Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1953 Delaying time?


Hearing the face of the wobbly young man trying to raise his face without any weakness, and hearing the resolute words without the slightest doubt, Nobuhiko Uchiha paused slightly, and said with a stern face.


Nobuhiko Uchiha?

At this time, the attention of other people was also attracted by Hirohiko's questioning. For a moment, Kushina and Yukina seemed to turn their attention away from Hirohiko, and their eyes fell on Uchi Bo Xinyan's body.

its not right!

This kind of performance of absorbing the defensive pupil technique is completely Uchiha Nobuhiko!

However, in the next second, they all frowned.

Chakra has not changed in any way, except that a considerable amount of Chakra has been consumed and is still being consumed, there is no difference.

Judging from the chakra, it is completely Nobuhiko Uchiha.

Even, from Xue Nai's point of view, this Uchiha Nobuhiko is Uchiha Nobuhiko, yes, how could it be someone else.


Could it be that the injury has become so severe?

Has Hirohiko hallucinated?

And at this time, such a thought flashed across the minds of the two of them at the same time.

"You are not Uchiha Nobuhiko, who are you?"

At the same time, after hearing Uchiha Nobuhiko's words, Hirohiko repeated the question again, but the words were more serious and firm.

It seems that it has been determined that this Uchiha Nobuhiko is not Uchiha Nobuhiko, but someone else.

"What are you talking about, delaying time?"

Regarding this, Nobuhiko Uchiha didn't have any fluctuations on his emotionless face, and he just said blankly.

It was as if he hit Hirohiko's goal all at once.

At this time, with such a sudden question, could it be possible that this Uchiha Hirohiko also learned from Taki Chiba and was delaying time?

Although, now I still have relatively plenty of time, and I absolutely control everyone present.

However, if this Uchiha Hirohiko also learns from that Taki Chiba, I am afraid that something unexpected will happen.

From experience, this outsider Taki Chiba not only wants to guard against himself, but also guards against everyone around him.

This Taki Chiba not only possesses extraordinary wisdom, but also influences the enlightenment of those around him.

Just now, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki didn't look like the maturity of a ninja who rarely experienced battles, it should be because of this Taki Chiba.

It also gave me a lot of trouble.

This is the so-called personality charm. Although this kind of situation basically does not appear in outsiders, it does not mean that outsiders do not have this characteristic.

And seeing that Taki Chiba's outsider power is so simple and ordinary, it may be because his own characteristics are too good, so he didn't get any powerful outsider power.


In that case, this Uchiha Hirohiko is very likely playing some tricks.

It's better to solve it first!

At the same time, a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

But as this thought flashed by, Nobuhiko Uchiha's hand that had been put down to seal the seal was raised again.


He wants to detonate these Amaterasu fires on me!

Almost instantly, Hirohiko, who had been staring at Nobuhiko Uchiha, felt his heart tighten.

He is very clear that from the perspective of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, he can clearly see that these black flame cones that are constantly drilling into his flesh are actually compressed Amaterasu fire. This technique is exactly the same as Chiba's. He couldn't be wrong.

And when transforming those sparks just now, this Uchiha Nobuhiko actually added a lot of Amaterasu. These black flame cones seem small, but in fact, each of the Amaterasu's fire contained in it actually has the Amaterasu just now. So many long arrows.

This is also the means for the "Nobuhiko Uchiha" in front of him to restrain his right eye's ability to eliminate pupil power, and directly use the amount of pupil power to win.

Now, because of Susano just now, and the side effects of ordinary kaleidoscope Sharingan, his pupil power consumption is actually quite a lot.

If you really want to get rid of these on your body, I'm afraid it's beyond your power.

And as long as one explodes, he will be buried in the sea of ​​flames, and there is no reason for him to survive!

"Your eyes, the way your kaleidoscope Sharingan looks, is different from before!"

But at this time, at the same time as the thought flashed, this sound came out of his mouth.


He didn't think so, how could there be so much delay, and there is no point in delaying time now.

He is certain to die now, and he will die in the next moment.

Although, according to Chiba's thinking, or if you want to learn from Chiba, then you shouldn't give up at this time. If you can delay time, delay time until a miracle appears.

However, he is Hirohiko, not Chiba after all.

He doesn't have such a strong belief that he can support it until a miracle occurs.

Even now that the defeat is certain, he has nothing to do.

He didn't want to delay time, he wanted to ask clearly!

Ask clearly, this Uchiha Nobuhiko!

who is it!

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan, a person can only have one pattern, and now, your left eye is completely different from the previous one."

At the end, Hirohiko took a deep breath, became firmer, and said.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan pattern?

And hearing this sound, everyone was startled again.

Afterwards, Yukina and Kushina, who had a wide perspective, quickly shifted their gazes to Nobuhiko Uchiha's left eye.

At this time, Nobuhiko Uchiha stared straight at Hirohiko, seemingly stunned.


It's different from the one just now!

The pattern of the kaleidoscope Sharingan is different!

Soon, Kushina and Xue Nai quickly discovered the difference, which was two completely different patterns.

This Uchiha Nobuhiko, not Uchiha Nobuhiko!

"what happened?"

And at this time, Minakame, who couldn't see because of the angle of view, finally couldn't help but speak.

"This Uchiha Nobuhiko, not Uchiha Nobuhiko!"

Hearing this, almost subconsciously, Kushina explained.

Not Nobuhiko Uchiha!

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato was startled.


Even Nara Shikoku and the others were taken aback.

It was right!

At this time, Hirohiko's eyes were fixed on Uchiha Nobuhiko's body, observing all changes in his expression.

However, what he saw was an expressionless face that hadn't changed at all, as if wearing a mask.

However, although there is no change, the way Nobuhiko Uchiha is silent now can show that he has been poked somewhere in him!

"so what?"

Then, at this moment, Uchiha Nobuhiko, who seemed to be stunned, raised his eyes slightly, looked into Hirohiko's eyes, and said without emotion but rather indifferently.

"Do you think that you can avoid death in this way?"

Then, in the next second, without waiting for Hirohiko to say anything else, Uchiha Nobuhiko continued without emotion.


In an instant, Hong Yan's face changed suddenly!


The Black Flame Pillar burst forth with a bang!

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