Chapter 1091 We are back!

these kids...

Hearing this, Qianye frowned slightly, looking at the children who were staring at her closely, showing nervous, worried and fearful expressions, and felt a slight blockage in her heart.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Heyin and Yuze are stronger than you imagined now."

However, he still had a slight smile on his face, and said so, with his heart stymied.

Obviously, these children already have psychological shadows, especially Mingtai and Chun, the two children can be said to have been there from the beginning, and have witnessed too many deaths of their companions. At this moment, their hearts are probably very serious. Be afraid, be afraid that Heyin and Yuze will suddenly not be able to come back.

As for other children, I am afraid they have similar experiences.

It is completely, the psychological shadow produced by experiencing too many deaths!

Something is wrong, alas...

But under the smiling face, Qianye's heart became more and more congested, and she couldn't help sighing.

"Really? Brother Chiba, do you promise?"

Hearing Chiba's words, and seeing the worry-free and confident smile at the corner of Chiba's mouth, the worry and fear on Mingtai's face gradually disappeared, but he still asked a little uncertainly.

And behind him, the other children also had the same expression, looking at him uncertainly.

Apparently, not completely reassured yet.

"I promise!"

Regarding this, Qianye smiled even more, and said affirmatively.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I've been here, and I should probably come back!

But in his heart, there was a layer of worry. It was already very late when he and Zong Yayoi were cooking. No matter what, we had to eat dinner together. This was the last meal. To eat together.

Therefore, when they lit the fire and cooked, they calculated the round-trip time between Heyin and Yuze.

Now, according to their calculations, Heyin and Yuze should have returned, but now, if there is no one to be seen, the children will let it go if they don't talk about it.

It's just that, in front of the children, he can't show no confidence, or uncertainty. When these children ask this sentence, they have already represented them, and they are already a little scared. If he can't appease them , will only increase the psychological shadow of these children, and will be very detrimental to the growth of the children.

After all, they are all six or seven-year-old, seven or eight-year-old children. Unlike the children who grew up with Konoha and received ninja education, they are just ordinary children. At this age, what they have learned is not to fight, but to be afraid, to fight against everything The fear of fear, the fear of war, the fear of death, and at the same time, in this fear, there is habit, the habit of war, the habit of death.

Qianye could tell that these children had become accustomed to death in the face of death.

For example, Yuze was poisoned and comatose. Although these children also showed worries and other emotions, they were more of a kind of indifference. It's not that the relationship between Yuze and them is not deep. The feelings between people are not relatives, but better than relatives, and stronger than blood.

Yuze is absolutely very important to them, but they are used to death and seeing the death of their companions, this kind of indifference is a kind of numbness.

And this numbness is their self-protection.

I'm afraid that these children's psychological endurance has reached the limit, and they can no longer bear the departure of any of their companions.

That's why I use numbness to protect myself from going crazy or completely losing hope of survival.

They are children, they are fragile, not all of them can be as strong as steel like the protagonists or powerful supporting roles in anime and novels, they are all flesh and blood, or they are very weak and have not yet grown up. As flesh and blood, they need to rely on.

And when they fall, the damage to their hearts is immeasurable!

Here, he must not hurt them any more and make them worry no more.

even if you lie,

also can not!

"Really? Are you sure?"

And hearing Chiba's words, Mingtai's face, the other children's faces obviously showed a slight smile, and their eyes suddenly brightened.

"Well, of course it's true, let's just wait for them to come back, wait for them to come back for dinner together, maybe, with luck, they will bring back meat!"

Seeing the children's appearance, Chiba couldn't help raising her hand, touched Mingtai's little bald head, and said with a relaxed smile.

If, if she is still there, with Mingtai and the others, maybe...

But at this time, Qianye's heart suddenly darkened. In his mind, the girl holding the scroll and waving at them with all her strength suddenly flashed. The clear and clear child's voice seemed to still echo in her ears.

Three generations of Hokage...

I'm really sorry, so many people hacked you for no reason in the previous life.

Your efforts, your ideas, and people who understand you are really very few!

At this moment, those thick and dark academic arguments that I thought were logical before, now seem so disgusting and ridiculous!

Only those who are ignorant and those born in peaceful times who don't know cruelty can say it so easily.

Kill people at every turn, conspire at every turn, do good deeds and be hypocritical...


The world is peaceful, but people are becoming violent instead!

At the same time, such a sudden thought flashed through his mind.

"Nah! Nah! Brother Chiba, what are Soya doing?"

And at this time, Ming Tai, who was touched with a smile all over his face, pointed to Soya who was practicing shuriken vigorously and said.

During the questioning, the corners of Mingtai's eyes clearly showed an expression of "Look, there's an idiot over there".

This Zongya was completely despised by Ming Tai.

"Yes, yes, what is Somi doing?"

"Ah! Don't you think so? I thought I was the only one who cared about his actions..."

"He's not always like this..."

"Huh? Brother Zongmi, I always feel that he looks crazy, a little disgusting..."

"Ah! Do you think so too? I feel a little..."

Then, when Chiba noticed Mingtai's contempt, she began to whisper. After the other five children were relieved, they seemed to be opened up by Mingtai's words, and immediately started talking.


In response, the corner of Chiba's mouth twitched, and then twitched several times.

Somi... you...

In the eyes of children, there is no image at all!

Even, she was completely underestimated by the children!

How pitiful is this that it will become like this?


How low is this status...

That's why you can't even look down on the children!

But in his heart, there was slowly sympathy, and there was slowly pity in the eyes of Zongya who was throwing shuriken and kunai, who was sweating profusely, with a smile on his face.


At this moment, just as he was about to explain Zongya's behavior, the door of the house was suddenly opened, and the cold night wind poured in, immediately blowing the flames and shaking them, and the shadows reflected on the wall by the people also began to sway. .

"We're back!"

"There are good things!"

At this moment, two joyful voices rang at the door.

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