"Heh...heh...cough! Cough cough cough!"

Pressing one hand on the water behind him, resting the other on his right knee arched by treading water, while resting his left leg curled up on the water, Chiba panted slowly, coughed a few times in a low voice from time to time, and coughed out some Bloody water came.

Although my body is still a bit stronger, but the strength is not much stronger.

There was already some bleeding inside.

Looking at the blood that had soaked into the surface of the water and slowly fainted, Qianye showed a slight wry smile at the corner of his mouth.


And as the bloodshot fainted, the water surface around where Qianye was sitting also began to ripple circle after circle, and the opened scrolls slowly floated up from the bottom of the lake, sinking one after another. Floating on the surface of the water around Chiba.

Fortunately, there are still these things at the bottom of the box...

However, this time, it was all used up in one breath.

Is it the ninjutsu scroll that was saved before? The water escape ninjutsu in the village is still too shabby. Fortunately, because I thought the water escape ninjutsu cost chakra, I did not hesitate to spend a lot of effort to convert some such as the big waterfall. 1. A lot of water dragon bullet techniques have been sealed, and there are still a lot of them. Otherwise, there are so many water escape ninjutsu scrolls, and there is no way to create such a powerful water escape ninjutsu.

It is also impossible to break through the S-rank ninjutsu of that Tudun.

I'm afraid, I really have to be trapped inside for a while, when the time comes, Obito's plan will succeed.

But looking at more and more blank scrolls floating up, the corner of Qianye's mouth flashed a trace of happiness.

These blank scrolls were originally hidden in another hidden ninjutsu bag by him using the shrinking technology. Nearly 80% of them are water escape ninjutsu scrolls, and there are more than a dozen pieces of the Jutsu of the Great Waterfall and the Jutsu of the Water Dragon Bullet. A ninjutsu capable of producing a large amount of water, but this time, all the ninjutsu scrolls were used.

Even, the remaining 20% ​​of the earth escape ninjutsu have all been used up.

Because it is easier to obtain local materials for earth escape ninjutsu, Chiba also picks up 20% of earth escape ninjutsu for auxiliary purposes, basically ninety-nine percent of rock hardening techniques, and the soil that was trapped in the S level just now In the spiked cage formed by ninjutsu, in order to resist the situation that the water pressure in the cage is getting stronger and stronger due to the use of ninjutsu by water, all of them are used up.

After all, such a large amount of water will not only break the cage, but also test Chiba's ability to withstand pressure.

However, although this uninterrupted rock hardening technique blocked part of the water pressure, after all, in such a small place, with such a high density of water, Qianye still wounded one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-damages, and was also defeated by the water. The squeezed inside was damaged, blood streaks loomed during coughing.

Just now...it was really dangerous!

There was another cough, and after coughing up a few mouthfuls of bloody water, Qianye's mind flashed the moment when he was swallowed by the rock and thorns just now. The ninjutsu scroll, the high-speed spiral water wall scraped off a layer of thorns and rock thorns in time, allowing him to ensure a certain space in the thorn ball and release the ninjutsu scroll.

If the scroll on the water formation wall was used a little slower, I am afraid that his whole body is full of holes now, and according to the angle of all the thorns and rock thorns at that time, he should not be able to die, but he cannot move. definitely.

This S-level earth escape technique, Obito has completely mastered it, and even controlled the strength so as not to be directly crushed and pierced to death.

Of course, it is also possible that this is purely accidental, and it just so happens that these spikes have no way of taking his life, but only trapping him.

However, even if he was trapped for a little longer, he would lose too much blood and die.


Now is not the time to think about these things.

But thinking of this, Qianye's mouth turned bitter.

Chakra is now only 10% of the normal level, although it is said that 10% of the shadow-level chakra can do a lot of things.

However, facing an enemy like Obito, what these chakras can do is very limited.

Moreover, now he can completely use time and space to drag all my chakra away. Without chakra, I am no different from a mermaid.

There were really too many surprises in this battle!

And how much, some of my concerns are messed up.

Then, amidst the bitterness, Qianye began to reflect while groping toward the back of her waist.

To be honest, in this battle, he was indeed a little concerned and confused, thinking too much about killing with one blow, which eventually led to overuse of chakra.

The two maximizations and the accumulation of strange power close to the maximum basically consumed a lot of chakra, especially the time when the activation of the thunder tunnel was combined with the strange power. The activation of the thunder tunnel is a ninjutsu that consumes a lot of chakra. Although it is still far from the Raidan Chakra mode, Chiba is not a tailed beast-level Chakra like the two generations of Raikage after all, and the limit state of the wounded door mode is also a limit state, adding two by two, the Chakra The speed of consumption is faster, and basically that one strange power made his chakra fall into a situation where it was not enough.

And the second accumulation of strange power was tricked by Obito with an illusion that is usually insignificant under normal circumstances, but it failed. The reason why he was tricked by the illusion was more or less because he was anxious about Kushina and Nami The door, too afraid of Obito's abnormal behavior left now, so it caused a little recklessness.

Moreover, after all, he somewhat underestimated Obito in front of him, and was somewhat misled by the information of the original work. The combat power shown by Obito that was not shown in the original work was passively added with an attribute of surprise.

This is really a disadvantage for Chiba.

On the other hand, Chiba’s previous battles, especially when facing Chiyo and the third generation of Raikage, were more or less based on the original information. The so-called knowing the enemy and confidant, in fact, facing such an opponent, Chiba basically knew from the beginning. A confidant, he already understood the enemy before the enemy knew himself, so he was able to take the lead everywhere.

But now, Obito's changes made Chiba wrongly "know the enemy", and thus made wrong judgments and wrong tactical planning.

In the end, I suffered a big loss.

After all, Chiyo and Sandai Raikage still grew up in the environment in the original book, but the environment in front of Obito has changed.

And this change is undoubtedly Chiba herself.

Obito also witnessed several battles before Obito, especially during the Chunin exam. After the blackening and full potential, Obito was faint, maybe even Obito himself didn't know it, so he used Chiba's tactical thinking It was integrated into it.

Of course, it is also possible that Obito studied him carefully, so he was targeted at a disadvantage.

However, in any case, these deviations pushed him into the current disadvantage.


Although it may be counterproductive to know the information of the original work, but after all...

While thinking about it, Qianye sighed slightly, grabbed a handful of bean-like Nine-Tails Night's special army ration pills from the ninja bag at the back of his waist, stuffed them whole into his mouth, and began to chew .

However, now I have to bite the bullet!

While chewing, while looking ahead, Qianye's eyes were firm, but there was no hesitation!

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