Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1169 In the letter

"Hey... Is there still too little in this letter?"

After carefully reading the letter again, Qianye couldn't help sighing, and couldn't help rubbing the bridge of his nose with a headache.

After taking another look at the letter, Chiba didn't have much to gain other than feeling that Hinata Shinsuke is really deep in the city.

However, Sandai Hokage allowed me to practice Bamen Dunjia, and the care for me was as expected by Hinata Shinsuke. Moreover, from Hinata Shinsuke's point of view, he really couldn't pay too much attention to me. .

Even, really, I can't control it, I can't care about it.

After all, I am also the son of a traitor, and he is the younger brother of the head of the Hyuga clan, with a respected status, and he just escaped the status of a caged bird. If at that time, I was accepted as the son of a traitor, and the name of the traitor had just spread , Fading without time, if you really do this, it will damage the face of the Hyuga clan. Originally, he was exempted from the caged bird because he won glory for Hyuga, and then the patriarch spared no effort to favor him. If he adopted a traitor's son, it would be undoubtedly It is to discredit Hinata, and the consequences will be unknown at that time.

Moreover, here, even if Hinata Shinsuke is passionate about adopting, but if he is still branded as a caged bird because of this, then the sacrifice of the two best friends will not be in vain. In terms of emotion and reason, Hyuga Shinsuke can only ignore himself.

Regardless, there are three generations of Hokage, if you don't care, the sacrifice of your best friend may be in vain, this is basically not a multiple-choice question.

Although guilty, resentful, and remorseful, Hinata Shinsuke can only do this.

I don't know how Hinata Shinsuke survived these ten years...

At this moment, in Chiba's thoughts, the first few lines of Hinata Shinsuke's letter expressing apology to herself appeared. After subconsciously analyzing Hinata Shinsuke's situation, Chiba expressed her understanding.

First of all, he really has no feelings for Taki Maya, and he doesn't feel that Hinata Shinsuke owes him anything.

Secondly, after crossing over, before meeting Jiu Xinnai, he has always maintained the state of thinking in his previous life, and he has been doing what everyone hates, which is almost the life of his previous life. To him, there is actually nothing the difference.

Thirdly, he is not the kind of person who will cry when he is disliked by a little bit, and will be irritable when he is wronged. He wants to destroy the world. He doesn't care about others' disgust. Crying and begging for other people's approval, or not being able to do without others' approval, he has never judged his realization of his own life value by looking at other people's faces.

So, to sum up, Qianye actually doesn't have any bad feelings towards Shinsuke Hinata, or thinks that since his cheap father died for him, he has to do something for himself, and even has to risk his life for himself.

In fact, if Shinsuke Hinata didn't keep these words, Chiba wouldn't feel anything.

For Chiba, Hinata Shinsuke's identity, first, must be a powerful person who has trained him in physical skills, which has benefited him a lot, and second, that is Xue Nai's father, a very kind person. In addition to the current understanding of him, it is a person with a city mansion who has been enduring suffering and attaches great importance to his partners.

Strictly speaking, Shinsuke Hyuga's image in Chiba's heart is absolutely positive.

However, although there are not many clues about the "persons who may exist related to the Taki Maya incident and the current Shinsuke incident", Chiba can still see something else in this letter.

This day, Shinsuke Hinata, I am afraid that since the sacrifice of Taki Maya, he has been planning this rebellion. For more than ten years, he has suffered from the guilt of his best friend, but he has also tried his best to endure it until the scheming brother is terminally ill and old. When you are already high, you choose to rebel.

I am afraid that his motive for launching this mutiny was to abolish the caged bird.

Only when he became the Patriarch of Hyuga, could he rule out the elders of Hyuga and let himself be in charge of the power alone. Then, starting from Yukina's generation, no, it should be said that it is the next generation's Neji, he can not be bound by the caged bird. And if there is no threat from the elders, then the Hinata family is his business. Not only can he free Neji's generation from being bound by caged birds, but he can even abolish the clan distinction permanently. Coupled with his talent and prestige, even without As a bird in a cage, the Hinata family probably won't go down either.

It can be regarded as revenge for his two best friends.

After all, the two close friends died because of the clan division of their own families. If the caged bird system is eliminated, it can be regarded as an explanation to their close friends.

It's a pity, after all, he made a mistake and believed in the wrong person!

Since the Hyuga Clan has lasted for so long and the caged bird system is as stable as Mount Tai, there must be a reason for it. How could the caged bird curse be solved so easily. And the Hyuga clan has been around for so long, it is impossible that there are no clan members who want to resist, but they can't make any waves.

With such a system, coupled with such a scheming patriarch, how could the rebellion succeed so easily?

Hinata Shinsuke, although he has a castle, but in the end, he still lost in his feelings for his best friend, and he acted too hastily.

When it comes to political power, especially when it is necessary to seize power by force, how can you not be cruel... Facing such a system and the head of the family, you must be ruthless.

Unconsciously looking at the "Maha" and "Sara" mentioned many times, once again feeling Hinata Shinsuke's remorse and guilt for the two, and the resentment towards the caged bird in those words, Chiba sighed slightly With a sound.

Hyuga Shinsuke was too hasty. At that time, he should continue to endure it. Even if the previous patriarch consolidated his strength for his son and branded the bird in the cage on Yuki Nai before his death, he must endure it. Very big.

However, Qianye just sighed, this kind of ruthlessness, if it were him, he would not be able to do it. It is estimated that at that time, the death of the best friend in his chest will be hot as oil, and Xue Nai on the other end will be targeted. It will be the same as Hinata Shinsuke.

It can only be said that Hyuga Shinsuke is doomed to fail.

"Speaking of which, who is that former traitor...?"

And thinking of this, Chiba also suddenly thought of something, let go of the regret for Hinata Shinsuke, and turned his thoughts to the other side.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the "traitor from the past" that Hinata Xueying had mentioned.

Hinata Xueying actually didn't know about this former traitor. He only knew that he betrayed the village in the early years, and Hyuga Shinsuke only told Hinata Xueying about this. .


During the war, he was a traitor again, could it be...

And after thinking about it for a while, Qianye's heart suddenly twitched, and his whole body was almost shocked.


But, soon, just as he changed his mind, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, he leaned forward, and his eyes fell on the letter paper he picked up.

What's this?

And in his heart, a trace of inexplicable solemnity flashed across.

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