Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1170 Hidden Information

Here, is there any other information?

Chiba's pupils contracted little by little. At this moment, his eyes were no longer on the letter paper, but on the bottom of the letter paper, the shadow on the table reflected by the sunlight.

At this moment, on the pitch-black shadow of the letter paper, there are words like codes composed of light spots.

Although there are only a few, it is clear that this constitutes a piece of information.

It's just that this piece of information is coded text, and these codes are not Konoha's official code texts that he knows, and he and Hinata Shinsuke are not close enough to formulate codes that only each other knows. Chiba didn't know what it meant.

This is, a secret message left for me?

Then, after lowering her head, raising the envelope, and seeing more clearly the light of the building code in the shadow, Qianye frowned, and a trace of doubt flashed in her heart.

This coded message is obviously a secret message hidden on the letter paper left by Hinata Shinsuke, and since this letter is left for Chiba, then this secret message is naturally left for Chiba.

However, in this case, it doesn't make sense.

Since it's something left to Chiba, then it's fine to keep it secret, but why do you want to code it? Why use a code that Chiba doesn't know? Chiba knew the news.

In other words, this news was not for Chiba.

This is clearly contradictory.

Hinata Shinsuke, what is this for?

In my impression, he is not such a nagging person!

Moreover, it was clearly written in the letter, so it can be seen that he has been open and honest with me, and has no intention of hiding anything.

Then, why do you need to set up such a secret code, and also set up such a mechanism, which requires light to form a shadow to be able to see this information.

After carefully reading it a few times, and memorizing the code, Qianye slowly put down the letter paper. After examining the black and white paper, he made sure that there was no mystery in it, and that there was nothing hidden in it related to deciphering the code. Take a breath.

"What kind of puzzle is this?"

Unconsciously, he murmured doubts in his mouth.

The letter didn't reveal anything about cracking the code, and I don't know the code...

Without prompting, he gave a secret signal that he had never seen before, and Hinata Shinsuke could not be such a confused person that he would forget that there was no separate secret code between us.

What does Hinata Shinsuke want to say here?

Miss me again, how to crack it?

Or is it just to whet my appetite?

While muttering to himself, such a thought also flashed through Qianye's mind.


It’s not to whet my appetite, Hinata Shinsuke can’t be so boring, and he has endured for more than ten years, the plan is about to start, he is already in a desperate state, if he fails, he will succeed, the meaning of this letter is actually equivalent to Hinata Shinsuke’s last words up.

Hinata Shinsuke has no reason to deliberately set up a difficult problem to amuse me this day.

There must be other meanings or intentions hidden in it!

Maybe it's about the former traitor, or the person who connected the Taki Maya incident with the current Shinsuke incident.

However, soon, he vetoed his previous thoughts, frowned, and began to think.

First of all, this code is Hinata Shinsuke's, and it does not belong to Konoha's official code predictions. Then, this code can only be Hinata Shinsuke's private code, and the Hinata family's code.

And considering that Hinata Shinsuke's letter was basically delivered to me after the rebellion failed, it is impossible for him to use the Hinata clan's code.

The only possibility is Hinata Shinsuke's private code.

And something like a private password is actually similar to the mobile phone number in the previous life...


Could it be that Hyuga Shinsuke's purpose is this?

And with the next thinking, Chiba quickly figured out the clue, which is actually not a difficult reasoning, as long as it is deduced that Hinata Shinsuke used a private code, the next thing is actually not difficult to connect.

The only ones who know Hinata Shinsuke's private code are those he trusts and those close to him, and in this rebellion, all the branch members he trusted should have been killed. It is possible to show these people the information left by Hinata Shinsuke.

Then, there is probably only one person who knows Hinata Shinsuke's private code and can ask for it.

Thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help sighing with emotion.

Shinsuke Hinata is still afraid that I won't take care of Xueying Hinata because of old grievances!

That's right, this person, the only person, is Hyuga Yutaka.

Now, only Hyuga Snow Eagle can unlock the code and let him know the information under the code.

As for Xue Nai's daughter, since Hinata Shinsuke has always kept her away from his plan, and even alienated her from the house in advance in the end, I am afraid that she does not know Hinata Shinsuke's private code.

According to this situation, the reason why Hyuga Shinsuke left this coded message was actually to let him protect Hyuga Yutaka, or, when Hyuga Yutaka was in danger, seek to rescue Hyuga Yutaka.

As for this information, it is naturally valuable. If it is not valuable, it would be meaningless for Hinata Shinsuke to leave this code.

Moreover, if it is really worthless information, it is impossible for Hinata Shinsuke not to know what kind of consequences he does not want to see will happen after Chiba learns that the code is worthless information. In other words, if he leaves worthless information, Hinata Snow Eagle may not only lose Chiba's help, but may even fall into a more dangerous situation.

Therefore, at this moment, after understanding Hinata Shinsuke's intentions, Chiba was sure that Hinata Shinsuke's information must be information that he could use.

Compared to Yukina, Hyuga Shinsuke has to worry more about Hyuga Yutaka!

Afterwards, after Qianye understood, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

However, it's no wonder Hinata Shinsuke thinks so, after all, the relationship between me and Hyuga Yutaka is obvious to all. As for Yukina, no matter what happens, he knows, and I will definitely protect it.

It can't be said that Hinata Shinsuke is biased, it's just... because of the difference in my closeness to the two!

It's just that Shinsuke Hinata is a little too worried, and she also underestimates me a little.

Hyuga Yutaka was able to go to the border of the Land of Earth to find me and save me during the war, and I will repay this kindness.

Moreover, even if I remain indifferent, with the brother-sister relationship between Yukina and Yuyutaka, Yukina will go to rescue Yuyutaka Hyuga. Now Yukina, how can I let her go into danger alone?

There is no need to do this, I will definitely help Hyuga Snow Eagle to be treated.

What's more, Hinata Snow Eagle's current situation is mostly caused by Xue Nai.

I have no reason to abandon Hyuga Snow Eagle!

And feeling a little bit, Qianye shook his head, with a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth.

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