Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2147 Legacy!

This is……

Leave it to me!

Seeing the scroll where most of the scorching heat dissipated after the crimson color dissipated, for no reason, such an affirmative thought suddenly popped up in Qianye's heart.

Although this phenomenon can't explain too much, there may be many other speculations in it. This scroll is not left for him to speculate, but Qianye seems to know that this scroll is left for him.

And the reason why Xue Nai held it so tightly, even at the end of her life, was because this scroll was for him.

It is precisely because it is for him that Xue Nai is so obsessed with this scroll.

This is, the scroll for him!

And the person who wants to give him this scroll is not Namikaze Minato.



Yes, this scroll was given to him by Kushina!

Not Namikaze Minato!

Namikaze Minato just helped Kushina to preserve Kushina's bequest to the seal in this scroll!

This scroll is not for Kushina to leave to his child Naruto, but to his disciple, Taki Chiba!


But thinking of this, the white air of chi chi chi seemed to intensify again, biting her lower lip slightly, Qianye's hand holding the scroll tightened bit by bit, and the scroll was squeezed tightly. Creak creak.


Nine Tails' Chakra.

Yes, Chakra of Nine Tails!

But at this time, his heart was already clear.

He was very clear about the crimson color that escaped just now, and the burning sensation on the scroll.

Even, he is very familiar with it.

This feeling is exactly the same as the crimson chakra he felt in his mental space before.

There is no doubt that this is Nine Tails Chakra!

Kushina's Nine-Tails Chakra!

Obviously, the gossip seal carried on this scroll contains the chakra that seals the Nine Tails.

And now, Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki has become Naruto, and Kushina doesn't need to leave Nine-Tails Chakra as a gift to Naruto, Naruto himself can get Nine-Tails through the Nine-Tails Chakra overflowing from the gossip seal Chakra, there is no need to leave such a nine-tailed chakra scroll.

Obviously, this scroll cannot be given to Naruto.

Leaving this scroll, according to Jiu Xinnai's interpersonal relationship, it can only be left to his disciples as a teacher.

The power of self-protection left to the disciples.

After all, from the beginning to the end, for these disciples, Kushina always felt guilty because of his identity as Nine-Tails Jinzhuriki and was unable to go out to the village for missions.

Including the devil training and constant actual combat, Jiu Xinnai is making up for his inability to truly protect his disciples as a teacher.

In Konoha, there is no teacher who can carry out such devil training. This kind of full-combat devil training is also a great consumption for the teacher, and it is easy to have accidents in actual combat. As a teacher, it takes a lot of energy. Controlling one's strength within a safe range with great mental strength is much more tiring than normal fighting. Even a battle of the same level and intensity, this kind of actual combat training basically consumes less mental and physical energy. 1.5 times to 3 times the real battle.

Moreover, with the growth of the strength of the disciples, the effort to get closer to the teacher will be doubled.

As for Jiu Xinnai, under such circumstances, he would also bother to consider their nutritional mix, and make bento for them. The mental and physical effort spent here is incalculable.

It can be said that in order to make up for the regret and guilt of not being able to take them out of the village for missions, Kushina's dedication to them may far exceed the level she would treat Naruto if she was alive.


I am afraid that Jiuxinna treats them with more dedication than she treats her own children.

Having a teacher like Kushina is definitely the greatest luck for Chiba and the others!

Also, the best teacher in the world!

And Kushina would definitely do such a thing. Before he died, he gave Nine-Tails' Chakra as a gift, a bequest, and left it to his disciples.

As for why Chiba thinks it is for him, it is not because Yukina and Hirohiko have passed away, but because among the three disciples of Kushina, he is the only one who is proficient in sealing techniques and can properly handle the Nine-Tails Chakra.

Moreover, whether it is Yukina or Hirohiko, as the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan, the amount of chakra of both of them is actually described as huge.

Especially Xue Nai, who definitely has the chakra of the tailed beast level, and the chakra volume of the upper middle level of the tailed beast level is so huge that the consumption of soft fists and white eyes can almost be said to be an endless level.

And Hirohiko, who is inferior, also has more chakras than Chiba Jingmen model, infinitely close to the Tailed Beast level.

The Nine-Tails Chakra, the two of them are really useless.

Only Chiba, and only himself, can use this Nine-Tails Chakra. Compared with Hirohiko and Yukina, even if the Jingmen Mode is turned on, his Chakra is definitely not as good as them.

After all, the eight-door mode is a technique that is harmful to oneself, and even consumes life. Although Jiu Xinnai didn't say anything, she definitely didn't want Chiba to use it frequently, and she definitely didn't want Chiba to rely on this mode. .

This Nine-Tails Chakra is Kushina's worry and worry about him!

As for why it is concluded that this scroll was left by Kushina, not Namakaze Minato, Chiba has no absolute evidence to prove it, and there is no absolute inference to conclude.

But, he just knew.

I just know that it was left by Kushina.

And it was left to him!

Here, there is no need for any evidence or inference at all!

This is……

Kushina left behind!


This is,

The bond between him and Kushina!

Now, there is no reason to give up on yourself.

There is no reason to give up on yourself to destroy the world, destroy yourself...

And aware of this, feeling the scorching heat that can be felt even through the thin armor of the rock hardening technique, Chiba's hands began to tremble slightly.

Also at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind. Under this strong emotional impact, he had grasped something that he had vaguely felt before but could not grasp at all. up.

Yes, destroy the world or something!

Vent your dissatisfaction, resentment, resentment, grief or something!

It's just giving up on yourself!

Now, with everything he has, how can he allow him to give up on himself like this?

Then, it's done!

Just do it!

Although I don't know what kind of plans my past self has, no matter how terrifying "it" is, everything I carry on my body is no longer just me!

Just do it!

After figuring out everything about this scroll, feeling the heat in his hands, Chiba stared at the cold front of Xue Nai's smile, but still blooming with beautiful brilliance, and slowly, he smiled slightly.

I always feel that you...

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