Chapter 1424 Then I will eat

Camp, canteen.

"So, when will these people arrive?"

Looking at the slightly dusty Chiba in front of him, Kakashi let out a long breath and asked.

Xue Nai also stopped the chopsticks in her hand and looked at Chiba.

"About this afternoon, within two or three hours."

Hearing Kakashi's question, Chiba, who was sitting down, gave a slight pause to the hand that went to hold the chopsticks, and continued to hold the chopsticks after saying this sentence.

Before he left just now, he had already released the ten ninjas a half-year long-term task of "supporting the ninja engineering team" according to the procedures of the task issuing agency. According to Chiba's estimation, with the current work efficiency of the task issuing agency , within two or three hours, they will be able to report.

"Within two or three hours..."

But hearing Chiba's words, Kakashi frowned slightly, but looked at Yukina aside.

"Well, two or three hours should be enough time. The early warning system can be completed today, but in terms of tunnels, I also hope to start work earlier."

Seemingly feeling Kakashi's gaze, after Kakashi looked over, Xue Nai spoke, but her face turned to Chiba.

"If it's authentic, I'll hire a group of workers, and I can start working today. I plan to let them pretend to be ninjas of the early warning system, stationed in the early warning station and medical station in the most central position, and use the cover of the building to carry out authentic work. Dig. Later, you arrange them in a team of ten ninjas."

In this regard, Qianye took a mouthful of food and said.

Before returning to the camp, he had already gone to organizations such as the Craftsman Association of the Konoha Civil Organization to hire a group of workers. , Do you want to clarify your interests with the workers?

After all, the ninja engineering team is still quite dangerous now. Although there are maximum safety protection measures in place, Chiba still cannot be too optimistic. These workers, as ordinary people, are likely to be in danger in this environment. in danger.

However, unexpectedly, before he could speak, the workers said that it was for the sake of the village, even if it was dangerous, it didn't matter.

This was beyond Chiba's expectations. Obviously, these workers knew that there was danger outside the village and saw his hesitation, so they said this.

At that time, he still didn't know what to say.

However, this matter was negotiated smoothly. For the safety of these workers, he has ordered them to go directly to get a set of ninja clothes to put on. After all, if the enemy sees these ordinary people walking into the garrison , I'm afraid I'm about to prepare to sneak in.

If they pretended to be ninjas and had the elite of the ten elite lead the way, basically the enemy would not have any idea.

And as long as they entered the garrison, they were relatively safe, unless the garrison was attacked, there would be no problems.

Overall, everything went very smoothly.

"Really? Then, there should be no problem. What kind of ninjas are those ten ninjas?"

Hearing this, Xue Nai nodded, and then asked about the situation of the ten ninjas who were going to join the early warning system.

"Don't worry, I have moved out all the most elite ninjas I can find now."

To this, Chiba opened his mouth and replied.

These ten ninjas are elite ninjas carefully selected by him from the mission issuing agency. Although there is no elite ninja position, each of them has the strength of elite ninja level, and ten of them cover perception, escape and so on. Jutsu, Illusion, Taijutsu, etc., several of them are all-rounders, and even powerful ninjas who are three masters of ninjutsu and phantom. They can be said to be the elite of the elite. When combined, they can completely cope with any situation.

"Okay, then there is no problem, you can eat quickly."

Xue Nai was slightly taken aback by this, and then said.

"How about you here? How is it going?"

However, Qianye didn't listen to Xue Nai and started to eat, but asked about the situation in the camp.

"Everything is going well. Now all the transfer stations have begun to be reinforced, and some defensive transformations have been carried out. Today, within a day, they should all be transformed into military camps."

To this, Kakashi said.


Hearing this, Qianye was relieved to continue cooking.

"What about Hongyan, I must be at the camp tomorrow. I guess there is no way to carry out the construction today, but tomorrow, the construction will start, and Hongyan must be there."

In this regard, Kakashi did not let him eat, but asked.

"I know, don't worry, Hongyan can show up here today, I have made arrangements."

Hearing this sentence, Qianye was slightly taken aback for a moment, then his face changed slightly unnaturally, and then he said with absolute certainty.

This guy……

Hirohiko was definitely forgotten.

Seeing Chiba's expression, Kakashi narrowed his eyes for an instant.

However, he didn't say anything after that, so the three of them started eating together with the half-occupied students in the cafeteria.

After eating, the three parted ways again. Kakashi and Xue Nai went back to the office room to make up the arrangements for various matters in the afternoon, while Chiba ran to the back kitchen in the kitchen and packed some food. After that, he walked towards the camp cell with a embarrassed face.

damn it!

Things happened suddenly, and Hirohiko was forgotten!

It's all over, Hiroko don't starve to death!

While walking, he was thinking like this in his heart, and following this thought, his pace became faster and faster.

Soon, the iron-gated cell appeared before his eyes again.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Without thinking too much, Qianye knocked on the door directly.


And soon, Hirohiko's voice came from inside the door.


After that, the iron gate was slowly opened.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, the young man who was supposed to be in the confinement room, who seemed to be meditating, was slowly reflected in the darkness in Qianye's eyes.

"Are you hungry?"

And this sentence jumped out of Qianye's mouth in an instant.


However, as soon as this sentence came out, Hong Yan, who seemed to have something to say, was taken aback for a moment, but the words in his mouth were choked back suddenly, and he opened his mouth to make such a question sentence.

"Eat, what time is it?"

To this, Chiba replied subconsciously, and even lifted the packed lunch box in her hand and shook it in front of Hirohiko, as if she was afraid that Hirohiko might not have seen it.

"Oh... oh! I'll eat then."

But hearing this sentence, Hirohiko was still a little dazed while looking at the bento box. After looking behind Chiba and frowning, he exuded his hand a little hesitantly.


Fortunately, it's not too late, this meal is delivered!

Seeing Hirohiko take the bento and eat it, such a thought of rejoicing flashed through Chiba's mind.


This is……

Then, in the next second, he seemed to have discovered something suddenly, and his face changed suddenly.

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