Chapter 1183 The Fourth Hokage

Hinata... a traitor?

Eyes widened slightly, Namikaze Minato opened his mouth slightly, staring blankly at the calm young man at the desk, but was speechless for a while.

And at this time, Zhuanju Xiaoharu, Mitomonyan, and even Danzo, who had a nonchalant attitude, also suddenly turned their gazes to Chiba at that moment.


Hyuga traitor?

Looking at Chiba who looked calm and even slightly indignant, Turning Sleeping Xiaochun raised his brows first, then wrinkled, with a burst of doubt in his heart. In the information she received, it didn't say that the two ninjas from the Hyuga clan were traitors.

what happened?

What Hinata traitor?

At the same time, Mito Menyan was stunned and frowned suddenly. The information he received did not mention this.

Also, isn't Huo Jian unable to come because of something?

How did he become a traitor dealing with Hinata?

But in his heart, there is doubt.

This little fox!

In the lowered eyelids, there was the reflection of the difficult boy, Danzo's facial muscles couldn't help twitching, and before he knew it, his teeth were biting slightly, and he and Zhuanzou Xiaochun and Shui Humenyan was different, Danzo at this moment had already understood Chiba's intentions, but his heart sank all the way apart from shock and anger.

It's impossible for this old fox to ask him to ask the teacher first, so I can only say first, to solve this matter simply like this, although I want to take him into the army, but with the temperament of this old fox, That kind of thing has nothing to do with my low-browed and pleasing appearance, in the end it will inevitably turn into my strong words and deliberately making things difficult for the elders.


This old fox, in the original work, although his character design is not likable, he has to admit that after all, he is a character second only to Sarutobi Hiruzen in the third generation of Hokage. There may be a gap in strength, and there may be some big differences, but in In terms of strategy and politics, he is not far behind the Three Hokages.

This work is also watertight!

However, it is such a person who can take over Konoha's darkness. I am afraid that the third Hokage gave him a "root" not because of his relationship with him, but because Danzo has enough talent and is enough to become A secret "shadow", the third Hokage is reluctant to part with his best friend who is talented in governing the village. At the same time, he also knows that new leaves cannot grow with sunlight alone, so he did this.

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomenyan here are much worse than Danzo.

However, compared to the three generations of Hokage, Danzo's mind is too far behind. Even in the dark, his methods seem inferior, even inferior, and this talent for governing the village seems to be extraordinarily petty.

Here, I have to say that the second generation of Hokage has sharp eyes and sees the gap between the third generation and Danzo. Danzo, apart from targeting me, has the talent of "shadow" from an objective point of view, but, If you can become Hokage only by talent, then it is absolutely impossible for Konoha to be so prosperous and prosperous.

Danzo, what's worse is Ying's qualifications.

At this time, Qianye glanced at Danzo without any trace, and the two of them met, as if sparks were flying, but after all, they passed away silently.

Speaking of...

At this moment, Namikaze Minato frowned slightly, as if he had reacted.

"Traitor Hyuga, those two ninjas you injured?"

Then, his face became serious, and he blurted out the words.

However, since Qianye said so, there must be his reason, this may be his way to save himself.

Moreover, aside from Qianye, I have not noticed that this matter seems to be well-founded, and as the two advisor elders said, Chiba has killed too much, and his heart may change drastically, so he will do something that hurts others. things, and the means are cruel.

However, in the information, it just blindly emphasized Chiba's actions, but it was vague about Chiba's motives, and was completely overshadowed by what he did, as if deliberately misleading people who read the information.

With this sentence, Namikaze Minato's brows were tightened even more.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he, and the two elder advisors, might have been misled by information!

"Yes, Captain Hideo Sato of the Defense Force was there at that time. We all saw the two Hyuga traitors sneak attacking the ninja Hinata Yukina of the village at the corner hideout. In the village, they attacked the ninjas in the village, and they attacked themselves. Clan members of the Hyuga Clan, this is already a blatant act of treason against the village, I never thought that the Hyuga Clan would produce such a scum!"

To Namikaze Minato's question, Chiba answered truthfully, and at the end of the words, she was already a little indignant.

"The ninja who attacked the village? And it was Hyuga Yukina who almost lost her eyes for the village's defense map mission and Kannabi Bridge mission? This is... what's going on?"

And hearing Chiba's words, Namikaze Minato's solemn face instantly turned serious. At this moment, Namikaze Minato, who originally wanted to see what Chiba had to say, that is, the means of self-help, really ignited in his heart anger.

The ninja who attacked the village openly betrayed the village!

And it's a slap in the face!

Even, the previous information was suspected of being deliberately guided, and it might involve the intelligence department. How could this not make Minato Namikaze angry.

If what Qianye said is true, then he, Hokage, really lost his composure!

At this moment, Namikaze Minato's stern eyes fell on the two advisors, Zenzuko Haru and Mitomonyan.

And at the moment when their eyes fell, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomenyan both felt cold behind their backs for some reason, and they were both silent for a while, even Mitomonyan, who was about to speak, retracted immediately.

They also understood that if Qianye's words were true, then something big might really have happened!

This kid did it on purpose!

Still unintentional!

At this time, even Danzo was suffocated.

This... is this... Namikaze Minato?

That, Namikaze Minato?

At the same time, Chiba, who was looking at Minakame Minato, couldn't help swallowing quietly. At this moment, directly opposite him, behind Hokage's desk, the handsome blond young man with a straight face, But it exuded an invisible oppressive force. The moment Namikaze Minato changed color just now, his body trembled uncontrollably.


Simply, it was even scarier than facing Wuqian Yanyin!

At this moment, the image of Mr. Namikaze Minato in the original work instantly collapsed in his heart, and a flesh and blood, gentle but majestic image of the real Fourth Hokage slowly fixed in his heart. that the Fourth Hokage?

And in his mind, such a thought could not help flashing through.

"Come on!"

Just at this moment, Namikaze Minato's low sound came.


Suddenly, a figure flashed behind him, and a half-kneeling figure flashed.

"Go and call Captain Hideo Sato of the Defense Force."


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