Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2146 Discovery


Xue Nai... the scroll left behind?

His eyes fell on Xue Nai's other hand, the strange object appeared in his pupils, Qianye frowned slightly.

At this moment, in his gaze, Xue Nai's left hand was holding a scroll, an unfamiliar scroll.

And subconsciously, Qianye stretched out her hand, about to pick up the scroll.

I didn't want to grab it, but found that Xue Nai's grip was so tight. With this pull, Xue Nai's already stiff left hand was brought up.

Is this some important scroll?

After being slightly surprised, Chiba's face immediately became serious, and after gently and carefully putting the scroll back to its original position, he turned around and got down from the bed, and after going around in a circle, he arrived at Xue Nai's left side. Only then carefully began to break off Xue Nai's left hand that was tightly holding the scroll.

Obviously, this scroll is really a very important scroll, at least to Xue Nai. It took Chiba almost a lot of effort to separate Xue Nai's fingers and get this scroll.


And after carefully placing Xue Nai's left hand on her right hand on her chest and abdomen, and holding the scroll that was almost pinched by Xue Nai with five finger prints sunk in, Qianye's face changed slightly, and she was originally serious. His expression slowly changed to one of astonishment.

A hot feeling came from the scroll, and suddenly, he could hardly hold the scroll.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

And with the transfer of heat, Qianye almost quickly covered a layer of rock-hardened thin armor on his hands before he could barely hold the scroll.

So hot!

After the burning pain in his hand subsided, Qianye was slightly relieved, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

However, this scroll should be made of very ordinary paper, um... no, it is stronger than usual, and it is the highest specification paper used by the most high-end arts in the village that require paper as the medium.

The whole is made of more than a dozen kinds of plants that are unique to the Naruto world, using a special test solution related to Chakra as a mixing agent. It can be said that Konoha Village is the best paper medium in this era.

Great for sealing.

However, I remember that because the required plants are spread all over the Naruto world, some of them belong exclusively to other ninja villages, so the output is quite small. The storage in the village is still left over from the past, and there is nothing new now. inventory.

It belongs to using one less one.

And the inventory in the village is not much.

Those who can use this kind of paper, except for the upper echelons of the village, are some tasks that require this kind of paper.

And an application is required.


Definitely something very important.

But at this time, thinking of this, seeing white air start to rise from his hands, Qianye was convinced of something.

This scroll is definitely a very important thing. It can be seen from its material that the rarity of this kind of paper and the skills it can hold as a medium are all extraordinary.

It is also unusual for Konoha.

"Huh? This is..."

And at this time, as if to verify Chiba's guess, Chiba, who was isolated from the heat under the rock hardening technique, slowly turned the scroll, and soon flipped to the opening of the scroll.

Then, he discovered that the opening of the scroll was a very high-level sealing technique.

A sealing technique that belongs to the four-image seal system, but surpasses the four-image seal system.

Gossip seal.

That's right, at this moment, at the opening of the scroll, there is the Bagua seal created by Namikaze Minato, which was born out of the Sixiang seal.

This scroll was left by Namikaze Minato!

Almost instantly, after Qianye saw this sealing technique, he had already determined the ownership of this scroll in his heart.


Why did Namikaze Minato leave such a scroll?

In the original book, after he sealed Nine-Tails, he died, and it was impossible to leave scrolls or anything.

This is also, because this is a real world, so there are things that are not depicted in the original book?


That can't be the case!

This should be a normal phenomenon. The Naruto world still seems to be the same as that depicted in the original book, but it is already different, and there are many differences.

It should be said that the original book only depicts a small part of the world.

And the operation of a world, with so many small details, so many butterfly wings, it is normal that there are some differences.

Very normal thing!

While the original can still be used as a reference, a very accurate reference, it no longer covers everything.

No matter what comes up, I don't need to doubt it.

The traverser does know everything, but not all the details!

The key, now is this scroll, who is Namikaze Minato left this scroll for.

Is it for the village?

Or leave it to someone.

For example, Naruto and the like.

At that time, only Xue Nai and Sandai Hokage were present. If this scroll was given to the village, it should be given to Sandai Hokage. If it was really given to the village, Sandai Hokage should be taken away now.

Now, the words that fell into Xue Nai's hands.

Then, it should be for someone, and the person who gave it was approved by the third Hokage. At that time, Namikaze Minato should have a last word, specifying who it was for, and the third hokage must have heard it and approved this person.

Otherwise, if that person is not a person approved by the third generation, the third generation will definitely take away the scroll at that time.

It won't be in Xue Nai's hands in the end.

That is to say, this scroll is for the person Namikaze Minato fancy, and it was handed over by Xue Nai.

In the next second, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

Soon, he concluded that this scroll was for an individual.

As for who it was, Chiba couldn't guess.

After all, although he and Namikaze Minato are both teachers and friends, they don't have much contact with each other on weekdays. It belongs to the kind of relationship where the friendship between gentlemen is shallow, and they only find each other at critical times, and they can trust each other.

Chiba is actually not very clear about Namikaze Minato's interpersonal relationship.

Apart from Naruto, Chiba couldn't think of anyone to choose.

Looking back, ask the third Hokage...

And thinking of this, such a thought turned in Qianye's heart.


However, just when this thought flashed in his mind, a ray of crimson color slowly emerged from the gossip seal at the seal, like light smoke Generally, escaped.

In a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the air.


Seeing the crimson color dissipate, Qianye's face froze slightly.

This is for me!

At the same time, such a thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

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