Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2035 No... Fusion...

"Then, let's continue with the integration, so that you can implement your plan sooner. It's not too late, is it?"

Looking at Qianye, who was already speechless, who seemed to be staying on the spot, the face of "Qianye" on the opposite side still had a kind of gloomy silence, as if he didn't feel Qianye's astonishment, and just spoke lightly.

There are not many emotional fluctuations in the words.

It's just that there seems to be some impatience mixed in, the foggy shadow that stopped expanding began to extend towards Chiba again.

"Wait...wait a minute, really...really there is no problem? Are you perfunctory for me to integrate quickly?"

And at this time, as if noticing the movement of the misty shadow, Qianye hastily raised his hand to stop the behavior of the opposite "Qianye", and said.


That's right, he must be perfunctory, just to be able to integrate quickly!

Although I don't know why he is so anxious to merge, but he should not have any malicious intentions, but, before asking clearly, he can't just merge in a daze.

Now it is a last stand, the last fight, if it fails, then there will be nothing.

But at this moment, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

Now, this "Chiba"'s reaction, he can only use the word "perfunctory" to consider. There is no objection to such a crazy plan, as if he is looking for this "Chiba" to discuss a very dangerous mission. Without saying a word, and without thinking about his own life or death, he agreed directly.

It's as if he didn't think about it so fast. No matter how he thinks, there are problems in it.


Hearing Qianye's words, the misty shadow paused slightly, stopped expanding again, and then sighed helplessly.

Looking at Qianye who seemed to be indomitable in front of him, "Qianye" on the opposite side sighed again.

"There is no perfunctory."

Then, with a helpless tone, "Qianye" said simply.

"Impossible! How could there be no objections? My plan must be flawed... No, no, no! Not this, just agree? Did you not hear what I said clearly, the first step of my plan, but just want……"

In this regard, Chiba subconsciously disbelieves in various ways.

"I know that the first step is to take risks. If it fails, there will be no future. Even if it succeeds, the next steps will be difficult. That's why it's a crazy plan. I have considered it clearly, so I told you that I have no opinion. Moreover, I assure you that if I have no opinion, I agree with it. "

And hearing Qianye's various disbeliefs, "Qianye", who seemed to have further weakened his patience, directly interrupted his conversation, and further explained his "no opinion".

"You...you're not kidding, are you..."

Hearing this, the corner of Qianye's mouth twitched slightly, then, he blinked, stared at "Qianye" on the opposite side, and said weakly.

"No joke."

In this regard, "Chiba" said simply.

In the current situation, reborn people like Nobuhiko Uchiha have already appeared, so it is enough to prove that the abnormality of this world has exceeded my estimation, and this is not caused by my fall.

Rather, this world belonging to the Hokage series has undergone unpredictable changes. Everything that happened can no longer be guessed by common sense.

That is to say, the set that I know can only effectively predict this abnormal world unless it is fused, the memory is fused into his memory, and he becomes a person again, and then the experience of both parties is analyzed. estimate.

Otherwise, it will only mislead and lead to an irreversible outcome.

Therefore, I can only express no opinions here. The person opposite me is the one who has actually experienced everything in this abnormal world. His opinion should be the main one... No, it should be said that before the fusion, this There is no point in arguing.

Neither I nor he can make a correct judgment, or in other words, a relatively correct estimate.

And according to the situation he told me, now he is facing an opponent that is unlikely to be defeated, or in other words, an opponent that is completely impossible to defeat with his current strength, and this opponent is a hurdle that cannot be crossed. The boss that must be faced may even be the existence of the final boss level.

Then, it is not in vain that it is a correct choice to put it to death and survive.

Although he has not experienced what I have experienced, nor has he been accompanied by death all the time, but the decision he has made now is definitely a good breakthrough for facing the current desperate situation.

If the plan is unsuccessful and he dies in this battle, then it is normal.

Matters of life and death, for us... no, for me, for the complete me, after obtaining a special identity and power, it is an unavoidable thing.

It's just life, it's just death.

Life is not necessarily happiness, and death is not necessarily pain.

It might not be a relief to die in this battle.

And if you don't die in this battle, then you can get everything you want, regardless of life or death.

For me, it's a victory no matter what.

It's just that he is different from me after all, he has not experienced so much despair, he is still full of vigor, he still has hope, even, he has an indomitable temperament that I don't have, spiritually, I can't use these to wear down his will .

Even life and death don't matter.

I can't influence his decision.

Besides, this plan also has its own feasibility. Although the experience is different and the character developed is also different, but perhaps because it is always the same person, his ideas are still somewhat close to mine.

It's just that he may have experienced more interpersonal relationships than me, so he can guess people's hearts better than me, which also makes his plan perfect.

If I publish something, it will only be superfluous, and it will have a bad influence on the contrary.

So, here, I just have to agree.

But at this time, during the words, such a series of thoughts flashed through "Qianye"'s mind.

He is really in favor of the plan.

Even if it's crazy, he agrees.

"You don't need to ask any more. Where you have no confidence, you will get an answer after fusion."

But in the next second, he stopped talking nonsense and directly interrupted Qianye who was about to speak again.

Where there is no confidence... After fusion, you will get the answer...

Yes, can't you say it?

Say, it's not good?

And hearing this sentence, Qianye closed her slightly opened mouth, and suddenly such a thought flashed in her mind.

"okay, I get it."

Then, touching the pair of quiet and deep but seemingly lonely eyes on the gloomy face of "Qianye" in front, Qianye didn't insist anymore, and simply spoke.


And at this moment, as if patience had been completely exhausted, at the stall that Qianye agreed to, the misty shadow suddenly jumped, and suddenly connected to Qianye's shadow.

This... this is!

At this moment, Qianye's eyes suddenly widened, and his face changed drastically!

An unimaginably huge flow of information poured in!

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