Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1952 Still, let's take Nine Tails first

How... how could this happen?

It shouldn't be...it shouldn't be!

Just now, it was blocked just now!

His eyes moved down bit by bit, and Hirohiko's mouth and eyes were constantly oozing blood, and in those kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes that were slowly dimming, unwillingness, disbelief, fear and resentment flashed.

It shouldn't be like this!

Just now, that arrow, that arrow was blocked!

Moreover, the more powerful long arrow can also be crushed easily, Susano... Susano's defense should be able to defend against it.

how come?

how come?

And at this time, amidst a series of intertwined thoughts of resentment, unwillingness and disbelief, the crimson chakra, like the last few flames and smoke of a burnt campfire, slowly evaporated and drifted into the air middle.


At this time, Jiu Xinnai and Xue Nai's exclamation with obvious panic and anxiety sounded at the same time.

At this moment, the faces of the two of them were already full of horror, but there was a frightening blood reflected in their eyes.

And their minds were all about the moment just now, when the jet-black flame arrows that hit Hirohiko's defensive pupil technique shattered into groups of small jet-black flames, and then, at the moment when Uchiha Nobuhiko's seal was formed , Those small pitch-black flames spun again, twisted into small spirals of pitch-black flame spikes, and directly crashed into the scene in the defensive pupil technique at an extremely fast speed.

And the moment the awl pierced in, it was like a needle piercing fermented bean curd, it penetrated without any hindrance, and then cracks scattered out, densely covered with Hirohiko's defensive pupil technique, and the crimson flame skull instantly shattered.

At the same time, the thrust remained unchanged, and directly pierced into Hong Yan's body at the moment the skeleton shattered, causing blood to splash immediately.

At this moment, as the scenes repeated in their minds, the panic and anxiety on their faces also slowly solidified. If they could move at this time, I am afraid that they would have already rushed away, hugging the crumbling, A boy covered in blood.

"Cough! I...I'm fine...Xue Nai, Teacher Kushina, it's just...it just looks scary."

But at this time, when I heard Kushina and Yukina's exclamation, Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikaku Yamanakakai all changed their colors in amazement, their eyes moved to their own bodies that had been embedded in the flesh and were still going on. Hirohiko coughed out a mouthful of blood, but shook his head and said with a smile.

Feeling... Can't feel the pain?

This must be very painful!

Burning accompanied by puncture, it should be very painful!

But now, I can't feel any pain at all.

This time, am I really going to die?

However, while speaking, he watched the white smoke rising slowly from his wound, and a thought came to his mind.

From the perspective of the kaleidoscope Sharingan, he is very clear that in his current situation, what he should feel is heart-piercing pain. The thorns of this dark flame are in a high-speed spiral, twisting and stirring Touching his own flesh and blood, although the wound is not big, the lethality is very large, and because it is made of Amaterasu, it will also have a burning effect.

At this moment, he should be able to feel the pain of being twisted and torn, and the burning pain, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

Didn't even feel anything.

Not to mention pain, there is no discomfort at all.


is that so?

It's not that my Susanoo didn't block it, but because of these spikes, they have the property of space, which tore my Susanoo apart at the spatial level!

That kind of touch, yes, it should be tearing my Susanoo on the spatial level.

His attack is an attack with space attributes!

Can't go wrong!

And this one, suddenly, seemed blessed to the soul, and also seemed to have a flash of inspiration, he suddenly recalled the physical chakra touch when Susanoo collapsed, the feeling as if the space was broken, instantly filled his heart Brain.

In an instant, he understood why his Susanoo was crushed.

This is not an attack on the physical level!

It's an attack on the space level!


And thinking of this, he coughed up another mouthful of blood, but this time, the corners of his bloody mouth turned up slightly, with a bit of misery.

Sure enough, can't I fight against him now?

Even if such a powerful power as Susanoo is awakened, isn't he his opponent?

I don't even...

I can't even protect Chiba, Xue Nai, and Teacher Kushina?

And at this moment, his eyes began to turn black one after another, the blood in his mouth seemed to be uncontrollable any longer, and the corners of his mouth and lips merged into a trickle, falling down, and his figure slowly swayed .

Is it not working?

Only one hit?

It seems that you can sit back and relax in the future. This generation of outsiders Taki Chiba and Uchiha Nao's eyes have all been resolved cleanly in this battle.

It seems to be going well.

Seeing that Uchiha Hirohiko's figure began to shake, the whole frontal body was overflowing with blood, and at the same time was being transpired by the burning white air, under the vision of his Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he could see that Uchiha Hirohiko's Chakra It also started to weaken.

It can be seen that Nobuhiko Uchiha was really hit hard.

Next, before the arrival of the next generation of outsiders, I can lay out my plan.

Moreover, the obstacles in this life have finally been cleared away, and I can also live a longer life.

However, it is a pity that the power of the outsider Taki Chiba was used and exhausted.

After all, the power of this outsider is a great tonic, something that can turn the tide at critical moments.

However, this is also as it should be.

This kind of power is bound to not last long.


It's time to consider whether to take Nine Tails directly, or keep some.

This guy who claims to be Uchiha Madara should be useless, so get rid of it casually?

His time and space ability is still quite difficult.

However, it's hard to say whether this guy should die or not.

Especially in the current situation, this kind of guy has enough power to affect the general situation, and it is difficult to judge life and death.

Still, take the Nine Tails first!

With the confirmation of Uchiha Hirohiko's situation in front of him, while the black chakra flames were burning all over his body, Uchiha Nobuhiko's eyes slightly deflected, and fell on the immobile Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, that is, Kushina.

His purpose, after all, is to take away Renzhuli.

"Wait a moment!"

However, at this moment, his gaze was turned away, and he was about to raise his footsteps when he heard a sudden shout in front of him.


Still not giving up?

And hearing this body, Uchiha Nobuhiko's eyes without the slightest emotion fell on the crumbling young man in front of him.

"Who are you? You are not Nobuhiko Uchiha! Who are you?"

Then, in the next second, the shaky boy asked in a loud and decisive tone.

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