Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2134 determination

"What's the matter? How did you get such a serious injury?"

"Quick! Hurry up, there is an overly wounded person here!"

"Preliminary diagnosis, atrophy due to lack of cells all over the body, accompanied by excessive blood loss, hurry up! Gather all the ninjas who know medical ninjutsu, prepare for infusion, and prepare for first aid!"

"He, how did he survive! Such a state... Hurry up, what are you doing in a daze! Go straight to medical ninjutsu, chakra, and prepare for infusion on the move!"

In the originally quiet backup medical ninja camp, after the figures who arrived almost at the same time settled down, the whole camp seemed to explode, and all the medical ninjas in the camp were surrounded by several medical captains. Amidst this series of loud and nervous roars, they quickly gathered together, and along with the stretcher, they rushed into the most central and largest tent in the medical camp.

"Xue Nai, what are you doing?"

At this time, the third Hokage who rushed to the medical ninja camp for the first time had already handed Naruto to a reliable dark army leader who was on standby at the medical ninja camp and was also responsible for guarding the camp, and motioned him to go back immediately and send Naruto to the hospital. People are protected.

And this Anbu captain can be regarded as a confidant cultivated by the third Hokage. Although the third Hokage only gave him a look, he understood immediately and didn't say much at the moment. Leaving, I chose a very secret road and headed towards the village.

There is a reason why this wave of Feng Minato chose this area as the place to finally seal Nine Tails.

Here, there seems to be nothing, it looks like a mountain forest, there are some man-made traces, it looks like an area like a long-abandoned forest farm, but this can be said to be a hidden refuge in Konoha. Covered by mountains and forests, there are countless hidden roads leading to various places.

And geographically, it is actually very close to Muye Village. It seems far away, but it is actually quite close.

In about ten minutes, Naruto will be able to reach Konoha's most secret and strongest refuge through the special secret passage here. At that time, there will be a special security force to protect him layer by layer, unless the entire tree leaves Ye Village is destroyed, otherwise, Naruto will be safe.

And here, this medical camp, also has a considerable defense force, and now it can be said to be safe.

Since Qianye was able to come back safely and gained so many incredible powers, I am afraid that Nobuhiko Uchiha is more or less lucky. From the perspective and experience of the third Hokage, this can be seen to some extent.

He can still infer that it is safe now.

However, it is still far from a sigh of relief.

And at this moment, the captain of the dark troop had just left, and Xue Nai, who had already handed Chiba over to the medical team, gritted her teeth lightly, a look of determination flashed across her face again, and she walked towards the center and the largest one without a word. His tent is also Chiba's emergency tent.

Subconsciously, the sentence "Three Hokages" blurted out in confusion.

The deputy commander of the defense force, he still has detailed information, she doesn't know any medical ninjutsu.

Although I understand that Xue Nai's unexpected hand knife just now was to interrupt Chiba's technique and save Chiba's life.

However, it doesn't mean that Xue Nai is rational now.

Now Chiba's situation is very dangerous, even as Hokage, he can only leave everything to the medical team and let experts treat him.

This medical camp belongs to the emergency camp, and it is also the place where the important wounded are transferred in case of an emergency in Konoha Village. The quality of medical ninjas is quite high. It can't be cured.

The third Hokage at this time was afraid that Xue Nai would not be rational enough, and would do something irreversible, and feel guilty all his life.

So, subconsciously, he asked with a sense of stopping.

"Chiba lost too much blood, and he has a rare RH blood type. Only my blood type matches him."

However, contrary to what he thought, Xue Nai was very rational. After hearing this sound, she stopped, turned around, and spoke.


Hearing this sound, Sandai Hokage was slightly taken aback. He hadn't noticed Chiba's blood type.

"RH blood type? Rare blood type? This... this...even the village doesn't have enough reserves, such a blood loss! Besides, it's too late to use it!"

And at this time, at the right time, there was a cry of despair in the camp.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

At this moment, Xue Nai said.


But rarely, upon hearing this undeniable fact, the Third Hokage closed his eyes, with a sad look on his face, he almost hesitated for a moment, looked at Xue Nai again, and saw Xue Nai's resolute After the unchangeable look in his eyes, he nodded helplessly and sadly, and agreed to Xue Nai's request.

"Thank you, three generations of Hokage-sama, only, only Qianye can't die."

And hearing this sound, Xue Nai bowed slightly, and after saluting, she walked towards the tent.


When will you be unable to let go of Chiba?

Just at this moment, she turned around, turned her back to the Sandai Hokage stall, and looked at the medical ninjas who could be seen through the tent door not far away, but there was a faint smile on the corner of Xue Nai's mouth.

In my mind, that day and that night came to mind.

I lost to that ninja from Iwagakure. When I was knocked unconscious, I saw the picture of that boy. I could even feel the pair of firm hands on her shoulders and legs, grasping very tightly. , but inexplicably made her blush and heartbeat.

At that time, in order to restrain the inexplicable blushing and heartbeat, she couldn't help but slapped him.

Although she knew that this boy was Konoha's ninja, she still couldn't help but hit him.

He even called the young man who saved her a "disrespectful person".

At that time, I was really too much.

However, I really didn't hold back, almost subconsciously.


But thinking of this, Xue Nai suddenly laughed out of apology, a rare, undisguised smile.

Some sweet, some shy...

laughed out.

And in her mind, it was the look of the boy raising his hands with an innocent face of "one of us".

At that time, his appearance was really...really...

so cute!

And as the smile burst out, a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.


Is it that time?

So, did you go to save him regardless of your own safety?

After that, a thought of enlightenment slowly appeared in her heart.

"Wait a minute, emergency room, idlers are not allowed to enter!"

But at this time, a serious scolding interrupted her memory.

"I'm RH blood type."

For this, Xue Nai seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said almost without thinking.


Hearing this, the medical staff who were noisy and hurried around suddenly fell silent, and all looked at the girl who suddenly walked in.

"Use my blood."

Regarding this, Xue Nai said with a calm face.

"You know you're talking about..."

And as soon as this sentence came out, a male medical staff who seemed to be more impatient said subconsciously.

"I see, please lie down."

But at this time, a female medical staff next to him suddenly interrupted his conversation, pointed to the empty hospital bed next to him, and said.

"team leader?"

In this regard, the male medical staff was slightly taken aback, and looked at the captain in charge of his team who was always prudent and cautious with a look of disbelief.

"Can't you see the kid's determination?"

But at this time, the female captain sighed, turned around, and prepared the equipment for blood transfusion.

Then, about thirty seconds later, Xue Nai lay down on the vacant hospital bed, turned her head slightly, and looked at Chiba on the hospital bed beside her.

That young man who has aged dozens of years, looks like a centenarian.

Then, she showed a satisfied smile.

In this way, it can be regarded as growing old with Chiba.

"Hold his hand, it's easier to transfuse."

At this time, the female medical team leader prepared all the blood transfusion equipment, and at the same time, put Qianye's thin and old hand next to hers, and said softly.


At this moment, seeing the gentle smile of the female medical captain and the understanding expression in the corners of her eyes and brows, she nodded slightly and thanked her.

Then, gently held the old hand.

Holding that one, she has been looking forward to being able to hold her own hand!

Like this thing about him.

Still don't tell him.

Then, after feeling the dry touch, she smiled again.

Staring fixedly at the old face, he smiled again.

Sweet smile.

After that, she smiled sweetly and closed her eyes.

Then, at this moment, the needle pierced into the arm of the young girl holding hands.

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