Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 139 Tragic victory, near-death crisis!

After spitting out the huge fire dragon,

The Kusanagi sword instantly lost its luster, and even Uchiha's Kirin arm dimmed.

The entire right arm was burned into a pile of coke.

Not even a drop of the zero tail in the abdomen was left, and even the original body suddenly shrunk a lot.

Correspondingly, the forbidden technique of physical transformation also stopped immediately.

for a time,

Uchiha Ci only felt that his eyelids were so sleepy that he was fighting. However, he lost the blessing of the forbidden technique, and injuries all over his body broke out instantly.

Penetrating wounds from the fierce battle against Sunagakure, muscle strains from dragging the hurricane water vortex tornado, stinging pain from burning the right arm to carbon, and non-fatal sword wounds that were not repaired immediately in order to save chakra. , and a strong sense of fatigue due to overdraft of chakra.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

The pain was so painful that it was difficult for him to close his eyes.

I could only watch as I plummeted from a height of 100 meters.

And the pinnacle technique released at such a price——

Shooting Great Sword·Fire Wind Dragon Dance!

Almost instantly,

The fire dragon fell from the sky and slammed into the astonished Sunagakure!

Before reaching the ground, the vegetation and rocks on the entire Gobi Desert began to tremble!

Vultures fluttered high, antelopes looked up in fear, lions, leopards, sand hares, countless animals all raised their heads, and then started running away in a panic!

Uchiha Ci calmly overlooked all this in the night sky, turning his head to glance at the group of Sandgakure elites in the center of the fire dragon's landing point.

He suddenly laughed,

Smiling like a child who got a new toy,


He opened his mouth slightly and added such a fatal final sound to his masterpiece——


The fire dragon smashed into the center of the camp. Unwilling to sit still and wait for death, the Sagakure raised their heads, stared, and launched all their best skills into the sky!

Countless ninjutsus reflected each other and gathered into a white ball of light, shooting towards the sky!

The fire dragon and the white ball collided instantly!


The distorted scream of the air explosion can almost tear people's eardrums apart!

next moment!


A bright dark red mushroom cloud rises from the ground!

Swallowing all light and sound in an instant,

The violent aftermath caused the air to tremble, and a twisted air ring visible to the naked eye spread in all directions!

Blow everything away, vaporize, evaporate, and destroy everything!

Until they hit the light red death battle barrier covering a 300-meter radius!

Click! Click! Click!

Dense spider webs appeared on the barrier, and just the aftermath had terrifying attack power comparable to that of a shadow!

After a sound like breaking glass,

The death battle barrier exploded!

The violent wind spread instantly, causing all members of the Konoha surprise attack force standing outside the barrier to lean back and cover their faces to block the sand.

at last,

It’s a silence that’s so long that it makes one’s heart ache

When I finally opened my eyes,

Everyone in the surprise attack force immediately raised their heads and looked at Sunagakure's position.

next moment,

Everyone gasped at the same time, looking at the ruins with dull eyes, full of horror.

"A twelve-year-old chuunin can actually unleash such a move?"

"Can anyone survive under this blow?"

"Captain, what did you just say? You want to save that kid?"

"Who is saving whom in this situation?"

Uchiha Shinichi and Uchiha Shisui stood side by side in the first row, staring blankly at the center of the battlefield.

This absurd reality completely destroyed their understanding of the ninja world.

Although Uchiha Shisui doesn't want to boast,

However, he has been known as a genius since he was a child. Whenever anyone in the clan faces him, they will praise him for his promising achievements as a young man and that he will become a great person in the future.

A genius like him, who has only just opened his Sharingan, is only a second magatama, and at best he can fight back and forth with the jounin of the clan.

But, but.

That boy, Uchiha Ci,

What the hell is this guy? !

The last time I saw him, he was still picking up bottles and waste in the rivers of Konoha Village, doing D-level tasks that everyone in the clan looked down upon.

He was just a useless genin who could even spit in contempt at a passing dog, and who couldn't even open his Sharingan.

And now——

This guy who carries sacks and picks up bottles is considered a ‘trash’ in the eyes of his tribe.

In the blink of an eye, he became the beloved disciple of the Sannin and gained a great reputation in the Country of Tang.

Now he is fighting against three hundred soldiers of Sunagakure alone.

First, he beheaded the enemy with a sword that reaches the sky, and then he broke into the enemy camp by dancing in the sky under the moon.

The sword swept the world and flew into the air, and the brilliant dragon fire broke the formation with one sword!

It's simply so terrifying!

In comparison, Zhisui only felt that his reputation as a genius in front of the other party was like selling his own melons to the king's mother-in-law.

It made him feel ashamed.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Uchiha Shinichi stared blankly at the ruins with a pair of Sharingan eyes.

He murmured: "How could he be so strong?!"

"Swordsmanship, physical skills, illusion skills, and even ninjutsu, he has surpassed me in all aspects!"

"He is so strong, what else can I teach him?!"

"I see!"

Uchiha Shinichi suddenly raised his head with a look of confusion on his face, as if he suddenly understood something. His face was angry, full of envy, jealousy, and hatred. He clenched his fist and smashed his thigh.

"Damn it! This is the hawk showing off to us!"

"The great elder is pointing at me!"

Since the death of the last clan leader, Kagami Uchiha, the position of the clan leader of the Uchiha clan has been vacant.

It was originally planned that Uchiha Fugaku, the strongest in the clan, would succeed him, but for some unknown reason, the eldest elder Uchiha Setsuna kept insisting on disagreeing. In the end, Fugaku could only be made the captain of the police department and regarded as the young clan leader.

Fugaku became the captain of the police force, which was recommended by his own Uchiha neutral faction and their dove faction.

Now, such a rookie suddenly appeared in the hawk faction, and Setsuna Uchiha asked him to come to the Land of Rain and come to their dove faction, and asked him, one of the leaders of the dove faction, to teach him,

What does it mean?

Do you want to show off your fists, or do you want them to be doves to recognize this brat?

And then let this kid become the next clan leader? !

For a moment, Uchiha Shinichi's eyes were complicated, and he thought of many, many things.

Fugaku's previous poor performance in Tang Country has been reported back to the clan, which has made many people in the clan dissatisfied, and now the kid in front of him has done something like this that subverts people's perceptions.

Whether in terms of strength or the support of the forces behind it,

This kid has indeed competed with Fugaku,

He is qualified to become the leader of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha raised his head with a complicated expression and looked at the kid who had done all this to save them.

For a moment, I didn’t know how to object to this kind of thing, and I even had some small expectations deep in my heart.

If this child becomes the leader of the Uchiha clan,

So, what kind of path will he lead Uchiha on?

However, at this moment,

Shisui's exclamation from the side brought back his thoughts:

"What a big brother, look!"

"Over there, Uchiha Ci is in danger!!"

Uchiha Shinichi suddenly raised his head and looked towards the center of Sunagakure's position.

over there,

A desolate place, on top of the ruins that were slightly crystallized when the fire dragon smashed them down and burned them.

A trembling figure pushed away the body on his body and got up.

It was the commanding Jonin of the Sunagakure camp.

At this moment, he was covered in burns and looked around blankly. Within a radius of fifty meters, except for the three elite teams he had just sent out to stop Wan She, only one person, including him, was left alive. Apart from resisting Wan She, On the battlefield, the Sunagakure genin further away were cowering in the corner like quails, completely losing their fighting power.

With this blow, half of Sunagakure's troops were wiped out!

Devastated ruins, bloody red crystallized earth, molten iron turned from melted kunai, charred stones, and broken limbs cut off by wind blades.

These scenes outline a picture of despair and hunger!

It struck deeply into his heart, causing his eyes to widen with a ferocious expression. His eyes were filled with shock, fear, sluggishness, and a kind of complete despair and madness.


He turned his head dryly,

Then I saw the culprit that caused all this——

The man lying in the ruins, his legs were broken due to falling from the air, his right arm was burned into coke, his neck was weirdly bent at an angle that was almost broken, and his body was covered with burns, knife wounds, and sword wounds.

There was only a weak breath left, proving that the boy was still alive.

The executioner of the Uchiha clan!

Sunagakure Jonin's breath was stagnant.

His eyes suddenly glared, he clenched his trembling teeth, and a murderous intent full of madness rose in his eyes!

He stood up suddenly and took out a kunai with a cold edge from his ninja bag.

"you you you you"

Walking through the night and desolation,

The last Sunagakure ninja roared angrily, shed tears of blood, and charged at the boy who had completely lost his ability to resist!

"You devil, devil!"


"Go to hell!"

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