Hinata's face was red, and she looked very cute.

After seeing Kimoto's indifferent expression, she nodded and said softly,"Well, Ma, please trouble Kimoto-kun."

Kimoto didn't say anything, opened the door, turned on the flashlight in his hand, and walked in front.

Hinata followed him out the door, and gently closed the door, turned around and walked silently behind Kimoto.

It was already dark, and all kinds of frogs and insects were chirping in the fields. The temperature of Konoha's summer night was not very high, but it was relatively cool.

The two did not communicate. Although Hinata wanted to talk to Kimoto, she was embarrassed.

Holding the clothes she was wearing, Hinata's face was slightly red. It was the first time she wore a boy's clothes.

Looking up and looking at Kimoto's back, Hinata felt very warm in her heart for some reason.

The two walked neither fast nor slow. After more than half an hour, Kimoto finally sent Hinata to the door of the Hyuga clan.

The Hyuga clan's clan territory may be the largest place in Konoha. When Kimoto sent Hinata to her door, he saw Hyuga Hiashi standing at the door with the ignorant Hyuga Hanabi waiting for them.

Kimoto was a little surprised.

But he was not afraid or restrained. He calmly sent Hinata to Hyuga Hiashi and nodded to him calmly.

He did not speak. He turned around and glanced at Hyuga Hinata and left.

For the first time, Hinata ignored the existence of her father and stood at the door watching Kimoto's back disappear under the light of the street lamp.

At this time, Hyuga Hanabi stumbled over and ran to Hyuga Hinata, hugging her from behind.

""Sister Hinata, you're back."

Hinata Hanabi was also very cute when she was little.

Hinata Hiashi did not ask where Hinata had gone.

Like Hinata, he followed Kimoto's back until he disappeared from his sight before looking at Hinata.

"cough cough~"

Hyuga Hiashi coughed, attracting the attention of Hinata and Hanabi.

Hinata patted Hanabi's head, smiled, turned around and saw the look in her father's eyes.

Her face turned red, and she was a little flustered,"Father."

However, Hyuga Hiashi did not say anything to Hinata, but turned around and said,"Come in and talk."

Although a little scared, Hinata still took Hanabi's hand and entered the house.

In the training room, Hinata knelt in front of Hyuga Hiashi, and Hanabi also knelt beside Hyuga Hiashi.

Tilting her head, she looked at Hinata curiously.

Hinata told everything that happened today. She knew that even if she didn't say it, Hyuga Hiashi would send someone to investigate.

Konoha's first family would not allow the family heir to casually interact with someone they didn't even know.

Hinata, who was in a big family, knew this rule better.

After listening to Hinata's answer, Hyuga Hiashi didn't care about her falling into the water, but asked,"Did you see that child master the ability to tread water?"

Hinata didn't know what she was thinking, and nodded"Yeah" after she reacted.

In fact, the calm demeanor of Mu Yuan when facing him just now surprised Hyuga Hiashi.

It is hard to imagine that a child from an ordinary family can have such a psychological quality.

And this child seems to have good talent.

It shows that everything he does is based on confidence.

Hyuga Hiashi admires such people.

Looking at the clothes Hinata was wearing, Hyuga Hiashi asked,"Let's go to Konoha Hospital later to see if there is any root cause of the disease."

Hyuga Hiashi still cares about Hinata very much, but as the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, he has to play the role of a serious father.

And according to reason, Hyuga Hanabi should now be applied with the Cage Seal.

Because she has awakened the Byakugan, the reason why the Hyuga clan is stronger than the Uchiha clan as a whole is that everyone in the Hyuga clan can awaken the Byakugan. Hyuga

Hanabi has already opened the Byakugan. According to the rules of the Hyuga clan, people from the branch family must apply the Cage Seal to restrict it.

But Hyuga Hiashi was reluctant to have his daughter applied with the Cage Seal, and he has been suppressing this matter.

Although he looks so serious, he loves Hinata and Hanabi very much, but he rarely expresses it.

But it can be seen from many things.

Hinata nodded, and Hiashi Hyuga said seriously,"Go." Hiashi

Hyuga would naturally not take Hinata to Konoha Hospital in person.

After Hinata bowed, she got up and left.

Hinata was a little curious why her father didn't blame her.

And Hanabi Hyuga knelt beside Hiashi Hyuga, tilting her head and wondering what she was thinking.

After Hinata left, Hiashi Hyuga's expression became very serious.

She thought to herself,"I have to investigate the identity and background of this child carefully."

Hiashi Hyuga became curious about Kimoto.

Hinata returned to her room, changed Kimoto's clothes, and folded them neatly in front of her.

She kept looking at this set of clothes, thinking of her experience with Kimoto today, and she smiled happily.

Hinata originally had a good impression of Kimoto, but now it is not limited to a good impression.

Put Kimoto's clothes neatly by the bed, Hinata looked at them for a long time before turning off the lights and going to bed.

She had a very happy day today, even though she almost drowned halfway.

The next day, Hinata came to the Ninja School early.

There was a bag of clothes on the table.

Naruto and Kiba were playing in the classroom.

In the past, she would have secretly looked at Naruto from time to time.

But now she held her little face with both hands, not knowing what she was thinking.

Kimoto hadn't arrived yet.

Kimoto usually arrived in the classroom within ten minutes before class.

Except for Sasuke and Shikamaru, no one took yesterday's exam seriously.

They all thought it was just an in-class test.

Sasuke also came to the classroom early today. His purpose was to see his results and Kimoto's results as soon as possible.

This was the first time the two had fought, and Sasuke didn't want to lose.

Shikamaru, who always liked to be late, came to school early for the first time.

Although he was still half dead and sleeping on the table.

But people who knew him would definitely be surprised that he came to school early.

In the classroom, three people were thinking about things related to Kimoto.

Sasuke was pretending to be cool, Shikamaru was sleeping on the table, and Hinata was holding her face in her hands in a daze.

These three people were a little abnormal today.

Until the door of the classroom opened again, the dazed Hinata, the sleeping Shikamaru and the cool Sasuke all looked towards the door.

In their eyes, Kimoto walked in calmly as usual.

At this time, Naruto and Kiba were chasing and playing, and were rushing towards Kimoto.

Just when Kimoto was about to collide with a few people.

Kimoto's body deflected a few times, and he avoided a few people calmly.

This scene happened to be seen by the three people.

Sasuke's eyes were slightly fixed at this time, and he was very surprised,"This guy's dodging just now was so professional."

A ray of light also shone in Shikamaru's lazy eyes

"This guy".

He was also a little surprised, although he knew from the beginning that Mu Yuan must be no simple person.

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