his mouth.

"Then, it's over, this exam, advanced."

However, there was no response to their cry. Haneda Ichiyo just said so, and took out two scrolls from his arms, one for "Heaven" and one for "Earth".

"Chick! Chick!"

Then, after the scrolls were torn apart, two balls of white smoke spewed out from the gaps opened by the two scrolls.

Haneda Kazuyo didn't hesitate, and threw the two scrolls out.

"Crack! Crack!"

While the scrolls were in mid-air, they seemed to be attracted by something, and they automatically changed into a state of landing side by side. At the same time, the two spells side by side were also exposed.

This side-by-side appearance is exactly the combination of two spells into one spell.


In an instant, the moment it landed, a larger white mist exploded.


Looking at the huge white mist, Haneda Ryuhiko, who was attracted by his eyes, frowned, and the corners of his eyes revealed a touch of solemnity.

Although it seems that the exam is over now, they must have passed, but after all, they have not really passed, so they still have to be a little bit on guard.

"So, does it pass?"

But compared to Tatsuhiko Haneda, Kazuyo Haneda seemed much more casual, at this moment, he said so.

"Yes! Congratulations!"

And just as this sound fell, in the white mist that had not yet dissipated, such a sound came immediately.

With this sound, the white mist also slowly dissipated, revealing the figure of the Konoha ninja.


Chiba... my lord?

But at the moment when the white mist dissipated, Konoha Ninja, who subconsciously responded, opened his eyes wide open. Looking at Haneda Kazuyo in front of him, such a thought subconsciously flashed through his mind.




Is this the Haneda Ichiyo of Caoyin Village that was rumored in the village to be exactly the same as Chiba-sama?

However, he soon understood.

"Then, we'll leave first."

But at this time, Haneda Kazuyo didn't seem to care about the face of the Konoha ninja in front of him. After greeting the two children behind him, the three of them bypassed the Konoha ninja together and opened the door from behind the Konoha ninja. secret door, and went in.

Completed this exam.

What a gaffe!

While watching Haneda Yiye and the others leave, Konoha Ninja had such a shy thought flashing through his mind.

I don't know, what happened to Naruto?

It should be possible to pass.

However, when his eyes returned to the closed door in front of him, such a worrying thought could not help but arise in his heart.

Then, at this second, his expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked back.

"Don't worry, Uzumaki Naruto will be here soon."

At this moment, behind him, there was a voice like an auditory hallucination.

However, behind him, there was no one.

Only, the slowly closing secret door.

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