Chapter 15 Graduation


The white mist dissipated around Qianye, he let out a long breath, panted twice, and sat down on the ground.

"It's so tiring! This technique is simply not done by humans!" Chiba complained.

At this moment, Qianye couldn't move a single finger, and he had exhausted the last trace of his strength. He opened his hands, fell to the ground, and looked at the sky full of stars.

"Uh... the strange power training has been forgotten!"

Qianye suddenly thought of this. In addition to the routine practice during this period, it was eight-door mode + ninjutsu + knot seal training, and today was the new technique training, which completely drained his physical strength.


Chiba sighed.

It would be nice to have more time, and more time after graduation. I really hope to graduate soon!

Thinking like this, Qianye slowly closed her eyelids and fell into a deep sleep.

Chiba didn't wake up until the dew hit his face in the early morning of the second day. He opened his eyes, the sun had slowly risen, and the sun shone on his body, giving him a slight warmth.

"It's already the second day?" Chiba sat up in a daze and yawned. Then I stood up and went back to the room to wash up, my stomach was already growling.

After washing up and buying two extra-large steamed buns in the village, Chiba walked into the school, returned to the familiar classroom, sat in the seat she had always been, gnawed on the steamed buns, and fell asleep.

But the students in the class, intentionally or unintentionally, set their eyes on him, with astonishment, disbelief, and a very small amount of fear in their eyes.

After all, yesterday Chiba fought with two geniuses, smashed Hyuga Yukina's palm with one punch, and defeated Uchiha Hirohiko with unparalleled speed. In the eyes of his classmates, he is no longer that little transparent, but Be the first in this class!

As far as actual combat is concerned.

"Morning." At this moment, a voice came from behind Qianye.

Chiba gnawed on the steamed bun and did not respond. It was not until Uchiha Hirohiko's figure passed by him that Chiba realized it. Looking around, it seemed that he was the only one in the area with a radius of three meters at the back door.

Hirohiko Uchiha is greeting him!

When she was used to being transparent, Qianye was used to no one saying hello to him, and even formed a mindset that saying hello to someone was also a way of saying hello to someone else.

"Oh...morning." Chiba looked at Uchiha Hirohiko, and responded to his greeting in a daze.

Hirohiko Uchiha nodded, sat down in front of Chiba, and said, "Just now I met the teacher and told the three of us to sit together."

"Huh?" Chiba was taken aback.

The seats in the ninja school are free to sit, and there is no fixed position. The teacher suddenly asked the three of them to sit together. What's going on?

Ah, no, three? Who is the other one?

Chiba was puzzled.

Although he was puzzled, Qianye didn't ask, but continued to hold his chin with one hand and gnaw on the extra-large steamed bun with the other.

Uchiha Hirohiko also had a cold look, sitting in front of Chiba, looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Morning." After a while, a person walked in through the back door.

"Morning." Uchiha Hirohiko responded.

Chiba didn't respond, he thought he should be greeting Uchiha Hirohiko, not himself.

However, the voice seemed a little familiar.

Then, a faint fragrance penetrated into the tip of the nose, and a figure sat down beside Qianye.

Qianye looked over with a little surprise, but saw Xue Nai sitting upright on the chair next to her, felt Qianye's gaze, turned her head, and nodded slightly to him.

Qianye chewed the steamed buns a few times, and suddenly realized that "Morning" was also a greeting to him.

"Morning." Qianye made amends.

"Morning." Hinata Xue Nai nodded, and said again: "Today the teacher asked the three of us to sit together."

"Oh..." Chiba replied.

How do they all know, but I don't?

Chiba felt depressed.

"Hey! Take a look!" At this time, the students seemed to have discovered something, pointing to the three people at the back door, and said.

"Are you kidding? Hirohiko and Yukina are sitting next to Taki Chiba? What's going on?"

"No, Yukina and Hirohiko don't like being crowded with other people!"

"These three people..."

Classmates, you look at me, I look at you, and then all eyes fall on Qianye, staring at Qianye tightly.

Jealousy and envy intertwined in his eyes!

Taki Chiba was so lucky to be able to sit behind Hirohiko! I also want to sit behind Hirohiko, but also in front! Sitting next to me will have no regrets in my life!

The girls think so.

This hateful Taki Chiba! Sitting next to Xue Nai, what goddamn luck! I also want to sit next to Xue Nai, no! The back is also fine! no no no! I am also satisfied before! Damn it, I'm so envious!

This is what the boys think.

As for Qianye, feeling the eyes of the students decisively, she turned her head slightly and narrowed her eyes.

It's none of my business, they came here by themselves, didn't you see?

As for Uchiha Hirohiko and Hyuga Yukina, one of them looked out of the window, and the other sat solemnly, and they didn't notice these gazes at all.

At this time, the class bell rang.

The teacher stepped into the classroom, walked to the podium, glanced at them, saw the three of Chiba at the back door, and said, "Before class, I want to announce something!"

At this time, the students had just returned to their seats, and when they heard the teacher's words, they became commotions one by one.

"Is there a transfer student?"

"No way? I haven't even heard the news."

"I haven't heard the news either."

The students whispered.

Even Chiba was thinking about it.

Are there really transfer students? I remember that in the original book, it seems that only Kushina Uzumaki is a transfer student, uh... a new student, don't care, in short, he transferred in halfway to study. Could it be Uzumaki Kushina?

However, this idea was quickly rejected by Chiba.

Now Kakashi is 8 years old, and in Namikaze Minato's class, Namikaze Minato is in his teens and twenties at this time, Uzumaki Kushina, who is similar to him, should at least be an adult. Impossible to transfer in.

"Quiet, quiet!" The teacher pressed a few times to signal everyone to be quiet.

After all the students calmed down, he announced: "Now, with the approval of the Three Hokages, Taki Chiba, Uchiha Hirohiko, and Hyuga Yukina, the three can graduate early!"

As soon as this was said, the audience was in an uproar.

"What, Hirohiko graduated early?"

"Xue Nai graduated early?"

The students were full of disbelief. Apart from this disbelief, there were bursts of disappointment. As second-year gods and goddesses, they graduated?

"Can Taki Chiba graduate early?"

Amidst the disappointment, the students expressed their great surprise at Chiba's graduation!

Immediately, there was a lot of noise in the class.

As for Qianye herself, she was also a little at a loss.

Yesterday I was thinking about graduating, but I'm graduating today? This... also came too fast!

However, Chiba thought about it again, Uchiha Hirohiko's shadow clone technique, Hyuga Yukina's Bagua Kongzhang, strictly speaking, are all ninjutsu or taijutsu at the level of jounin or quasi-jounin, and a ninja school has not yet graduated Students who are able to perform this kind of technique, it is normal to graduate early.

And myself, having defeated two such geniuses, he is naturally qualified to graduate early!

Everything actually makes sense.

As for Uchiha Hirohiko and Hyuga Yukina, they were very calm, as if this result was expected.

"Today, the three of you don't have to go to class. Tomorrow, the jounin who is in charge of your team will give you an assembly notice. From now on, you will be jōnin and be divided into teams," the teacher said.

no class?

Chiba's ears perked up.

No matter, it will take more time! You can also have more training time!

"Come here and get the ninja forehead." The teacher took out three foreheads.

The three of Chiba stood up one after another and walked to the podium.

"Thank you teacher for taking care of me all the time!" After receiving the forehead protection, the three of them bowed in unison, and then left the classroom one after another.

Hearing this sentence, the teacher looked at Qianye, feeling a little ashamed in his heart: Your achievements are due to your hard work, teacher... I really didn't help you... sorry.

Then, the teacher sorted out his mood and started class.

"Okay, now we start to explain the theory of uncertain assumptions and mechanical energy."

It's just that the students looked at the three people who left outside eagerly, and they didn't have the heart to listen to the class at all.

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