Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1776 A moment

"Naruto, you are right here, take a good rest, mom will be here soon."

In a residence somewhere in Konoha, Namikaze Minato gently placed the baby with blond fox beard and facial pattern who was tired from crying in his arms and seemed to be dozing off, gently on the crib in front of him, looking into his eyes The son who had already closed it and began to suck his finger, a loving smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and after gently stroking his son's head, he said softly.



And following this sound, the loving smile on Namikaze Minato's face solidified bit by bit. Thinking of his wife who was still in the stone room in the delivery room, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but feel a heavy heart, guilt and self-blame slowly surged in his heart rise.

He knew very well that now he was transferred from the mountain, and the moment he chose to save Naruto, he had already made a choice.

Abandon his wife and save his son.

At the last moment, he still didn't listen to Chiba's opinion.

Now, I am afraid that his wife is no longer in the delivery room, but was captured by space ninjas at that time.

In other words, this matter, such a careful plan, Qianye's exhaustive strategy, was still messed up by him.

"Naruto, just wait here, Dad will take Mom over right away!"

However, Namikaze Minato was Namikaze Minato after all, although he felt guilty and knew that the situation was not good, he was not discouraged at all, and even a more urgent belief surged from his heart.

That is...

Rescue his wife back!

And after saying this, Namakaze Minato took a slight breath, slowly closed his eyes, then raised his two fingers, and began to sense his mark of Flying Thunder God.

On Jiushina's body, he left a mark of the Flying Thunder God. As long as he senses the mark of the Flying Thunder God, he can go directly to Jiu Xinnai's side.

Moreover, if the mark of Fei Lei Shen can be sensed, then it means that Kushina is not in the different space of that time-space ninja, and he can rescue him.

With Chiba's information, as a time-space ninja, he still knows to some extent that time-space and time-space will interfere. If that different space belongs to that time-space ninja alone, then his mark of Flying Thunder God is completely valid. May be interfered or blocked.

Of course, if he can perceive the mark of Fei Leishen while Kushina is still in the different space of the time-space ninja, and successfully use Fei Leishen to rescue Kushina, that would be the best situation.

This directly shows that the different space of this time-space ninja can't hinder Flying Thunder God, he can come and go freely, as long as there is a mark, then this time-space ninja is nothing to worry about.


And at this moment, when he was sensing the imprint of the Flying Thunder God, in the dark space of his consciousness, a large number of imprints of the "Sword of Endurance" flickered like pure white flames, in a On the side of the pure white flame imprint of tadpole text, another pure white flame imprint suddenly lights up.


"I will seal two of the three Flying Thunder God Kunai. If any of the two are unsealed and re-perceived, please be there as soon as possible! No matter what you do , what are you doing, please be sure, be sure to transfer over there as soon as possible!"

And at this time, in an instant, Chiba's repeated exhortations flashed in Namikaze Minato's mind.

Then, when this picture flashed by, the environment of Namikaze Minato's residence suddenly became dark, and then, a bright color belonging to a candle illuminated his half-squatting body.


But when he opened his eyes for the first time, in front of him was his wife who was still pale and sweating coldly with the lingering shock on her face.

Almost subconsciously, he blurted out a surprise.


At this time, Kushina, who had been paying attention to Chiba all the time, saw that it was only Chiba's water body that was cut open, and Kushina, who let out a sigh of relief because the enemy was instantly restrained, also noticed his sudden appearance almost at the same time. My husband also had a surprise in his mouth.


Then, the sound of a slight heavy object falling to the ground sounded from behind her, which was the blind spot between her back and the wall.

Exactly, a seal slowly dissipated... Flying Thunder God Kunai!

Damn it!

It's Namikaze Minato!

And at this moment, the eyes of the masked man trapped in the water prison flashed coldly, and his heart immediately felt cold.


At almost the same moment, seeing Namikaze Minato suddenly appearing, ending Yinyin, and walking a few steps quickly, Chiba, who had already pressed his hand on the surface of the water polo, let out a sigh of relief. Throw it out of your ninja bag. With the sound of "crash la la", the scroll pulled out from the ninja bag immediately spread out, and with a flick of force, it stuck tightly to the surface of the water polo.

Immediately, chains of tadpole script sprayed out from the scroll and rushed into the water polo, like snakes that had confirmed their targets, they meandered away in the water extremely quickly, and instantly wiped out the chains of tadpole script on their bodies. Already turned into balls of ink, the masked man who was about to disappear in the water was tied tightly again.


And at this time, Minato Namikaze, who exchanged a glance with his wife and conveyed peace of mind to each other, noticed Chiba, who was using the technique of maintaining the water prison with one hand and releasing the technique of sealing the curse with the other hand, was slightly taken aback, Immediately called out.

Chiba... have you noticed something strange inside?

And, arrived in time, and subdued this space-time ninja?

For a moment, such a thought flashed through his mind.

Apparently, Minato Namikaze noticed such a big water polo and the immobile masked man inside.

"Minato-sensei! Don't stay, take Kushina-sensei and Naruto to a safe place! Go now! Only two seconds! Don't let Kushina-sensei stay here!"

However, this call was exchanged for Chiba's nervous and anxious words.

two seconds?

Hearing Chiba's nervous and anxious voice, Namikaze Minato was stunned, but soon, he noticed small ink colors that were steaming up from the tadpole text chains and blending into the surrounding water.

In an instant, he understood what Qianye was talking about.

"You come too!"

Then, he quickly stretched out his hand and handed it to Qianye.

If you want to go, you have to take this disciple with you!

He cannot be allowed to face such an opponent alone!

And the distance between the two is only three steps away, within reach!

"can not come!"

However, what I got when I stretched out my hand was not Qianye's flying figure and holding his hand, but Qianye's firm gaze, the way he shook his head, and such an even more anxious sentence.


And then, without waiting for him to say anything, a shout that was almost filled with anger due to anxiety, with the meaning of not being able to refuse, sounded again.

The tadpole text chain has already melted in half!

"wait for me!"

Seeing this disciple who has always been moody and even gloomy, screaming with wide eyes, almost jumping to his feet in a hurry, Namikaze Minato's face turned serious, but he didn't say anything more. After glancing at the water polo, With a movement of the hand seal and a "swipe", together with Jiu Xinnai, who was about to say something, disappeared into the stone room of the delivery room.


At this moment, the moment Namikaze Minato disappeared, a burst of bubbles steamed up, wrapped around the masked man's tadpole seal, completely turned into ink, and dissipated in the water polo.

The art of cursing and binding is invalid!


Save... Saved back?

Kushina, Namikaze Minato...

Are you all safe?

But at this moment, looking at the two people who suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes, and looking at the Fei Lei Shen Kunai lying quietly in the corner, the corners of Qianye's mouth turned up slightly, and then turned up again, and then turned up again, and finally, condensed A very stiff smile.

A grin of disbelief and relief.

However, he didn't care at all about the disappearance of the spell binding technique that can bind Obito's time and space ability for three seconds in the water polo!

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