"It's over here, you shouldn't go in again."

Inside the slowly closed stone chamber door, Sarutobi Biwako turned around with a serious face, stretched out his hand, stopped Chiba who was clearly worried and anxious, and spoke seriously.

"Yes... yes! I see."

Seeing Sarutobi Lake Biwa's stop, Chiba was startled for a moment, then seemed to realize something, stopped immediately and was about to follow the footsteps into the stone room, and hurriedly said.

"I'm counting on you outside."

In response, Sarutobi Biwako nodded solemnly and said.

Then, she put away the hand that raised her hand to stop it, and at this moment, Shimen slowly closed amidst the sound of clucking and Jiuxinna's faint cry of pain, until there was a "boom", Close it tightly, and blend into the color of the stone wall, as if it had never appeared before.


And when the stone gate was closed, Qianye could only respond like this.

Afterwards, after watching the Shimen close and all the screams and voices were cut off by the Shimen, in the cave that suddenly became quiet, Qianye slightly pursed her lips, the uncontrollable worry and tension on her face was actually I can't hide it no matter what.

Subconsciously, he looked back at the sky outside the cave.

Dotted with stars, the outside is already a night scene.

At this moment, it was already evening, and the afternoon would have passed without knowing it. If it weren't for the labor pains that were about to be born, the three of them might not have noticed that the sky was getting dark.

I didn't expect it to be so fast...it was already night!

So fast……

The Night of the Nine Tails has begun!

But looking at the sky outside, Qianye couldn't help swallowing.

For Qianye, this night was really too sudden, and now, he still hasn't recovered from it.

It was also this afternoon that I had a rare chat with Kushina and Namikaze Minato, imagining the scene of living together in the future, discussing what to buy and what to move, they have completely forgotten the time.

To be honest, at this time Chiba suddenly felt caught off guard.

Because of the special devotion to chatting this afternoon, he almost forgot about the big event that is coming tonight. Now, Kushina's sudden labor pains suddenly brought him back to reality. At this time, he also Inevitably some at a loss.

In addition, when Jiuxinna's pain came suddenly, the cry of pain that could almost be described as tragic was still lingering in his mind, and the panic and worry caused by the scream were also followed by the cry of pain. Haunting in his mind, it also made Qianye a little restless.


However, Chiba has been planning the Night of the Nine Tails for too long after all. In fact, he has also considered and dealt with the current situation of "when Kushina is giving birth, it is inevitable that he will not be calm" way.

At this moment, Qianye also took a deep breath according to the way he had thought of, and when he exhaled the foul air, he slowly calmed down.

Now, the opening has changed, Konoha is no longer defenseless, even if Obito uses the time and space ability to sneak in, as long as he is close to here, unless he does not kill any Anbu and is not discovered by any Anbu, otherwise, it is impossible Enter the stone chamber quietly like the original book.

It is also impossible to escape the vigilance of Namikaze Minato with mental arithmetic and unintentional.

But now, if Obito wants to sneak into the stone room without making a sound without killing any of the vigilant Anbu, it's probably impossible.

According to the original book, there should be a reason for Obito to kill those vigilant Anbu.

For example, his time and space ability is not enough to enter the stone chamber quietly under the eyes and ears of these Anbu.

In other words, he doesn't know the exact time when Kushina's delivery ends, or when Naruto will be born, he always sneaks into the stone chamber first, waits for Naruto to be born, waits for the opportunity to capture Naruto, and threatens Naruto Namikaze Minato. This hibernation, naturally the fewer people who are vigilant, the better, even if the time of hibernation is only the time when a baby is born.

After all, for Obito, under the erosion of hatred and darkness, this Night of the Nine Tails is also a good revenge, a vent, he must be cautious, killing the vigilant Anbu is also a perfect plan.

In short, killing Vigilance Anbu is definitely the first step in his infiltration, a must-do step!

And now, I am guarding the entrance of the cave, and as long as there is a slight abnormality outside, I can take care of Anbu.

Now that it is impossible for Obito to silently kill all the prepared alert Anbu outside, it is absolutely impossible to enter Anbu silently.

Even, they might not even be able to enter the stone chamber!

Now, I just need to concentrate on investigating the situation outside!

At the same time, such a series of thoughts flashed through Qianye's mind.

And following this series of thoughts, Qianye also slowly raised his hand, put it to his mouth, please press the thumb between them, with a sound of "crack", the teeth have bitten the thumb, and blood dripped instantly.


Then, with a "pop", Qianye's hand that bit his thumb was pressed heavily on the ground, and the tadpole text spread out with his palm as the center in an instant, forming a contract formation, and the blood communicated, "Boom!" With a sound, the white mist suddenly exploded at the very center of the psychic contract formation.

"Next, please, Parker, if there is a strange smell outside, let me know as soon as possible!"

Then, after watching the white mist dissipate, the young version of Parker who stayed in the center of the slowly disappearing psychic contract spoke.

"Relax, kid."

In this regard, Parker, who was summoned but seemed to know what to do, lowered his eyelids, and said to Chiba seriously with a Kakashi expression.


Hearing this, Qianye nodded, and then he took a step back. Amidst the sound of "cluck-clack", a layer of rock color rose from the ends of his hands and feet, climbing all the way up, covering his whole body in an instant, and then , The color of the rock changed, but it turned into the color of the cave wall behind him. In an instant, Qianye "melted" into the cave wall like the stone gate.

Earth escape, the art of camouflage and concealment!

This kid is getting more and more powerful. This camouflage seems to cover up his smell...

And looking at Qianye who disappeared, Parker smacked his mouth, and such a thought couldn't help but arise in his heart.

Then, after such a thought flashed in his mind, as Kakashi's seven ninja dogs, although not fighting type, but the most intelligent ninja dog, and the first ninja dog to learn to speak, Parker's nose twitched, stood up, After looking around, he ran into a shadow and hid himself.

Although it is much inferior to Chiba's camouflage, this shadow is just right to cover Parker's figure. In addition to the dark environment of the cave, if you don't look carefully, you really can't see it. A small dog.

Next, just wait for you to show up!

Bring soil!

At this time, watching Parker hide his figure and "melt" into the wall, Qianye slowly closed his eyes.

With both hands, lightly pressed on the wall.

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