Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1807 Where is it?


One by one, he stuffed the bean-like military ration pills characteristic of Nine-Tails Night into his mouth, resisting the sourness in his cheeks, Qianye's eyes rolled slightly, and the brilliance of thinking flowed in his with.

The water escape just now should not be enough to get rid of Obito.

I guess it's almost time to come back.

This time, since he has waited for so long and locked me in that S-level earth dungeon without fail, and looking at the seamlessness of his plan this time, he probably thinks that I will definitely die, or I will definitely be trapped.

In other words, this time I survived again, his mood should not be as calm as before.

No matter how calm a person is, and how well he can control his emotions, if he encounters such a situation that must win, but is reversed again, and even if he has no mistakes or omissions, he will have some irrational emotions.

But now, my body is recovering too slowly, and my physical strength is not enough. After eating so many military food pills, my chakra has somewhat recovered, but it is also difficult to use powerful ninjutsu.

Nei Li's injuries have almost recovered!

Fortunately, so many scrolls of rock hardening technique can be used, sharing a lot of water pressure, otherwise, if the internal injury is a little more serious, some of the curative effects attached to this army grain pill may not be able to heal.


Now it can only be...

With the constant stuffing of beans and grain pills, Qianye thought about it, and felt a little lucky in his heart. When he encountered a situation where he couldn't find out the news in the country of rain, he was bored and bored, so he might as well do something The idea of ​​actively developing these bean-like Nine-Tails Night Special Army Food Pills.

And these military ration pills, although much smaller and harder to chew than ordinary military ration pills, are a kind of nutrient-supplementing, physical-recovery, and refreshing-looking pills condensed with Chiba's highest medical herbal medicine knowledge. The well-deserved No. 1 army food pill in the ninja world with four effects of nourishing the brain and nourishing the inner organs.

Every twenty is a concentrated pot of herbs and highly nutritious game food (creatures similar to whales and sharks in the Naruto Land of Rain region, which are particularly nourishing). Although the herbs are not too expensive, they can't stand Chiba. The dosage is large, the concentration technology is superb, and there is almost no loss.

It can be regarded as Qianye's special discovery when he was bored, but now, this discovery is undoubtedly a great contribution.

An inner injury, even if it is only a small injury, still has a great impact on the battle. The current situation in Chiba is definitely worse.

With these special military ration pills, Chiba's internal injuries need not be too much to worry about.

Moreover, although it is difficult for ordinary people and even experienced practitioners to make these military grain pills, it is relatively easy for a master of herbal medicine like Chiba. Month, he prepared almost thousands of rations. After all, the army grain pills are small and easy to carry. He brought all of them with him, and there are two hidden special ninja tools packed in them. Even if he eats them like eating beans by the handful, there are still nearly one-third of the amount that can be eaten.

It's just that the Junliang Pills are very effective in refreshing the mind and nourishing the internal organs, but they are not very good at supplementing nutrition and restoring physical strength. At least the current him, in terms of physical strength, is still not up to the mark to his satisfaction.

It may be because after the body changes, his body has been strengthened in all aspects. These military ration pills cannot meet his current body's nutritional requirements, but the nutritional requirements are not up to standard. The cells do not have enough nutrients and are still "starving". Naturally, there is no more physical strength.


Grabbing the ration pills by the handful, chewing and swallowing vigorously, Qianye's eyes gradually made up his mind.


And at this moment, on the lake far in front of Qianye, a hand suddenly stretched out.


Then, another hand.

Then, both hands supported the lake surface at the same time, propping up the underwater body, and then, amidst a series of water drops and ripples, a figure with an orange spiral mask in a black cloak, Slowly stand up on the lake.

The bright red Sangouyu Sharingan with a strong and cool color, accompanied by a frightening killing intent, crossed the lake and shot directly at Qianye's face.

It seems that there is no need to test and confirm.

Now Obito is really pissed off.

And Qianye, who felt the cold gaze and killing intent, took a slight breath after stuffing a handful of military ration pills, and slowly stood up with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth .


Then, without any warning, the surface of the water where the masked man in the black cloak was originally fighting suddenly exploded, and the water sprayed like boiling, and scattered in a cascade.


Almost at the same time, the moment he stood up, the water surface under Chiba's feet burst, boiling like a flower, and shattered!


Then, in the next second, at the very center of the boiling water clusters dispersed by the two waterfalls, a two-meter-round depression suddenly appeared on the calm lake surface!

In the sound of flesh and flesh colliding, it spread far away!


At this time, the camp, a certain house.


There was a sudden sound of the door opening.

Then, the door of the house was slowly opened.


And as the door opened, a girl in snow-white clothes came out with a sigh of relief.

I saw the girl in white with black hair like black silk scattered behind her back, tied a knot at the end of the hair, and tied up all the hair. Under the moonlight, on the pretty face, there was nothing but His expression was relieved, but also full of worry.

Exactly, Hyuga Yukina!

I don’t know, what’s going on in Chiba now?

After gently closing the door, Xue Nai walked a few steps, thinking worriedly.

But when she was thinking about it, her fingers tightly twisted her sleeves.


However, before she could think about it, she seemed to have sensed something, and she suddenly looked towards her left side.

But under this look, under the bright moonlight, her white eyes, which were already seven points clear and three points hazy, widened bit by bit.

A look of astonishment and horror slowly floated on her pretty cheeks.

Then, she loosened the hands that twisted her sleeves.


After that, a stammering and bumpy speech that didn't know how to describe it spit out from her mouth.

"Where is Taki Chiba?"

However, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by a sudden solemn sentence from the left.

"I must see him!"

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