Chapter 1184

"Fourth Hokage-sama..."

Under Hokage's summons, Hideo Sato arrived at Hokage's office very quickly. When he walked up, he opened his mouth in a little surprise, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, and then he stood by Chiba's office. around.

"Captain Sato, I called you here this time because there are some things that need to be investigated."

Looking at Hideo Sato who was standing side by side with Chiba in front of him, Minato Namikaze took a breath, calmed down the anger welling up in his heart, and spoke in a calm tone.

As soon as Namikaze Minato said this, the eyes of Koharu and Mitomon also fell on Hideo Sato's face. Danzo didn't express much, but, unlike Koharu and Mitomon He has already closed his eyes, he is already an old monk in meditation, everything has nothing to do with him.

old fox!

This is using Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan as a weapon!

At this moment, Qianye already guessed that he was summoned this time, in all likelihood, Danzo was behind the tricks, and Zhuanju Xiaochun and Mitomenyan were used by him as the guns.

Although he was taken aback by Namikaze Minato's remaining coercion just now, but after all, he faced Wuqian Yanyin's murderous aura and beheaded nearly Qianyanyan's characters. Namikaze Minato's momentum is indeed surprising, but , to Qianye, it was just to the extent of being frightened. Now that he cleared up his mood, Qianye quickly calmed down.

After calming down, Chiba also deduced something from Namikaze Minato's attitude.

I'm afraid, for this matter, I have to summon myself so early in the morning, and make it look like a "judgment". I guess it's because of the pressure from Zhuanzuo Haru and Mitomonyan, and Namikaze Minato has no choice but to do this. Although the elders do not have real military power, they are the elders who are advisors after all. They are an important part of the system that Yoriyuki Three Hokages created a prosperous era of Konoha. Although they do not have military power, they have the power to supervise Hokage, and Possessing a certain amount of impeachment power and some decision-making power are two people that cannot be ignored, and they have also made great contributions to Konoha. Otherwise, would it be possible for the three generations to keep them for nothing?

These two people should be a kind of restraining force on Hokage, lest Hokage do too much and affect the stability and prosperity of the village.

Coupled with the conclusive evidence that he injured the two boys of the Hyuga clan, no matter how high the prestige of this Feng Minato is, no matter how popular it is, it cannot be too special. Under the pressure of the two veteran advisers, they have to agree own "judgment".

Looking at the faces of Xiaochun and Mitomenyan who don't know now, I'm afraid there is something wrong with their intelligence channels. This information about their own wounded ninjas in the same village is probably "avoiding the serious and taking the light" of certain things, such as Said that these two ninjas from the Hyuga clan bullied Xue Nai.

When it comes to the intelligence department, it is obviously the matter of another person present.

The ignorance of Zhuan Xiaochun and Mito Menyan, plus the fact that they can get involved with the intelligence department in any way, Chiba basically guessed about the situation behind the scenes, reckoned, Namikaze Minato, Rejuvenating Koharu, and Mitomon Yan were all severely misled by Danzo's "information".

Namikaze Minato was angry just now, so angry that he couldn't hide his anger, probably because he sensed the problem.

This attracted one of the witnesses he mentioned, Hideo Sato.

"Yes, Fourth Hokage-sama."

At this time, Sato Hideo heard Namikaze Minato's words, and hurriedly replied that he already had a general idea when he saw Chiba, but he didn't have any doubts.

To be honest, his current mood is actually a little excited, and he even has a feeling of "finally this time".

"Yesterday, Chiba attacked two ninjas from the Hyuga clan, were you there?"

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato asked.

It seems that, indeed, there is a problem with the intelligence.

At this time, although Bo Fengshui asked questions at the door, seeing Sato Hideo's appearance, he already had a conclusion in his heart,

It wasn't just him, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu's complexions darkened. These two senior advisers had seen countless situations, and they were both happy and angry. It was very rare to show such a complexion.

However, Chiba's attention was not on the two of them, but on Danzo. The old fox still looked downcast and had nothing to do with him, and still couldn't see anything.

I have to say, this old fox is really outstanding!

This effort on the skin, I am afraid that even a file can't do anything!

Seeing Danzo's appearance, Qianye didn't know whether to praise or demote.


At this moment, Hideo Sato nodded in affirmation.

"Then why didn't you stop Chiba?"

But upon hearing this sentence, Namikaze Minato's expression turned serious, and he asked quite sternly.


Obviously, this sentence was beyond Sato Hide's expectation. When he heard it for the first time, Sato Hide was obviously a little caught off guard and flustered. However, he is the captain of the defense force after all, and he shoulders Konoha's defense all the year round. How could he be poor in temperament? It was just that he was caught off guard and flustered, but soon he calmed down.

"Qianye's speed is too fast, I have no time to stop it."

After calming down, he looked at Namikaze Minato, looked directly at Namikaze Minato with a sullen face, and said.


At this time, Chiba who was on the side met Satohide's eyes from the sidelines, and Chiba, who didn't know whether to praise or demote Danzo, was slightly startled, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.


Regarding this, Namikaze Minato's face became a bit more serious, and a faint sense of oppression filled the air.


But this time, Satohide answered faster and more decisively, as if he had made up his mind.

Captain Sato...

At the same time, Qianye on the side couldn't help turning his gaze to him.

"So, what do you think was the reason for Chiba's attack? Before you came, he said that he was to save Hyuga Yukina, the ninja of the village who was attacked and openly attacked by the two ninjas of the Hyuga clan. You were , What reason do you think he has?"

And at this time, Namikaze Minato's harsher words came.

"At that time, Chiba did indeed save the ninja Hyuga Yukina of the village, and prevented the two from attacking Hyuga Yukina. It was for the reason of helping fellow villagers."

Hearing these words, instead of being frightened by the sternness, Sato Hideo took a deep breath as if he had finally come to this question, and then said firmly, as if to emphasize the reason for helping his fellow villager, these few words , he bites very hard.

"That is to say, those two Hyuga ninjas were indeed the ninjas who attacked the village and openly betrayed the village?"

As soon as these words came out, Namikaze Minato's face sank and sank, and he asked again.

"Yes, Hyuga Yukina had already been knocked to the ground by the two of them at that time, and they were about to make a follow-up attack."

Hideo Sato once again answered affirmatively and truthfully.

"Okay, you go down first."

After hearing Satohide's affirmative answer again, Namikaze Minato nodded and spoke.

it's over……

Then, as soon as possible, give the blood sample to...

At this time, Qianye restrained the surprised expression on Sato Hideo's face, and began to plan the next move.

Those two Hyuga clan are traitors!

We almost wronged Chiba!


At this time, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun looked at each other, already full of embarrassment. Now that the dust has settled, they blamed Chiba wrongly!

What have we done to a child who almost lost his life for the sake of the village?

And with the embarrassment on their faces, their hearts were also full of guilt. At this moment, they suddenly felt that they couldn't hold their heads up in front of Qianye.


However, at this moment, Danzo, who had been silent for a while and seemed to have nothing to do with himself, suddenly spoke and stopped Hideo Sato, who was about to turn around and leave.

"Fourth Hokage-sama, I have a question, I want to ask Captain Sato."

After calling Hideo Sato to stop, he ignored Hideo Sato's puzzled gaze, Koharu Mitomonyan's puzzled gaze, and Chiba's slightly frowning look, he turned around and looked at Minato Namikaze.

Facing Namikaze Minato, asked.

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