Chapter 1090 Are you sure?




The sound of a metal object being inserted into the wooden wall echoed in this humble hut, and it was connected with the sound of boiling.

"Can I eat it?"

The crisp child's voice, with a little bit of swallowing feeling, broke the aggressive and popping sound.

The little bald Menta grinned, revealing two rows of teeth missing two front teeth, and pulled Chiba, who seemed to be in deep thought, very rudely, and said so.


Then, after the sound, the other five children also turned their faces and looked at Qianye in unison. In their eyes, there was a silent "Can I eat it, can I eat it, can I eat it?" words.


Regarding this, Liu Dao's eyes fell on him all of a sudden, Qianye, who was originally thinking deeply, was obviously taken aback.

"Hey, Brother Chiba, can you eat it!"

Seeing Chiba raised her head slightly, she was a little stunned, and the little bald Mingtai couldn't help shaking Chiba, and said impatiently.


Following Mingtai's words, the eyes of the other five children burst into eagerness, and they nodded repeatedly.


There were even sporadic stomach cries among this sound.

"Wait a little longer."

And this sound and stomach scream obviously brought Qianye back to his senses. After regaining his senses, Qianye put his hands on his hands, raised his body slightly, and glanced at the children sitting around the campfire, and looked at the boiling water. Looking at the vegetable porridge mixed with white porridge and vegetables, he frowned slightly and said, "However, you can move it away."


Hearing this sound, the little bald man grinned his little mouth a little more knowingly, nodded heavily at Qianye, turned around and said: "Move away, move away!"

"Hurry up!"

Then, the five children stood up in unison, with a tacit understanding that even Qianye was dazzled by, quickly took off the iron pot on the campfire, and put it aside to cool down.

After finishing all this, the children all took a look at the iron pot and the vegetable porridge in the iron pot, then quietly moved away from the iron pot, swallowed, moved to the edge of Chiba's bed, and began to add firewood. Keep the bonfire burning.


As the sparks splashed, the six children reflected by the firelight were blushing, really cute.


But looking at the children's focused faces, Chiba sighed uncontrollably in his heart.

These children should not have lived like this.

While sighing, such a thought came to his heart from the bottom of his heart.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, Qianye can be said to be very lucky. He doesn't have to suffer from hunger and lives in a stable environment. He was still well fed and warmly dressed. As for the wars he participated in later, he also gained enough strength to protect himself.

And these children are starving, naked, and threatened by war, and even live a precarious life.

War crimes, nothing more.

If the war is only aimed at the initiators and ninjas who are the main body of the war, and does not harm civilians, then Chiba will never give birth to the words "crime of war". As a part of the main body of the war, no matter how bad the situation is, he will not complain. After all, this is the result of his own suffering and he cannot blame others.

However, these civilian children, without any fault, should have lived an ordinary life, and this war was an unwarranted disaster for them.

Thinking of the past that Heyin and Soya said, those scenes of struggling on the brink of war and constantly witnessing the death of his companions in front of him, Chiba always feels a little stuck.

It's not that he is too sentimental or kind, on the contrary, after experiencing countless killings, especially after facing the massacre of Wuqian Yanyin, his heart is harder than anyone else.

However, when he really saw these children who suffered war crimes for no reason, Chiba couldn't help himself.

These children are innocent!

And the culprit who caused these children to suffer is also one of them. Whenever he realizes this, he can't be calm and calm.

These children look very ordinary. I am afraid that after learning Chakra, they will not be too outstanding, but if they are careful, they should be able to protect themselves.


In terms of tactics and strategy, should I enlighten them?

And thinking of this, Qianye couldn't help but return to the thinking just now, on the training plan and learning direction of these six children.

He is now basically sure that after learning Chakra, Yuze and Somi needless to say, the two of them have special bodies, and Yuze's resilience is amazing. After being poisoned, he recovered his physical strength in a short time after detoxification, even Walking on the ground, originally he thought that Yuze could only get out of bed at noon tomorrow, which was already special.

And Zongya is also, after suffering from hunger and hunger for so long, he can still have such strength to easily hug Yuze. Obviously, his body is also very special. After chakra is extracted, the specialness of their bodies will be Bring them immeasurable strength improvement.

There is no doubt that Yuze and Somi will become the best here, and even among the ninjas, they will also belong to the group of powerful people.

As for Harmony, Chiba was deeply impressed by this girl's strength and resilience. A girl who takes care of this big family, and in this precarious environment, there is no doubt that she will have high attainments.

In terms of body, although it is not as special as Yuze and Zongya, but in this case, she can still maintain health, without sickness, and her body is stronger than ordinary people. In addition to her tenacity, such a person has a better body Foundation, but also the spirit of perseverance, no matter how weak it is, it is not so weak.

Moreover, Chiba intends to fulfill He Yin's wish and teach her medical skills and medical ninjutsu. It can be said that the role of He Yin will definitely be higher than that of Yu Ze and Soya in the future.

However, these six children are different from the three of them. They may have been hungry because they were young. Although each of them seems to be fine, Chiba, who is a medical ninja, even a very powerful medical ninja, knows that these children The foundation is very thin, even if there is no shortage of food or meat after recuperation in the future, they will be quite ordinary.

Just like him who has not developed the eight-door model, his physical foundation is limited and he cannot condense more chakra, so he is locked in the strength of the Chunin.

Although there are Yuze, Zongya and Heyin, as long as they keep a low profile, don't show off, and act like war orphans, there will be no big problems, and he believes that these children know how to protect themselves in this way, but the world is impermanent, Who would have guessed that they would not encounter that kind of cruel and bloodthirsty lunatic.

Therefore, here, he considers teaching them about tactics and strategy, so that everyone's actual combat ability can be improved.


It seems necessary...

And thinking about it this way, Qianye nodded silently, feeling that it was necessary.

"Hey, Brother Chiba, Sister Heyin and Brother Yuze, why haven't you come back yet, it's getting so dark!"

At this moment, when Chiba made up his mind, the little bald Ming Tai suddenly turned around, gently tugged on his sleeve, and asked with some concern.

There was already worry in his eyes.


There is still a look of fear!

And as soon as these words came out, the gazes of the other five children also fell on Qianye's face, and there was a trace of fear in their worried expressions!

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