Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2055 verification problem

"What is the ability of the light ball?"

Looking at Qianye who looked like a teenager in front of him, the young man blinked and repeated the question in a little astonishment.


Regarding this, Qianye nodded without any hesitation.

Now, the best question he could think of to verify the identity of the young man in front of him was this.

If the young man in front of him, including this space, was really created by the Immortals of the Six Paths or the will of the world to use it as a cliché, it is absolutely impossible to know the function of the light sphere. After all, their purpose is to explore the function of the light sphere, and this young man is The tool they created for clichés will never know the function of this ball of light. If this young man knows the function of this ball of light, then there is absolutely no need for the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world to do anything extra.

Therefore, if this is the space used by the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world, this young man will not be able to answer this question.

And since this young man is the backup of another self, then this question is naturally not difficult for him.

In other words, if the young man can answer this question and answer it correctly, then this young man is, as he said, a backup of another self, and in a sense, it is himself.

"I can't say yet."

And hearing this sound, the young man frowned slightly, as if there was something unspeakable, he opened his mouth and said.

However, he refused to answer.

"Can't tell, or can't answer?"

Regarding this, Qianye also frowned, and said aggressively.

"I can't say, because I have no way to prove your safety now, whether it has been polluted by the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world."

Hearing this, the young man seemed to have his own position, and he spoke without giving in.

This is……

Are you doubting me?

Afraid that the secret of the light ball will be leaked through me, no, it should be said that it is something that is placed on me under the will of the Six Paths or the world?


If this young man is really a backup, to avoid anything unfavorable to him set by the Sage of the Six Paths and the will of the world, then this makes sense.

It is the duty of this young man to eliminate the hands and feet of the Sage of the Six Paths and the will of the world.

But upon hearing this sound, such a clear thought flashed through Qianye's heart.

What he meant was to ask me to check the mark on my hand first, but how can this guarantee that this young man will not do anything to me by checking the mark on my hand?

Besides, this might be an excuse by the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world, an excuse after being unable to answer the identity verification question, so that the conversation will fall into a dead end first, and then find a breakthrough.

However, after realizing it, Qianye did not believe the young man in front of him.

"So, what do you need to do to be able to answer?"

Afterwards, after this series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Qianye said.

"Let me check, the imprint left by the Sage of the Six Paths on your body. After you enter this space, this should be the only mark that the Sage of the Six Paths set on you. As long as it is confirmed that this imprint has no other effect, then That's it."

In this regard, the young man said.

There is no flaw in the words.

"So, to check the mark, what conditions are required?"

Hearing this, Qianye didn't have any other expressions on his face, maintaining his previous attitude, he opened his mouth and said.

"I need a touch."

Regarding this, the young man didn't talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly.


But hearing this, Chiba's brows frowned again.

This time, he was in a dead end. No one knew if this young man had the ability to play tricks on his imprint, or use the touch to cast something on himself.

Now, the young man doesn't trust him, and he doesn't trust the young man. The solution and the breakthrough must be based on one party trusting the other. There is no doubt that this is a dead end.

The young man could not answer his question because he did not trust him.

And he didn't trust the young man either, and he didn't want to check the young man to eliminate doubts.

"Then, how can I be sure that you won't do anything when checking the mark?"

Afterwards, thinking of this, Qianye frowned tightly, looked at the young man, and said.


And hearing this sound, the young man suddenly understood what Qianye meant, and his quiet face became more and more gloomy.

He understood that between them, someone must make a concession. Otherwise, on this issue, he insisted that the other party let him check. After confirming their identities, check for themselves. The prerequisite for both parties to cooperate is that the other party first prove that there is no problem with themselves, and both parties are afraid of this way of proving that there is no problem with each other.


It made him quite speechless.

However, he didn't complain about his own concerns about the young man's posture in front of him. If it were him, he would do the same. No, it should be said that they are one with each other, and now they are just doing the same thing. .

Moreover, they both understood each other's reasons and were unable to refute them.

"Now, it seems to be deadlocked."

But at this time, seeing the young man not speaking, the corner of Chiba's mouth revealed a trace of unnaturalness.

To be honest, he still has quite a few questions he wants to ask the young man in front of him. If this young man is really a backup, and the other himself deletes this part of his memory, then where is this? It is possible to know that he is still quite curious about the function of this space.

I'm also quite curious about the other self's purpose of doing this besides guarding against the Sages of the Six Paths and the will of the world.

At this time, he always felt that there was a deeper purpose for backing up this matter.

Probably too, something he must know now.


And hearing Qianye's words that seemed to be talking to himself, the young man looked calm and nodded seriously.

"Is there no other breakthrough?"

Then, subconsciously, he murmured, and at the same time showed a look of thought.

Another breakthrough...

what else?

The role of the light ball is unknown to the Sage of the Six Paths and the will of the world, and only this can prove the identity of the youth.

And only by proving the identity of the youth, can I...


Is it unknown to the Sage of the Six Paths and the will of the world?

Wait a moment!

But at this moment, upon hearing this sound, Qianye first smiled wryly, but then his expression changed.

And ah!

Why is there no breakthrough!

Why is there only this one breakthrough!

Suddenly, such a thought flashed through his mind.

"Answer my question, what are the three major migrant manga? Who are the protagonists of the migrant manga?"

Then, in the next second, the sound in his mouth blurted out.

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