On the other hand, Kimoto didn't know that he had been targeted by the Third Hokage and Kakashi.

He didn't even take it to heart.

After school the next day, Kimoto didn't go to the back mountain to practice as usual.

Instead, he went to a training ground in a village.

That training ground is the one with the most traffic.

Many ninjas practice there.

There are also many children playing there, so it wouldn't be strange for Kimoto to go and see.

But Kimoto's direction after school made Hinata, who had always been paying attention to him, a little curious.

Standing at the school gate, Hinata thought about it and followed him.

Sasuke saw Hinata and wanted to follow her for a while, but Hinata walked in another direction.

The Uchiha clan is now in the marginal area of Konoha, but they share a section of the same road with Hinata.

Since then, after school, Sasuke pretended to walk not far from Hinata as if nothing had happened.

Hinata didn't notice it yet, because Hinata's eyes were always on Kimoto.

But after that day, Kimoto's whereabouts have been strange, and Kimoto's speed and perception reached the level of Genin at that time, so Kimoto often disappeared inexplicably after walking for a while.

And today Sasuke found Hinata going in another direction.

Out of curiosity, he followed her.

After walking for a while, he found that the person walking in the distance seemed to be the one Hinata followed.

And the back of that person looked like Kimoto's back.

During this period, Sasuke regarded Kimoto as his biggest competitor.

But since that random test, Iruka has not arranged any exams, let alone actual combat exercises.

And now Sasuke has begun to learn the Great Fireball Technique with Uchiha Fugaku.

But compared to Uchiha Itachi, his talent is indeed far inferior.

So after learning for a long time, he still hasn't mastered the Great Fireball Technique.

Sasuke's goal is to defeat Kimoto in the actual combat exercise at school after learning the Great Fireball Technique.

He knows Kimoto very well, knowing that he is an orphan, and his parents did not leave him any special ninjutsu, otherwise he would have learned it long ago with his talent.

And Kimoto's usual training seems to be some physical training.

So Sasuke concluded that Kimoto's parents must not have left him any ninjutsu. Even if they left it, it would definitely not be comparable to the Uchiha clan's Great Fireball Technique.

And now Sasuke is a little curious, why is Kimoto running here?

This place is in the opposite direction of Kimoto's house.

In fact, Hinata Yue, who was following in front, was very curious.

She didn't understand why Kimoto ran here at all.

Kimoto, who was walking in front, had actually noticed the two little tails following behind him.

But he didn't intend to get rid of them.

There was no need.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, Kimoto finally came to the training ground in the other direction of the village. There was a training ground about three kilometers long and wide surrounded by barbed wire. There were many people practicing in it. There were also many children playing in it.

When they followed here, both Hinata and Sasuke knew it.

Hinata thought in her heart,"Kimoto-kun should come here to watch the ninja's training, after all, no one taught Kimoto-kun ninjutsu."

Thinking of this, Hinata felt a little distressed.

And Sasuke thought,"This guy won't come here to steal ninjutsu? It's really despicable."

Although he thought so, Sasuke also knew that Konoha would not crack down on secretly learning ninjutsu. As long as you can learn it, the village would be happy for you to learn it yourself.

But most ninjas don't have this ability.

Sasuke didn't say anything, thinking in his heart,"I want to see what you want to do."

Although Sasuke had probably guessed what Kimoto wanted to do, he wanted to know the result before he was sure.

When he entered the training ground, there were already dozens of ninjas practicing here.

Most of them were practicing physical skills, some were sitting cross-legged to refine chakra, and only a few were reading scrolls.

And the scrolls were naturally various ninjutsu.

Kimoto sat next to a training ground in the training ground, holding his little face with both hands and watching the training of the ninjas on the training ground.

There were many children like Kimoto.

But they didn't want to learn ninjutsu, they just wanted to watch the ninjas practice.

Kimoto's eyes were fixed on the three ninjas who were watching the scrolls.

Although he wanted to go over and see what was in the scrolls, he knew that if he did so, he would definitely be caught.

Although the village will not blame those who learn by stealing, they will never allow direct copying.

Therefore, it is very difficult to learn by stealing, and it can be regarded as a way to select geniuses. If you really just watch him release the ninjutsu, you can figure out how to release this ninjutsu by yourself. Then even if you learn it, not only will no one say that you learned it by stealing, but they will just say that you are gifted. What

Kimoto didn't know was that at this moment, in a small forest next to the training ground, Kakashi was standing on a big tree and staring at him.

Although Kimoto's perception has now reached the level of a Chunin, he still can't sense Kakashi's existence. After all, Kakashi is from the Anbu.

The Anbu are quite good at hiding their chakra.

Looking at Kimoto who was concentrating on his training next to the training ground, Kakashi raised the corner of his mouth slightly,"This kid, could he want to learn ninjutsu by stealing?"

"This is not an easy thing to do."

"But if you really learn it, it will be interesting."

If Kimoto really learned it secretly, then Kakashi might get in touch with Kimoto.

Because even for him, before he had the Sharingan, he might not be able to learn a ninjutsu just by looking at it.

Hinata was also hiding in a small forest next to the training ground.

Looking at Kimoto holding his little face, her face was slightly red.

Because she thought Kimoto was so cute.

In fact, Kimoto had never thought about this kind of thing. He forgot that he was only a six-year-old child now, and a very good-looking six-year-old child.

When Hinata blushed, Sasuke, who was sitting not far from the training ground, looked a little unhappy

"What's so good about that guy, he looks so childish".

Obviously, he felt jealous of Hinata blushing in front of Kimoto.

The three ninjas who were reading the scroll on the training ground didn't know that someone was watching them seriously and trying to learn secretly.

These three were all Chunin, and ordinary ninjas, so the highest level of ninjutsu they could learn was probably C-level.

But Kimoto didn't think that C-level ninjutsu was that bad, and even Kimoto thought that C-level ninjutsu was already quite high.

After all, even many jonins, even Kage-level strongmen, such as Uchiha Itachi, usually still use C-level ninjutsu such as the Great Fireball Technique.

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