Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 138 Breaking the Formation! Swordsmanship, hurricane, water vortex, flaming wind and dragon

Chapter 138 Breaking the Formation! Swordsmanship·Hurricane Water Vortex Flame Wind Dragon Dance!

Wind Release·Rasengan and Water Release·Broken Current,

The same feature between the two is that they are both intense enough and have completed changes in nature.

Therefore, when these two techniques are combined, a violently rotating waterspout can be formed to withstand Kakuzu's strange explosion.

The same is true for the Water Release·Water Fang Blade and Wind Release·Vacuum Blade mastered by Uchiha Ci. Both of them are fierce enough in form.

The Water Fang Blade is a swirling water blade, and the vacuum blade is wrapped with extremely sharp wind.

Moreover, he had already understood the changes in the properties of water when he was in Tang Country.

What is lacking now is just the change in the nature of the wind attribute.

Uchiha Ci stared at the night sky,

There, a group of twelve winds shot out!

The wind roared, swirling the billowing sand and dust, and the compressed wind blades glowed with a spine-chilling cold light under the moonlight.

If you can't handle this,

Under this kind of endless attack, in the end he will only rush on the road of charge in vain.

until death.

Since if you rush, you will die, if you don't rush, you will die.

Then, all we can do is gamble!

Uchiha stood up straight, took a deep breath, and stared at the wind ball shooting down in the night sky with his Sharingan.

Dispersing the flames on the Kusanagi sword in his hand, he turned to form seals with his hands.

As the tail mark falls,

He raised the Kusanagi sword brazenly and poured the chakra on his right hand into this artifact that could perfectly channel chakra.

On the blade of Kusanagi's sword, a blue water fang blade suddenly swirled.

As the water blade swirled rapidly, it immediately made a scalp-numbing squeaking cry.

Immediately afterwards,

Just wisps of sharp wind rose from the left hand and gradually filled the sword.

Visible to the naked eye, the Water Fang Blade suddenly expanded in a circle, as if it would disintegrate and explode in the next second.

The fusion of the two techniques is extremely obscure.

If it weren't for the fact that Uchiha had the Sharingan, which allowed him to carefully observe the direction of the chakra that was about to go berserk, and that he had mastery level proficiency in both techniques,

I'm afraid there will be an explosion on the spot immediately!

"Not even close." Uchiha Ci stared closely at the Kusanagi sword in his hand, with veins popping up on his arms and trembling slightly as he struggled to control the two different chakras in the sword.

The Kusanagi sword that was usually wielded as if it were nothing was now as heavy as a stone.

"What went wrong? Why can't they be fused together?!"

As the wind escapes, the big jade shoots down rapidly with a sharp tail sound,

Uchiha clenched his teeth, raised his head and looked at the Wind Escape Jade suddenly shot from the sky, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Then, he shouted angrily:

"No matter, let's do it, start turning!"

"Come out!"

Uchiha Ci suddenly raised the long sword in his hand that was about to explode and pointed it at the sky.

Then, he stepped on the ground, twisted the hilt of the sword, and poured his own chakra into it crazily, regardless of whether it was fused or not, as long as it moved,

Turn, turn, turn like crazy!

The water and wind bite each other in the rotation, blending into one point, reaching the peak!

at last--

"Ninpo Technique·Sword of Hurricane Water Vortex!"

A line of blue light shot out from the tip of the sword and shot straight into the sky!

Then, with this line as the center, a huge blue waterspout exploded!

Like a blooming mandala flower,

Petal-like white wind blades and blue water blades swirled wildly around this trunk!

The bright blue and white light shone all over the earth, turning the Gobi Desert into a disco for a while!

Then, the waterspout hit a series of blasts of wind!

Uchiha stared blankly, grasped the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, lunged and twisted his waist, forcibly twisting the sword, twisting the huge spiral water vortex that danced wildly.

As he waved, this 1+1\u003e2 combined ninjutsu instantly burst out with power that was unmatched by conventional ninjutsu!

The entire waterspout danced wildly in the wind, swirling wildly!

Swallowing twelve wind balls in one breath, crushing them into pieces, and turning them into his own power.

The rotation becomes more violent and powerful!

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha looked ferocious, gritted his teeth, and stretched his body to the limit.

He pulled the Kusanagi sword wildly, pulled it back, dragged the Kusanagi sword backwards behind his waist, dragged the waterspout, and smashed it to his feet!


The waterspout hit the ground and instantly crushed the ground into slag, creating a burst of sand and dust!

Like the wind god who controls the storm in mythology,

In an instant,

Uchiha Ci took advantage of the huge thrust of the sword in his hand and jumped up!

The long sword in his hand seemed to have become a rocket propeller, and the violent wind pushed him straight into the sky a hundred meters high, like a meteor shooting up against the sky.

Uchiha Ci, he actually launched himself!


The young man flew over a distance of more than fifty meters and reached the top of Sunagakure's core camp!

Below, a group of Sunagakures were stunned. Looking at the young man falling from the sky, their scalps felt numb.

"Holy crap, what is that?!"

"So fast!"

"Damn it! Why can that kid fly?!"

"Sir, it's too fast and you can't aim at all!"

"What is he going to do?!"

Under the stunned gaze of Ichinaka Sunagakure, Uchiha, who flew into the air and dispersed the hurricane water vortex, looked on with a ferocious expression and said with an angry smile:

"Didn't you guys have a great time cumming just now?!"


With a ferocious look in his eyes, he held the Kusanagi sword high, and one of his arms burned instantly, and the light was so bright that it looked like a little sun!

"It's my turn!"

All of a sudden!

Fire Release·Chakra Mode, Zero Tail·Dark Chakra Mode, Forbidden Technique·Physical Rebirth, and Immortality are all activated!

Uchiha Ci slashed down with his sword, aiming at Sunagakure's position!

As soon as he opened his mouth and spat out, a layer of Wind Release, Super, and Vacuum Blade was attached to the burning sword body that made the flames even more violent!

Then, this long sword that was so brilliant that it was impossible to look directly at it spit out a line of terrifying fire!

Below, Commander Sunagakure widened his eyes and shouted urgently:

"No, this kid is going to use that trick again!"


"Let's use the Wind Release and Super Kama Weasel techniques to blow him away!"

All the Sunagakures looked at the sudden rising sun in the sky with horrified faces, and immediately began to form seals.



Uchiha Ci looked down with contempt and laughed wildly:


"Besides, I am completely different from the person I was just now!"

He pointed the flaming Kusanagi sword at the Sunagakure position below, gritted his teeth, and stirred chakra throughout his body.

Everything is poured into this sword!

Then, Uchiha Ci opened his eyes wide and shouted angrily:

"watch out!"

"Shooting Great Sword·Flaming Wind Dragon Dance!"

The next moment,

Fueled by the storm, the fire perfectly reproduced the combination of ninjutsu that Kakuzu once used in front of him, including the strange face blast and the flaming wind and waves!

It is even different from the process of slowly combining to build the Flowing Flame Giant Sword.

From the Kusanagi sword, a lifelike fire dragon spit out in an instant!

The wind is the scales, the earth's resentment silk threads are the tendons, and the fire escape and chakra mode's flowing flames are the bones!

Almost instantly, the fire dragon faced the storm and grew its huge body of nearly fifty meters, hovering in mid-air.

Two rays of light as bright as the sun lit up in the dragon's eyes, looking down ruthlessly at all the living beings below.

next moment,

Then it shot out with a bang!

Bounce towards the ground and bite away!


All the Sunagakures raised their heads blankly, looking up at this fire dragon that seemed to fly out of a myth.

The speed of forming seals has slowed down by half a beat.

It was as if he saw the Immortal of Six Paths smiling and waving to him!

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