Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1798 Expected?

Is this... a conspiracy?

As expected of Konoha's little monster, Taki Chiba has a notorious reputation outside, and it's not for nothing.

This series of offensives clearly told people that he wanted to create visual blind spots, and even created sound blind spots.

It also happens to be helpless!

Sangouyu's Sharingan was shining with a gloomy brilliance. Looking at the semicircular high rock wall that completely protected him from the dense attacks in front of him, listening to the rumbling sound like thunder in his ears, he noticed that he was coming from the high wall. The masked man slowly picked up the ninja sword that had been thrown aside hastily just now, put the sword into its sheath, and looked at the two sides and the top of himself vigilantly.

At this moment, in front of him is a high rocky wall that protects him but also blocks all the front view, left and right are filled with smoke and white mist, but he can't see clearly, and the rear is also engulfed by the smoke and white mist The trend can be said to be unclear from three perspectives. Although there is Sharingan, it has not become blind to some extent, but it will still give Nataki Chiba a lot of opportunities and tactical choices. The situation will be different.

And beside the ears, there is this thunderous rumbling sound. If you don't use your eyes to see, just listen to the sound to identify the position, I am afraid that Taki Chiba's fist will not be noticed when it hits the face. The sound created a blind spot. Under the rumbling sound, he was only two or three meters behind him. He didn't even hear the crisp "clang" sound of the ninja sword belonging to Taki Chiba landing in mid-air. He still scanned the surroundings just now. When preventing Taki Chiba from taking advantage of the loopholes, he realized that a ninja sword fell not far behind him.

But at this time, because the attack covered a wide area, a lot of rock thorns had been stabbed obliquely behind him "silently".

Obviously, in a sense, the situation is already in Taki Chiba's favor.

Now the attack is in full swing, and the coverage is extremely wide. If he attacks now, it will be nothing more than the left and right sides, and the top is impossible.


And below, pay more attention.

At present, the smoke has not yet diffused, and the attack from the rear is too obvious, so it is unlikely. However, he may have guessed that the possibility of attacking from the rear is not very likely, but it is more likely to attack from behind.

However, even though he was in an unfavorable situation and knew Chiba's combat style, the masked man was extremely calm. Ever since his attitude became serious, there was no fluctuation in his heart, and his calmness was abnormal.

I'm not afraid of the attack, I'm afraid this kid is cunning.

Take the opportunity to slip away!

However, after all, the masked man is a strategic and thoughtful person. He took into account the problem of attack, but he did not hang himself under the possibility. Now he already knows that Chiba knows that he is delaying time, so Taking advantage of this time, it is possible to slip away directly.

This is also a kind of surprise.

As for Taki Chiba slipping away, although it is generally beneficial to him, if Taki Chiba notices something and thinks of his current plan, then it is also possible that he will fall short.

Right now, even Minakame Minato is not as threatening as Taki Chiba!

And planning this big event, Taki Chiba is also a big thorn in his heart, and he can't get around it every time, causing him a headache.

Moreover, since the implementation of this plan, Taki Chiba almost let the plan fail every time, if it is not for the fact that there is such a difficult person in Konoha Village who will work hard for Uzumaki Kushina, and even fight to the death. The guy is here, why should he spend so much time.

Kyuubi, already in his hands!


Thinking of this, the masked man on the left and right, who were calm and calm in his heart, couldn't help but smacked his mouth.



And at the moment of smacking his lips, Wei Wei started to weaken but was still covered by the deafening impact sound, two feet broke through the dust from both ends of the high rock wall.


Suddenly, the right eye of the masked man's writing wheel suddenly turned down. Out of the corner of his eye, two big holes were suddenly opened in the white mist and dust on both sides. In a flash, two Taki Chibas had already appeared. , is doing the chest and fists.

I won't hit the same trick twice.

And at the moment he noticed it, a cold light flashed in the masked man's eyes, with a little contempt, he pressed down with one hand, and gently pressed it to the ground.

Then, instead of looking at the sides, he turned his gaze behind him.

"Chi Chi!"

And at the moment when he pressed down with one hand and his eyes shifted, two slender cones suddenly pierced out from both sides of the masked man, and only two horrifying sounds were heard, and two cones shot out one meter away. Chiba was pierced directly, and her heart was chilled.

In an instant, his whole body became cold, his head drooped and his feet slumped, hanging on the slender but solid rock spur.

"Bang bang!"

Then, it exploded into water stains.

Same thing, can I do it twice?

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw two bodies of water exploding, and the man in the mask curled his lips expressionlessly under the mask, thinking with disdain

Next, not the back, but the sides again.

And the eyes are staring at the two sides of the rear, and the heart is already determined.

There is a wall in front, although the attack has weakened, but it has not stopped, and there is only behind him, and if it is not good, Taki Chiba will attack from both sides.


As soon as the thought flashed, the masked man didn't say anything, and the several spherical silvery-white beads that had been prepared in his hand turned into a little bit of cold light, flying towards the place where the smoke and dust were thickening behind him.


And as if to verify what he thought, a little bit of cold light just flew over, and the smoke and dust behind him was already somewhat vague.


Afterwards, there was a sound of gold, iron, and flesh colliding, and a little bit of cold light crashed into the suddenly appearing thunder figure.


But at this moment, amidst the sound of the impact, Qianye's figure wrapped in thunder light stopped suddenly, looked down suddenly, and blurted out with a horrified sound.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Then, before he could see what the cold light on his body was, a series of explosions exploded on his body. In an instant, the thunder light stopped, and his whole body was blown upside down and flew back into the smoke and dust.


However, seeing the thunder figure being blown into the smoke and dust, the man in the mask suddenly exclaimed, the face under the mask was already full of disbelief.


Then, almost shouting, he looked up suddenly.

That's not the body, it's the avatar!

If you want to be surprised, it can only be above!

But in his mind, there was only this thought, the right hand holding the ninja sword was already tightened, with a "Keng", the ninja sword was slightly unsheathed, and with a flash of cold light, it was already gesturing upwards.


However, at the moment when the sword was in full swing, there was a soft sound of cracking, but it sounded softly behind him.


In an instant, the masked man froze and froze on the spot.

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