Chapter 1425 This is, my fault!

"It seems that these guys are also very anxious."

After changing his expression, Chiba's eyes moved down slowly, and finally landed on the tied-up ninja with a sluggish face wearing Iwagakushi's forehead at his feet, and the same sluggish-faced ninja beside this Iwagakure ninja, A ninja wearing a sand mask.

And as his eyes settled down, the change in his expression caused by the sudden sight of these two ninjas slowly calmed down, revealing a playful smile.

"Ah, but it's a bit strange. According to your plan, spies from at least five villages should have come to check on the situation last night. However, when I waited until dawn, there were only these two ninjas. Something, it won't come back next time, so I caught them before they go back."

Regarding this, Hirohiko took a bite of his meal, glanced at the two ninjas, and said to Chiba.

"Only these two?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Chiba walked around the two ninjas who had been subjected to illusions, walked to Hirohiko's bed, glanced at the delicate statue on the bedside table, and turned to look at Hirohiko, quite puzzled asked.

According to his calculations, spies from more than one village should have appeared in the camp last night.

And now, in addition to the Kirigakure spy who had been killed before, and the two ninjas of Iwakakushi and Sandgakure in front of him, there should be a ninja of Yunyin.

"Well, there are only these two. I waited all night, but I didn't find Yun Yin's ninja."

Hearing Chiba's apparently surprised question, Hirohiko said with certainty.

Last night, what Chiba asked him to do was to let him hide in the camp and monitor everything in the camp. Chiba expected that the other four spies from Ninja Village last night would definitely not be able to resist, and explore the empty camp. In order to find any information, sometimes, for these carefully selected spies, as long as there is a little clue, they can know a lot of things.

And as long as they can know some things, it will provide a lot of convenience for their infiltration operations and greatly increase the chance of infiltration.

The spies from these four villages will definitely come.

It's a good time to catch them, even, it's a good time to eradicate the spies around the village in one fell swoop.

However, as far as the results are concerned, only the spies of Yan Yin and Sha Yin were caught, and the spies of Yun Yin were not caught, and after this time, I am afraid there will be no chance to catch Yun Yin's ninja.

Now Yan Yin and Sha Yin have suffered losses. As other spies in the dark, they must be watching. As spies carefully selected by the enemy village, they have rich embedding experience and have experienced countless dangers. It is impossible for the tricks to work on them. Moreover, these spies will be more cautious and more difficult to deal with and find.

That is to say, they may have run out of chance to catch the spy again.

This time Chiba's arrangement was actually a half failure.

"Hmm...Maybe I underestimated those spies too much. Especially Yunyin's spies."

Regarding this, Chiba slowly sat down beside Hirohiko, frowning tightly, but said so in her mouth.

He knew very well that last night was the only chance, if he couldn't catch it, then he really couldn't catch it.

As for this arrest plan, Chiba actually had an idea when Xue Nai reminded him about the safety of the camp.

Including the subsequent series of arrangements, they are actually implementing this plan.

Of course, he doesn't need to take action for the latter series of arrangements, as long as other people complete it, there is no conflict with his sealing technique development plan at all.

And these series of arrangements, that is, a series of security measures and airtight defense methods after the establishment of the camp, are actually designed to prevent these spies from finding an opportunity to take advantage of. Infiltrating the situation, but it just made them unable to find a chance, which made them feel anxious and impatient, so that after the spies evacuated from the camp, because of these feelings of anxiety and impatience, they made some mistakes in judgment. class of errors.

That was the situation last night. Several spies couldn't help but came to investigate, in order to find some information.

As a result, Qianye seized the opportunity and grabbed two of them.

Everything is actually a psychological warfare played by Qianye according to the situation.

Of course, in terms of the ending, Chiba's psychological warfare went smoothly from beginning to end. This is also thanks to Xue Nai's zero-error command, which allowed the spies to take advantage of it, and made them anxious and impatient in making mistakes in judgment. , anxiety, etc. After all, these spies are shouldering the burden of their own village and their own country's results in the war. No matter whether they have gone through hardships, experienced life and death, this kind of burden is still very stressful.

Basically, it is the pressure of accepting orders in the face of danger, only allowing success and not allowing failure.

However, in the end, the success fell short, only two of them were caught, and one was dead. Strictly speaking, this plan still failed.

Isn't it... Everything is going so smoothly now, so I unknowingly think a little too easily.

But now, Qianye felt that he had been going too smoothly during this period of time, which resulted in some kind of "arrogant soldier" emotion, which led to the failure of this plan.

At this moment, Chiba has already begun to reflect.

"No, not necessarily. It may be that I killed Wuyin by mistake, and they have already noticed. Yunyin is more careful, so he didn't come."

Regarding this, Hirohiko shook his head and put forward another opinion.

The premise of this plan and this operation is that the enemy, that is, the spies, did not notice anything in advance. In this case, let them think that there is no one in the camp and it is already safe, so that they can rush in and judge. mistake.

I killed Kirigakure by mistake. If the spies in other villages see that Kirigakure's spies are dead, it will easily alert them. If Konoha's people are not aware of it, they can be completely relieved. Kirigakure took the lead in attacking, but was counter-killed. If they saw it, they would think that Konoha was already alert, and they had to be careful in their actions. Will not rush in.

After all, for those spies, their mission is extremely important, and they must be careful if they can. The heavy pressure of being ordered in a crisis can sometimes be a catalyst for forced calm.

As for Yunyin's spies, they may have seen Kirigashi being killed, or seeing Chiba handling the body, so they became alert, forced to calm down, and chose to stand still and wait for the next opportunity.

Although, Chiba also made some actions at that time, such as "split out the shadow clone and change into himself, and then brought the guards to make Konoha alert because of the attack of the Kirigakure ninja, but he just made a move that has nothing to do with spies like them." It’s an urgent measure, just take the prisoners away”, but once an experienced and cunning spy makes the decision to stand still, it is almost impossible to change this choice.

"It is not my fault!"

But at this time, the introspective Qianye shook his head, closed his eyes tightly, and sighed: "I know the crux, it's my fault."

Damn it!

Such a detail was overlooked!

It was too smooth, I was too careless!

This is……

My fault!

But at this time, his heart was full of regret.

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