Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2034 Take a little time

"That's the specifics, that's what I'm facing right now, and what I'm all about."

Looking at "Qianye" in front of him, Qianye let out a long breath, and after finishing all the narration, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he spoke.

"I didn't know you existed before, but as the same person, I feel that it is necessary to tell you about this matter, and because of our independence, I also want to hear your thoughts on this plan. "

At the end, as if relaxed after finally saying what he wanted to say, Chiba added with a smile.


This guy……


This is, seriously?

At this time, "Qianye" on the opposite side looked at the Qianye who had not yet become a bereaved dog with a smile that seemed to be relieved. look of astonishment.


Are you kidding... With such a plan, could it be possible that under this guy's innocent and stupid appearance, there is a craziness dyed darker than me?

What the hell is this guy thinking!


And after a while, seeing that "Qianye" on the opposite side hadn't spoken for a long time, Qianye pursed her lips and said a little nervously.

After all, his plan is really crazy, but as the last resort, it is already the most perfect plan he can think of, and it is also the safest and most guaranteed plan now that the night of the nine tails is slipping into the most critical moment .

It's crazy, but totally worth it!

However, although he felt that it was totally worth it, the "Qianye" in front of him might not be. Qianye could still tell that although this "Qianye" was the same person as him, his personality was completely different. His behavior style should also be completely different. From his words, it can be seen that this "Qianye" is definitely the kind who pays attention to efficiency. He will consider the fastest way to complete everything, and will not care about the fastest path. The fast path is right or wrong, good or evil.

And myself, definitely not the same type.

And this plan is by no means the fastest path.

It is precisely because of this that he is a little nervous now.

However, it is precisely because of the difference between this "Chiba" and himself that Chiba will tell his final plan. Facing the current night of Kyuubi, facing Nobuhiko Uchiha, what he can do That's the last fight.

After all, from the expression of this "Qianye", it can be seen that this "Qianye" is definitely as he said, a loser, and even a little disheartened, otherwise how could he separate his consciousness? Obviously, this is because of some kind of dissatisfaction with oneself, and it is an extreme dissatisfaction, and this extreme dissatisfaction is basically equivalent to despair and discouragement.

Of course, it may not be disheartened, but some new considerations, he wants to create a brand new self, and then use the brand new self to obtain the life he wants, because it is the same person, even if the consciousness is independent, but After all, they are still alone. When they merged just now, Qianye already felt that the demise of any consciousness between them is actually possible. If it is Chiba, Chiba can also choose the demise of consciousness. This is not a kind of Death is a kind of integration. It sounds mysterious and mysterious. In fact, it is a feeling like the memory reflux of the shadow clone, but it is more fundamental than the memory reflux of the shadow clone. Fusion, but that's about it.

Therefore, even if this "Qianye" chooses the demise of his independent consciousness, it does not mean that this "Qianye" does not exist at all, but exists in Qianye's consciousness in a very special situation, It will not affect Chiba's judgment and character, but it still exists.

It's as if what's in Chiba becomes the thing of this "Chiba", and everything in "Chiba" will not become the same as that of Chiba.

All in all, after the fusion, whoever chooses to die of consciousness is equivalent to choosing to erase that kind of character, just eliminating independence, and no one will lose. In the final analysis, it is equivalent to Qianye himself using an extreme method to eliminate It's just a character that I don't want.

Either "Chiba" chooses to die in the secular sense, or dies or does not exist.

It is very likely that the experience of this "Chiba" in his part of memory made him lose some of the most important things, the most important things in obtaining the life he wanted. Therefore, "Qianye" will cultivate Qianye and regain this lost thing.

In short, the "Chiba" on the opposite side has a negative attitude towards himself, and in the end he is biased towards him.

Otherwise, he would not choose to annihilate his own consciousness, but choose Qianye, the second personality or consciousness.

That's why Qianye will speak out and seek the opinion of this "Qianye", because even if this "Qianye" disagrees, because of his bias, he will not deny it all at once. At that time, he can also propose a common The request for planning is also due to bias, and coupled with the situation he faced just now, this "Qianye" will definitely not refuse.

In this way, the two completely different ways of thinking collide with the plan, which Chiba believes will definitely be more complete and perfect than what he came up with alone.

It is precisely because of this that Qianye is still unable to integrate, and he still needs the opinion of this "Qianye".

Compared to the frivolous fusion now, and then going out rashly to carry out this plan that he thinks is very crazy, it is better to spend a little time here and seek help from another self.

Perfect this plan so that the success rate is infinitely close to 100%.

Qianye believes that this "Chiba" will not let him down.

"I have no comment."

However, just when a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind, he felt uneasy, and kept comforting himself that the other party would definitely help him with advice, the look of astonishment on his face slowly returned to the gloomy and quiet "Qianye" Ye", said lightly.

In the words, there is no sign of giving any advice.

However, there was no objection either.


And hearing this, obviously, Qianye did not expect that this "Qianye" would make such an objection.

With the madness of this plan, and looking at the character of this "Chiba", there will definitely be opinions, and it is impossible to completely agree.

But now, this "Qianye" seemed to have no objection at all, and there was no sarcasm on his face.

It seems that they completely agree.

Although it is not advocated, it is agreed.


How can this be?

I agree with that?

Could it be that I... did I make a mistake in my judgment?

For a moment, Qianye was so stunned that she couldn't react.

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