Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2054 You Ask

Check it out, something left by the Sage of the Six Paths?

What is this for?

Facing the words that the young man who was exactly the same as herself said to him, Qianye was taken aback for a moment, and her brows were already frowned.

At this moment, he had already begun to wonder whether this space was a trap set by the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world, or something else unknown. This young man's words without reason made him a little confused about what to say.

This is a bit of a self-talking feeling, and also a feeling of substituting the relationship between the two parties into a relationship that was originally a mutual trust relationship. In this, there are many ways.

It is possible that this young man who is exactly the same as himself has a familiar personality, or, for some reason, there is a certain responsibility here, and there is only one responsibility, so the person who comes in is automatically acquiesced, We all know of his existence and responsibilities.

There is also a possibility that the young man said this on purpose in order to give Chiba a psychological hint, adding that the young man and Chiba have exactly the same appearance, and Qianye's experience of meeting another self before, the three combined One, let Qianye be led by the nose by him unknowingly, and subconsciously stop doubting the identity of this young man.

The former possibility is unintentional, and the latter possibility basically shows that there is something deeper in this space. Moreover, it is something that is not good for Chiba.

For example, this is really the space where the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world came to deceive him.

Of course, it's not space, it might be illusion or something like that.

"Why should I trust you?"

And thinking of this, Qianye did not pretend to speak, and said straightforwardly.

"Why should I trust you?"

And hearing Qianye's straightforward and rather abrupt words, the young man was slightly taken aback, obviously he did not expect Qianye to say such a word, and subconsciously repeated it.

Looking at the expression, it really didn't look like she was lying.

However, considering that it may be an illusion, this young man may be a bait set by the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world under the guise of a certain image in my subconscious, and it is not impossible to have realistic acting skills.

In normal times, you can already trust him.

But now, I still have to make sure. Now that the Sage of the Six Paths has left, and I have also obtained the Yin-Yang Escape Technique, it is the time to be the most relaxed. If you want to say something, then now is also the best time.

But upon hearing this, Qianye raised her head and looked at the young man who was exactly like herself in front of her, her face remained unchanged, and a series of thoughts flashed through her mind.

"Is it... If this part of the memory is deleted, then, indeed, you should be suspicious."

At this moment, the young man suddenly nodded and murmured, as if he understood Qianye's concerns.

"So, how do you want me to prove my identity?"

Afterwards, after realizing it, the young man was quite straightforward, his eyes fell on the young Chiba, and he asked.

How to prove identity...

And hearing this sound, Qianye was obviously stunned again. He didn't even understand the current situation. After touching the light ball, he suddenly appeared here, and then he was exactly the same himself, opening his mouth to check He is still doubting the imprint left by the Sage of the Six Paths that he injured, but he has not yet begun to think about the method of identifying the authenticity!

"Uh...what is your identity?"

Then, her face didn't change, her eyes didn't move, staring at the young man's eyes, Qianye asked the most realistic question right now.

He doesn't even know the identity of this young man!

"What am I...this..."

When he heard about Qianye's culture, the young man didn't seem to have thought it through, and was at a loss for words.

"I should be regarded as... a backup, your backup, no, you shouldn't say that, it should be said to be half of your current backup."

However, soon, the young man organized the prophecy, with a calm look on his face, and after Qianye saw it as gloomy, he opened his mouth and said.

My... half backup?

What's the meaning?

My half, do you mean the other me?

his meaning?

Is he another backup for me?

And hearing this sound, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched slightly, and after blinking his eyes uncontrollably, such a thought that he didn't know how to describe flashed through his mind.

This makes people a little speechless.

Dare to feel that the other self is still a little insecure, so I have to back up my own, so that I can feel at ease...

This fusion basically has a 100% success rate. Even if the consciousness of the two personalities is not erased, the success rate is also 100%. However, if the two personalities exist, it will be quite unfavorable in the future.

If this space is used for clichés, then this identity is really far-fetched, and Chiba has countless excuses that are better than this identity.


Even if the Immortal of the Six Paths is not good at words, it is impossible for him to be so clumsy, let alone the words of the will of the world.

This identity, or this excuse, is completely impossible for the Sage of the Six Paths and the will of the world to use.

And if the young man in front of him is really another backup of himself, then it is really possible.

However, the meaning of this young man's existence is not to prevent the failure of integration.

Instead, prevent yourself from being polluted by the Sage of the Six Paths or the will of the world.

The reason why the other self separates memory and consciousness should have some deep-seated purpose, and after the other self is separated, in order to preserve memory and consciousness, as well as the independence of personality, it must live in the spiritual body created by the sage of the Six Paths As for why it must be the spiritual body of the Sage of the Six Paths, it is because we must be localized. After all, we are outsiders, traversers, and existences of opposites. If we want to survive and not be erased, we must be localized, just like smuggling Just like the guest must have a legal identity afterwards, the spiritual body container made by the Sage of the Six Paths is the best legal identity.

After all, the spiritual body is made by the Sage of the Six Paths, maybe the memory of the other self will be leaked and watched by the Sage of the Six Paths, or in other words, in this part of the memory, the Sage of the Six Paths will put something that is not good for us.

Therefore, it is necessary to back up.

This is just in case the Sages of the Six Paths are against us.

As for what this backup can do, the memory of the other self is not there. It may be that, as the backup said, the part of the memory that created the backup and its function was eliminated by the ability of the other self to use the light sphere.

Permanent elimination!

Now, perhaps a breakthrough has been found!

But in the next second, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Qianye's mind.

"Can't you leave this space?"

Afterwards, Qianye took a breath and asked suddenly.

"That's right."

Regarding this, the calm expression on the young man's face became more and more intense, and in Qianye's view, it became more and more gloomy. He nodded when he heard Qianye's question.

"Then, answer me a question, as long as you answer this question, you can prove your identity."

Hearing this, Qianye also nodded, and said straightforwardly.

"go ahead."

Hearing this, the young man didn't hesitate and said.

Now, proving one's identity is undoubtedly the first priority, otherwise everything that follows will be impossible.

"Tell me, what is the ability of the light ball!"

Following the young man's words, Qianye didn't pause at all, and simply asked the question.

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