Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1797 Short Soldiers

"Get... get..."

The sharp ninja swords criss-crossed and collided into an "X" shape, trembling from time to time, making the sound of gold and iron rubbing against each other.

Speed, almost as fast!

Sharingan is really a bug-level ability.

Sensing the force from the back of the ninja sword that was clinging to his right arm, Chiba clenched his teeth slightly, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

This time, what will be the trick!

He should have noticed that I don't use time and space, which is a kind of surprise.

However, with the wisdom shown by Taki Chiba, it is impossible not to think that I will not use it. It does not mean that I will never use it, and I will be more or less wary. Next, there must be another trick!

At the same time, feeling the strength on the back of the ninja sword that refuted me with his hand pressed against his right arm, the Sharingan of the masked man San Gouyu turned slightly.

And at this moment, both of them made the appearance of stepping forward and swinging their swords, their right knees and right toes hit each other, and their bodies leaned forward, as if they were putting their entire body weight into the two colliding right hands and right hands. On the ninja sword held backwards, it is like a mirror with two sides.

Magic eye!

However, at this very moment, Qianye, who had just turned his thoughts around, shuddered, and a thunder flashed in his eyes filled with emerald green fire, and he suddenly turned to the side.


Just at the moment when his gaze shifted, a trace of pity flashed across the face of the man in the mask who had already turned around in Sangouyu's hand.


Afterwards, he heard the sound of the scorching sand under his feet, and the face under the mask of the masked man suddenly changed, but his expression of pity immediately turned into one of shock.


Then, at this moment, in Sangouyu's turning Shulunyan, a thunder light flashed quietly!


In an instant, the naked right eye of the masked man opened suddenly, but his body leaned forward uncontrollably. Amidst the sound of metal friction and collision, only the one in the writing wheel eyes remained. The ninja sword that lost all support, rubbed against the ninja sword in his hand along his leaning forward, fell down, and was about to be knocked out by the ninja sword in his hand that suddenly lost the power to resist!

The moment the opponent looked away, the moment the thunder flashed, Taki Chiba disappeared in front of his eyes.


Then, in just half a second, his Sharingan suddenly glanced to his right and rear!

And at this moment, a flash of lightning flashed past his right shoulder, and suddenly, the shadow covered his head, and the thunder flashed, a fist seemed to appear out of thin air, and it was already lying on his side. On the side of his cheek, the thunder light almost hit the mask, and the orange mask reflected was already a miserable color.

At this time, behind him, Qianye turned sideways in mid-air, raised her chest and clenched her fists, the thunder light all over her body burst out, and the fists had already reached!

Concentrating a huge amount of chakra's strange power in an instant, ready to go!

Can't be hardwired!

Faced with this sudden punch, the fist that was suddenly reflected in Shulunyan's lightning flashing fist, the masked man couldn't help being horrified, he kicked his feet hard, but there was only one thought in his mind.

Will be dodged!

But at this moment, Qianye, whose eyes were intertwined with emerald green fire and thunder, changed his face.


In the next moment, Lei Guang's fist whizzed past, and before the strange power erupted, it brushed the black hood and passed across.

In the nick of time, the masked man took advantage of the sudden withdrawal of force in front of him, and suddenly jumped forward, narrowly avoiding it!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

But at this second, Qianye's eyes flashed, but the thunder light on his body stopped suddenly. In an instant, the dense electric current entangled and wrapped around his whole body disappeared instantly, and the thick rock color spread from his hands, feet, chest and abdomen. It diffused in an instant, and in just an instant, it wrapped itself tightly.

"Keng Keng Keng!"

Then, at the moment when the rock armor formed suddenly, there was a flash in front of him, the masked man twisted his body and wrinkled his body. When facing Qianye, his left hand had already been thrown out, and a few points of cold light had already hit Qianye's chest The abdomen is vital, embedded between the thick rock armor.



In the next second, when Qianye's eyes fell on the place where the cold light hit, his pupils shrank suddenly.


But at this time, with both feet off the ground, the eyes of the masked male Shalun who jumped forward and swept back flashed brightly, his left hand was raised and closed in front of his chest, his two fingers were raised up, and the seal was completed!

"Chi Chi Chi!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Immediately, flames burst out from the vital points of Qianye Yankai's chest and abdomen, and before he could react, several balls of flames and smoke exploded from his chest. Amidst the crackling sound, the rock armor suddenly shattered into a cobweb-covered appearance, and with a "bang", it shattered into pieces and flew out.

Concentrated explosives!

In an instant, my rock armor was exploded!

With the soil, a lot of preparations have been made!

And Qianye, who felt the burning pain in his chest and abdomen and was pushed back by the force of the explosion, was secretly startled.

"Crack, clap, clap!"

Then, the last seal was formed on the left hand hidden behind the back, and the fragments of the rock armor that collapsed and flew around suddenly stopped, and then seemed to be pulled by invisible gravity, gathered in threes and fives, and suddenly merged into countless spirals The rock thorn suddenly shot towards the slightly slumped masked man.

At the same time, with a slap in the right hand, five kunai slipped out from the sleeve. With one grasp, they were all in hand, and the right hand was thrown out. The five kunai had already turned into five cold lights. out.


Afterwards, Qianye's left and right hands snapped together, forming a seal with his rare hands.

Immediately, the bitterness became ten, ten became twenty, twenty became forty... Gradually, it became countless, densely packed into an overwhelming momentum, spreading and shooting away!

All of a sudden, in the eyes of the masked man, there were only the thorns of Kunai rocks all over the sky, and there were only dense sounds of piercing the air in his ears!

Ninja, shadow clone shuriken technique!

Very fast printing!

But at this time, facing the kunai rock thorns all over his face, the face of the masked man changed suddenly, and there was undisguised horror in Shulunyan.

Rock thorn ninjutsu, plus this shadow clone shuriken technique, the two ninjutsu before and after are performed at the same interval, this seal is simply unimaginable!


However, the horror is the horror, but the masked man's hands are not slow, and there are several seals in his hands. Just at this time, when the leap is exhausted, when his feet are on the ground, he has already squatted down, and his hands are already pressed on the ground .


While holding down the momentum of the leap, a tall arc-shaped wall rose up in front of him, covering his body in an instant.

Earth escape, the technique of rock shield!


"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

And at the moment when this tall arc rock wall rose from the ground, almost at the same time, the rock thorns all over the sky shot at it, and hit the rock wall heavily, and suddenly white mist and debris flew together, and the entire block The rock walls vibrated!

The sound of impact and shattering became one piece, rumbling like thunder!

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