Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2133 Sudden rise


As if the entire throat was being choked, Qianye's eyes widened, with an unprecedented sense of astonishment and an unbelievable expression, little by little, like a machine, turned around with difficulty, and looked hard at Behind him, a word full of despair spit out slowly and slowly.

But this voice full of despair was hoarse as if it had been frosted, and every word was almost as if he had tried his best.

At this time, Qianye's body was not only dying, but his voice was also full of dying breath.

It was as if, from the inside out, he was already like a centenarian.

"How...how could..."


But at this moment, the pupil power that felt the terrifying sense of oppression that seemed to elicit the deepest fear suddenly disappeared, but the faces of the two attendants did not have the sense of relief that the sense of oppression and fear disappeared. On the contrary, their faces had already disappeared. I was shocked and amazed as if I saw something that was absolutely impossible.


And even the third Hokage, at this moment, was stunned a few steps behind Qianye's right, with one hand frozen in mid-air, as if trying to stop something, but there was no time.

At this moment, his face also completely lost his former calmness and expression of emotion and anger.

Already, it is full of an incredible color.

Even, there was a sense of fear mixed in, as if realizing that he had made a mistake.

That kind of expression that made an irreparable huge mistake.

"I'm sorry, Chiba."

And at this time, the only one present with a calm face, Xue Nai, gently withdrew her left hand, looked at Qianye who turned her head little by little, and said to Qianye gently but very firmly, I apologized.

However, amidst the sound of apology, a kind of determination flashed in Xue Nai's eyes, and even a shocking determination began to flash from all over her body.

As if, in her heart, Xue Nai had already made a decision.

One, huge, huge, extremely resolute decision!

"Why... Xue Nai? Why?"

And at this moment, Qianye's gaze finally fell on Xue Nai, touching Xue Nai who was holding the baby, with a kind of stubbornness in the corners of her eyes and brows that seemed to be when she first met, and the determination, Qianye was old The voice almost roared out.

However, perhaps because of being too weak, his voice was not loud.

Although the anger, confusion and extremely strong unwillingness can be heard, the volume is like a whisper.

At this moment, Qianye was already extremely weak, almost unable to speak out.


Why did Xue Nai, Xue Nai want to stop me?

At the most critical time!



Xue Nai!

Why do you want to do this, this is, but the only chance to save Kushina!

The only chance!

And his heart was already roaring hysterically at this time, and a strong sense of anger and resentment suddenly shot out from his eyes.

But this anger and resentment actually fell on Xue Nai.

Chiba, I'm really angry with Xue Nai!

True anger that cannot be forgiven and forgiven!


At this moment, the moment when anger and resentment burst out, Qianye's mouth was full of astonishment.

And that anger and resentment also turned into a kind of astonishment at this moment.

At this moment, in front of him, in his line of sight, and behind him, Xue Nai is not alone.

Beside Xue Nai, there is another person.

A boy who, like Xue Nai, slowly withdrew the knife in his right hand.

That boy with a poker face, seemed to be emitting an illusory light all over his body.


At this moment, in Qianye's line of sight, Hirohiko was standing on the left side of Xue Nai, and his body movements were like a mirror with two sides, but they were exactly the same, except that Xue Nai put away the left-handed knife, while Hirohiko put away the knife in his left hand. Right hand knife.

And at this moment, it seemed that he had noticed Qianye's gaze. Hirohiko's pupils moved slightly with his poker face, and in an instant, his eyes met.

Then, I laughed.

He smiled gently and encouragingly.

"Who do you think is your teacher!"

And at this moment, in the middle behind Xue Nai and Hirohiko, there was a beautiful red-haired beauty standing at some point, with a hearty smile, such a sentence that seemed to have some teasing words suddenly sounded out In Chiba's mind.

Then, suddenly, Qianye's eyes blurred.

Then, again, and again.

Finally, before there was any reaction, Qianye's eyes...

Total darkness!



Amid the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, the skinny boy, whose entire body seemed to have been sucked dry, opened his dark eyes that had lost their luster unwillingly, kept looking back, and fell to the ground.

"Third Hokage-sama, please contact the medical team immediately, now we need to give Chiba first aid immediately, there is still hope, Chiba, there is still hope."

And at this moment, seeing Chiba fall to the ground, Yuki Nai suddenly turned around and handed the baby in her hand to the Third Hokage beside her.

"Hurry up! Qianye can't die! He absolutely can't die!"

The next second, seeing the third Hokage who hadn't reacted, the determination on Xue Nai's face immediately turned into a kind of anxiety.

I couldn't help but let out another sound.


It was to save Chiba!

Xue Nai's resolute and unfeeling knife interrupted Chiba's technique, it was to save Chiba!

And at this moment, the Third Hokage was the Third Hokage after all, and immediately understood the purpose of Xue Nai's decisive blow to knock Chiba unconscious just now.

It wasn't the Xue Nai he thought was being pretended.

Instead, Xue Nai made a choice.

The choice to save Chiba.

Don't let Chiba die, choose!

"Hurry up and notify the nearby medical team on standby, and treat Chiba as soon as possible, at any cost."

And at this moment, after reacting, Third Hokage directly took over Naruto who was a baby without saying a word, and at the same time signaled the two followers to notify the medical team.

But looking at the way the two followers were overwhelmed by this series of changes, the Third Hokage didn't hesitate at all. With a flash of his figure, he headed directly towards the nearby medical camp that had been prepared for a long time.

At this moment, Yukina, who had passed Naruto and had her hands free, had already hugged Chiba's soft body. Amidst waves of creepiness and heartache, Yukina glanced at the third Hokage flying out, Without the slightest hesitation, he rushed out and followed closely.

Teacher Kushina...

Really, did you laugh?

Just at this moment, Xue Nai in the flying space, the corner of his eye, fell on the topic of Kushina on the ground.

At this moment, on the face of their teacher's body, it seems...


Soothing and satisfying...


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