Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1777 Big trouble!


Now, not yet, not over yet!

Looking at the place where Namikaze Minato and Kushina disappeared, the corner of Chiba's mouth was filled with ecstasy and an unbelievably stiff smile because Kushina was successfully rescued, and Kushina was transferred away when Kyuubi was not drawn out. It slowly disappeared, replaced by a look of vigilance.


At the same time, he raised his right hand suddenly, forming a person. Immediately, a cloud of white mist exploded around him. Then, in the white mist, a hand stretched out flatly, and pressed on the surface of the water polo suspended in mid-air.

Next, before the white mist dissipated, Chiba let go of the hand on the water polo, walked to the corner where Kushina was leaning against, squatted down, and picked up the Flying Thunder God Kunai in the corner, With the emerald green fire flickering in his eyes, he held Kunai in his left hand, and gently pressed his right hand on the hilt of Kunai's sword, which was engraved with the imprint of "Sword of Tolerance".

In an instant, a circle of tadpole words suddenly spread out from the palm of his right hand, completely enveloping the words "Sword of Ninja Love" and isolating the mark.

Now that you've left, don't come back for me!

It's safe to wait until this incident is over.

Kushina, Minato...

As for the stall where the Flying Thunder God's mark was sealed again, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

"not good!"

However, the moment this thought passed, Qianye raised her head suddenly, her face was filled with horror, as if she had thought of something very important, she suddenly turned her head.

Oh no!

The technique of sealing and binding can only suppress the chakra and mobility of the human body for about three seconds, and it should have been lifted by now!

Bring soil!

And his heart was already so startled that its heartbeat accelerated several times.


However, Chiba, who had already stood up and turned around suddenly following this glance, and touched the hilt of the ninja sword behind his back, saw the situation in the water polo, but his expression changed, and his expression of shock suddenly changed. It turned into a look of astonishment.

At this moment, in his eyes, it has shrunk by half, but it still occupies one-tenth of the water polo in the stone room, but the masked man is still in it, and his figure is still pressed by the huge water pressure. Curled up. She just stared at herself tightly, as if she wanted to see through him.


No time-spatialization left?

But looking at this scene, Qianye's focus is not on this staring at him so closely, which can make people feel cold behind his back, but on why the masked man in the water polo didn't leave.

At this time, there is no influence of the art of sealing and binding. The masked man, that is, Obito, can use the power of the pupil to transform time and space, absorb himself into his own different space, and then teleport to other places.

Although the pressure in the water polo is extremely high, one-tenth of the water pressure in the water dungeon that cracked the third generation of Raikage, but even with such power, it cannot stop the space-time ninjutsu.

In a sense, space-time ninjutsu is a level higher than escapism.

The current Obito can completely escape from this water polo.

And the reason why he stayed was to solve the problem of bringing soil.

Although Kushina and Namikaze Minato are safe now, the current security can only be said to be temporary security, and hidden dangers still exist. It has been planned for so long, although Chiba just now is indeed because of the achievement of a key step. I lost my composure, and even got carried away, even forgetting that I was on the battlefield.

However, after planning for such a long time, even if it is inevitable to worry about it, Qianye can calm down quickly.

Just like Chiba now.


Why, instead of using time and space ninjutsu to escape, stay here?

Then, seeing this scene, Qianye frowned in surprise.

Obito's behavior is a bit strange!

Now that Kushina and Namikaze Minato have left, and he has just sealed Hiraishen Kunai, Obito should have noticed it with the way Obito is staring at him now.

With the now blackened Obito's ability, it should not be difficult to guess his intentions.

After all, Obito is targeting Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, not himself.

At this time, you should use time and space ninjutsu to leave here and start tracking Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

After all, Namikaze Minato is also good at sealing techniques, and even created a gossip seal based on the Sixiang seal. If Namikaze Minato repairs the seal of Jinchuriki, then Obito can be said to be in vain.

The reason why Chiba stayed was to hold Obito so that Namikaze Minato had time to repair the seal. As long as the seal was repaired and Kushina was out of reach, Obito had no choice. Chiba believes that even Obito, who was taught by Madara after being blackened, will definitely not be able to unlock the complete Nine-Tails Jinchuriki seal. Otherwise, why would Obito wait until Kushina gave birth before attacking? For him with the ability of round eyes, as long as he can unlock the complete seal of Jinzhuli, he can surprise Chakra at any time. After all, Kushina's production is also tightly guarded, and with Namikaze Minato on his side, he can choose whether to attack Chakra or not. Namikaze Minato realized the Kyuubi Rebellion even when Kushina was alone.

What's more, Kushina's Chakra still has a strong restraining power against tailed beasts. Now that he is weak after giving birth, he may not have any suppressing power, but he just needs to recuperate. With the strong vitality of the Uzumaki clan, it won't take long for Chakra to recover. Being dragged here now, every second is a loss for Obito!

However, under such circumstances, Obito should search for Kushina and Namikaze Minato as quickly as possible. If they can be found within time, his plan still has hope.

Now this is staying in a daze, how could it not be surprising.

Moreover, Obito, who is now blackened, can't be so stupid, he doesn't know this at all. On the contrary, the current Obito is so scheming that Chiba dare not be careless.

Why should you stay?

Which possibility will make Obito stay?

And almost subconsciously, Qianye began to analyze, and began to think about the possibility of all kinds of Obito staying reasonably.

However, for a while, Chiba couldn't think of any reason to stay with Obito.

Nine-Tails Jinchuriki has been taken away by Namikaze Minato.

It seems that this Taki Chiba is going to hold me back here, and then give Namikaze Minato time to repair the seal, and let Nine-Tails Jinchuriki recover.


Just now, I was a little too impatient.

Now, it is somewhat disadvantageous.

And at this moment, the masked man who was staring closely at Qianye was already calm in his heart. Seeing Qianye staying here and not leaving, the face under the mask already showed a clear look.

In the first moment, he guessed Qianye's intention.

This Taki Chiba...

It finally became my confidant's big trouble!

Afterwards, bursts of killing intent surged up in his heart uncontrollably.

His goal, his plan, will never allow failure!

No one is allowed to hinder!

No one is allowed to destroy it like this!

This confidant has to get rid of it!

Now, this moment, right now...

Get rid of it!

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