Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1767 Childbirth


"I've never heard of it, it hurts so much!"

"It hurts so much! Talk about it—!"

Jiuxinna's cry of pain echoed in the stone room, and Jiuxinna, who was lying on the delivery bed and had already started giving birth, almost distorted her face due to the extreme pain, amidst the soft gurgling sound, the delivery The deputy hand on the bed was already being pinched softly by the hand whose knuckles were white from grasping too hard.

"It's the first time I've seen Kushina who cried out so loudly in pain, is it really all right?"

And at this time, amidst the bursts of painful cries, both hands were pressed on Kushina's stomach. Turned pale from being overwhelmed, he couldn't help but speak, but his voice was full of distress and panic.

"It's okay, your first task is to keep an eye on the Nine-Tails' seal!"

At this time, hearing Namikaze Minato's worried words, Sarutobi Biwako, who was delivering the baby on the other side, glanced at the young Hokage who was pale, worried, and even sweating anxiously. His face was as serious as ever, and he said .

"But, this..."

However, after hearing Sarutobi Lake Biwa's words, more and more painful cries came from his ears, Minakame couldn't help swallowing, his face seemed to be paler, and he was already sweating profusely.

"As the Fourth Hokage, don't be so flustered, men may die of pain long ago, but women are very powerful!"

Hearing Namikaze Minato's words, Sarutobi Biwako's tone became more severe, and he said so.

And at this moment, the four-image seal on Jiu Xinnai's stomach also slowly melted away. The seal in the center of the seal changed, and the black circles turned and merged, but they turned into two round ink circles, shaped like eyes. Hitomi.

So strong, Kyuubi is struggling to get out!

In an instant, Namikaze Minato's expression froze, and a heavy and dignified look quietly surfaced on his face, instantly replacing those worries and panic, and unconsciously, his teeth also clenched.

At this moment, in the connection of the sealing technique, he could feel that the Nine-Tails bound in the sealed space was constantly struggling and hitting the seal, trying to break the seal when the seal began to turn from weak to the weakest. out.

come on! Kushina!

come on! Naruto!

At the same time, he couldn't help but glanced at his wife, praying silently in his heart.

"The head has come out, it's almost there, Kushina!"

And as the sweat on Namikaze Minato's forehead and cheeks became more and more, Kushina's cries of pain became weaker and weaker, and Sarutobi Biwako, who was in charge of delivering the baby, also looked more solemn, and said so in his mouth.

At this point, the baby's head has come out, and the delivery is coming to an end!

"Come on! Lord Kushina."

And at this time, beside Sarutobi Lake Biwa, the female medical staff who assisted in the delivery couldn't help but speak.

Naruto! Come out now!

Kyuubi don't come out!

But at this moment, after hearing this and feeling the fury roaring and struggling in the sealed space, Namikaze Minato of Nine Tails closed his eyes tightly because of tension and strong will, and clenched his teeth tightly. Chakra kept flowing, repairing and stabilizing the seal that was destroyed by the violent struggle, and roared in his heart.


Then, following the roaring and shouting prayers, amidst Kushina's desperate cries of pain, Sarutobi Biwako's completely solemn expression, a baby's cry suddenly sounded.

"Bring hot water!"

In an instant, Sarutobi Biwako spit out a rather urgent word amidst the bursts of crying that symbolized the baby's health.


In response, the female medical staff who assisted in delivering the baby on the side responded, and skillfully brought the hot water prepared on the side.

Then, amidst the sound of water, the baby's crying became louder.


And at this time, listening to the loud cry of the baby, Jiu Xinnai, who was panting and slowly opened his eyes, instantly burst into crystal tears, and the tears immediately flowed down. Eye dripping down.

This... this is, me... me and Minato's...

My...my family...my, child...

And her heart was already full of excitement.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato, who was stabilizing the seal, also slowly straightened up, staring, and stayed in place.

"Birth... birth... come... come..."

After a while, he said in a low voice.

"Wow... wow..."

But at this time, Namikaze Minato's eyes were already completely occupied by the crying baby, and there was nothing else.


In the next second, a burst of excited crying laughter rang out.

"From today onwards, I will be a father!"

After the laughter, Minato Namakaze couldn't help but wiped his eyes, almost crying and laughing as he said this sentence.

"He is a very energetic boy!"

At this time, Sarutobi Biwako, who has always been strict, couldn't help but smile and said, his tone was much softer, and while she was talking, she walked towards Kushina.


And when she walked by Namikaze Minato, because of the completion of childbirth, Kyuubi seemed to be restrained inside the seal and was no longer fussing, so she let go of Namakaze Minato, who was holding the seal, subconsciously called out, and stretched out her hand. To hug Naruto.

"Don't touch it!"

However, before he stretched out his hand halfway, he was stopped by Sarutobi Biwako, and Sarutobi Biwako continued to walk towards Kushina, and said with a little reproach: "You have to let him see your mother first." Bar!"

As he said that, Sarutobi Biwako, accompanied by the female medical ninja who assisted in the delivery, placed the baby with strange beard-like lines on his cheeks, which resembled a birthmark, next to Kushina, and let Kushina take a look.


Looking at the baby in front of him, Jiu Xinnai, whose face was full of sweat and fatigue, couldn't help showing a tired but loving smile, and the call in his mouth was also full of indescribable tenderness: "Finally, I see you." .”

"Okay, then you can relax."

Following this sound, Sarutobi Biwako showed a kind smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at Kushina who was exhausted on the delivery bed, gently hugged Naruto, and said softly.

However, after saying this, she turned her head to look at Minato Namikaze, and the kindness on her face slowly turned into a dignified one.


In this regard, Namikaze Minato, who was still excited about being a father when he caught Sarutobi Lake Biwa's eyes, immediately became serious and nodded slightly.

"Kushina, are you alright?"

Then, after nodding, Namikaze Minato turned his gaze to his wife, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

While speaking, his hand gently caressed his wife's hand, which was already turning white, tightly holding the handrail.


Hearing Namikaze Minato's gentle words, and looking at her beloved husband, Kushina smiled happily and nodded slightly.

"You have a good rest, I will fix the seal now!"

And hearing this sound, the gentle smile on the corner of Namikaze Minato's mouth seemed to grow stronger, but his hands were already on the seal.

According to Chiba's plan, now, the seal must be repaired as soon as possible!

Completely stabilize Nine Tails!

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