But those evasive movements just now were quick and calm, as if they were just some very common movements of Kimoto.

But from Shikamaru's point of view, those evasive movements were not something that everyone could do, especially students of their age.

Hinata thought to herself,"Kimoto-kun is really amazing. He can dodge such a complicated situation so easily." Hinata was not particularly surprised because she already knew that Kimoto was amazing yesterday.

No one in the class paid attention except these three people.

Naruto and Kiba found that Kimoto actually dodged them and felt a little disappointed that they didn't hit him.

Naruto frowned even more,"This guy is really awesome. It's a pity that I didn't hit him just now."

Kiba thought,"This guy was able to dodge such a complicated situation just now. He must have some skills."

If you want to say who Naruto dislikes the most in the class, then this person must be Kimoto.

Because Kimoto is obviously an orphan like him, but he is very popular among the girls in the class.

Naruto is very jealous.

Kimoto didn't take what happened just now to heart at all and sat in his seat.

At the same time, he was holding a bag in his hand, which contained Hinata's clothes.

After putting his bag away, Kimoto came to Hinata and handed her the clothes in the bag.

"Here are your clothes, they are dry."

Hinata blushed slightly, lowered her head and accepted the bag under the jealous gaze of other girls in the class.

She handed the clothes she had prepared long ago to Mu Yuan.

"This, this is your clothes, thank you, Mr. Kimoto."

Hinata was not afraid of the murderous looks from other girls in the class, but she was very shy in front of Kimoto.

Kimoto took her clothes and said calmly,"It's okay."

He didn't say anything more to Hinata and sat back in his seat.

But the exchange between the two made many girls in the class jealous.

Although they didn't understand what happened between the two, they actually exchanged clothes. What is the relationship between the two now?

This is what many girls in the class think.

In particular, many girls have confessed to Kimoto but were ignored, and they are even more upset with Hinata.

Sasuke and Shikamaru don't know what the relationship between the two is.

Kimoto didn't care about the various looks around him, he took out his textbook and looked at it.

Naruto was jealous when he saw this.

Hinata was a little flattered holding the clothes that Kimoto gave her.

When it was time for class,

Iruka walked into the classroom with a bunch of papers.

The students who didn't take yesterday's test seriously felt a little flustered when they saw the papers in Iruka's hand

"Isn't this just a pop test? Could it be that Mr. Iruka really graded it?"

"It's over, it's over, I didn't perform very well this time, if my dad saw the result, I would definitely be beaten to death"......

When Iruka came in with the test papers, many students were very scared.

They originally thought that yesterday's test was just a simple in-class test, and Iruka wouldn't even grade it.

But now it looks like they are probably doomed.

Because many students in the class have only been in school for more than a month, and they haven't learned anything at all.

In addition, they are only five or six years old, and it is impossible for them to listen to the class seriously.

Most of the students may not be able to answer any of the five questions, such as Naruto.

At this time, Naruto looked at Iruka with fear on his face.

If the scores really came out, he would definitely get a zero, and then he would probably become the object of ridicule by his classmates.

So at this time, Naruto held his head and felt very uncomfortable.

"Why do you have to correct this paper? Didn't you say it was just a pop test?"

"If others knew that I couldn't solve any of the questions, they would definitely laugh at me."

Naruto was so scared now. Sasuke, on the other hand, was full of anticipation, as he wanted to know how many points he would get.

Looking at Kimoto who had a nonchalant look on his face, Sasuke clenched his fists and thought,"This guy should be about the same as me. No one can solve the last question, but the first four questions are not too difficult for both him and me."

"I just don't know if I made any mistakes in the details of the first four questions. If I did, that guy might do better than me."

Sasuke was also a little nervous.

Shikamaru didn't care about his grades, because he could only do three questions anyway. It's true that he has a high IQ, but if he doesn't study, his IQ is useless.

But fortunately, he didn't care about his score. He was more concerned about the first confrontation between Sasuke and Kimoto, who would win.

Hinata was also a little nervous and looked at Kimoto, who looked indifferent.

"I don't know what level Kimoto-kun is at, I hope he can do better in the exam."

Hinata knew that many male classmates in the class didn't like Kimoto very much. If Kimoto didn't do well in the first exam, he would probably be ridiculed by them.

Hinata didn't realize that her attention had completely shifted from Naruto to Kimoto. In the past, she would definitely worry about Naruto's grades, because Naruto's grades were quite bad. But today she didn't think about what would happen to Naruto at all, but what would happen if Kimoto didn't do well in the exam.

Ino was half dead lying on the table, muttering,"It's over, I'm going to be embarrassed this time, I can only do two questions, and I may not even get them right." Choji, who was sitting next to Ino, ate potato chips without any care,"It's okay, it's just an in-class test, I can only do two questions."

Ino looked at Choji, who was sitting next to her and eating potato chips without any psychological pressure, and her mouth twitched slightly,"You're not worried at all."

Choji smiled and handed the bag of potato chips to her and said,"What's the use of worrying? You've already taken the exam, do you want to eat?".

Ino didn't have as strong a heart as Choji, and said anxiously,"I can't eat it." Ino was about to turn around, but found that Shikamaru, who was sitting on the other side of her, was abnormal, and his eyes kept wandering between Kimoto and Sasuke.

This made her frown.

""Shikamaru, you seem to be very interested in Kimoto and Sasuke, which is rare considering your personality."

Ino has always had the impression that Shikamaru has no interest in anything. He looks like he is just waiting to die.

I didn't expect that he would pay attention to Kimoto and Sasuke at this time.

Shikamaru returned to his lazy state and said lightly,"I'm just curious about the first fight between these two people."

Ino seemed to remember something and looked at Kimoto and Sasuke.

"Indeed, these two are probably the two people with the best grades in the class. Their grades are really interesting."

"But I would feel bad for whoever loses."

Because Ino likes both Sasuke and Kimoto, or maybe Ino simply likes good-looking people.

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