Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 14 Expedited Reporting

"Master Naruto III, this is an urgent report from the ninja school, please take a look."

In Hokage's office, a ninja gently opened the door, and handed the documents in his hand to Hiruza Sarutobi, the third Hokage who was handling official business. At this time, the third Hokage was not old yet, but he was almost past his prime, but He seemed to be in good spirits, smoking a pipe, and looking at a document thoughtfully.

He reached out to take the report from the Ninja School, never taking his eyes off the document.

Then, he casually glanced at the report of the ninja school, his expression changed suddenly, he put down the original document, and carefully looked at the report of the ninja school.

"Three geniuses... In addition to Uchiha Hirohiko and Hyuga Yukina, there is actually another one... Well, Taki Chiba, it's that child!" Sandai Hokage pondered for a while, in fact, he was very interested in Chiba's ability to enter this three-genius genius. column, not surprised.

Before, in the operation to rescue Hyuga Yukina, this child performed brilliantly. Through Hyuga Yukina's narration, he could also feel the extraordinaryness of this child.

Two children were able to kill a Jōnin, even a seriously injured Jōnin, that is a very remarkable thing. Generally speaking, students like them who are still in the ninja school encounter the murderous aura of Jōnin. It was already unable to move.

But in the face of such a Jonin, the two children were not unable to act, but instead counterattacked and killed her. Hinata Yukina didn't talk about her, the aptitude of the ninja is obvious to all, this Taki Chiba can also resist the murderous aura of the Jonin , and led the battle to kill Jonin, this kind of aptitude, so far, he has only seen in Jiraiya's disciple, Namikaze Minato.

Also, on his own disciple, Orochimaru.

"Speaking of which, the missions of Minato and Kushina will be back soon." The Third Hokage took a puff of cigarette and let it out slowly.

"The Third Hokage." At this time, the ninja assistant said, "I have always felt that it is inappropriate to send Kushina-sama who is Jinchuriki to participate in such a dangerous mission."

The third generation shook his head and smiled, and said, "With Minato here, nothing major will happen."

But he felt helpless in his heart: If I don't let Kushina follow Minato to this mission, this girl will probably pull out my beard. No, it is estimated that the hair will not be kept.

Thinking of this, Sandai Hokage subconsciously touched the hairline on his forehead.

The ninja assistant seemed to want to say something more, but the third Hokage broke the topic: "Bagua Kongzhang...the Hinata family has produced an amazing genius. At this age, he has even learned Kuzhang."

The Third Hokage let out a puff of smoke with a "huh".

"Shadow clone technique, Hirohiko Uchiha..." Sandai took a puff of cigarette, thought a little more, but still nodded.

"High-speed taijutsu, even the Chunin can't catch the figure?" The third generation had a look of surprise on his face, and his brows were slightly frowned: "Is he a genius in taijutsu? This child, I guess, has put in a lot of hard work. "

Afterwards, the three generations nodded, picked up the Hokage seal on the side, and typed the word "acknowledged" on the report of the ninja school.

Allow Chiba Taki, Hirohiko Uchiha, and Yukina Hyuga to graduate early!

"Master III, forget about the other two, this Taki Chiba..." Assistant Ninja took the request document from Ninja School that III Hokage handed over, looked at it, frowned, and said.

"You are worried about the identity of this Taki Chiba." Third Hokage saw a trace of the assistant.

"Yes." Assistant Ninja hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "After all, he is the son of a traitor, so he is allowed to graduate early..."

"This child is very innocent." The Third Hokage interrupted his words.

"But..." Assistant Ninja frowned, still somewhat disapproving.

"This child grew up in Konoha. Although his father was a traitor, his father died when he was born. He is just an orphan who grew up in Konoha." The third generation flashed a trace of regret, He took a puff of smoke.

The ninja assistant opened his mouth, but he didn't say what he retorted.

He is also an orphan, his parents died in World War II.

Yeah, he's just an orphan.

"Okay, I see." The assistant looked at the document in his hand and silently memorized Taki Chiba's name.

"Well, you go and send the documents. Tomorrow, these three people will be arranged to graduate. As for their Jonin teacher..." Third Hokage pondered for a while, shaking his pipe: "Well, let me think about it again, this The three of them are all first-class geniuses, so they have to choose a good teacher, by the way, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya, are they back yet?"

The ninja assistant shook his head and said, "The three ninjas haven't come back yet."

"Hiss... Huh..." Third Hokage took a puff of smoke: "You go first, I'm thinking about this matter."

"Yes!" The ninja assistant left.

Sandai Hokage leaned back on the chair, touched the pipe with one hand, and began to think.

At this time, Chiba was sweating profusely, sitting on a wooden post behind the house during daily training, sweating profusely.

Side kicks, positive punches, squats, running 10,000 meters around the house... The sun slanted westward a little bit, and then sank into the horizon.

Night fell.

And Chiba also finished the daily training, and after finishing these daily training, he didn't feel tired.

It seems that these loads are slowly getting used to!

Chiba thought about it, forming a seal in his hand, and the three doors in his body quickly opened. The moment the seal was completed, the eight-door Dunjia quickly transformed into the eight-door mode.

Tudun, Tulong spear!

As always, the training of knot seal + eight gate mode + ninjutsu, looking at the piercing soil cone, Chiba nodded.

Now the conversion speed of Shengmen mode can be applied to actual combat, and the ninjutsu of Tulong gun is also very proficient.

However, Qianye did this kind of training repeatedly five times in a row, and stopped after feeling tired.

Constantly opening and closing the life door mode is also a very exhausting thing. However, it is such a training that makes Chiba more comfortable in opening the three doors. Even now, he can directly open one door directly. Open to the third student door.

And as the practice progressed, Chiba found that her physical strength seemed to be increasing too. It was too much to repeat three times yesterday, but it was no problem to repeat five times today.

Chiba rested for a while, took out Konoha's extra-large steamed buns and gnawed on them, then stood up again.

Next, start practicing this technique! I don't know if the Chakra in the eight-door mode can be used to perform this technique.

Chiba took a deep breath, turned on the eight-door mode, quasi-Chunin-level Chakra surged, and his hands began to form seals.

If this technique can be successful, then my talent will really go against the sky!

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