Fortunately, the nanny was still okay, and she raised Kimoto until he was four years old before leaving.

After the age of four, Kimoto could live on his own, and the village also gave him the inheritance left by Kimoto's parents, but he didn't embezzle it.

It can be said that Kimoto was very lucky.

Naruto had a miserable life when he was a baby, but it was much better when he lived alone.

In addition, the village actually gave him a sum of money every month, but because this guy spent money lavishly, he often didn't have enough money to spend.

After that, the third generation gave him another sum of money every month, but his life didn't change much. He still ate instant noodles and drank expired milk.

It's not that he could only eat these, but he often put things that expired and didn't eat or play.

And when he was a child, not everyone hated him for having no friends.

Shikamaru, Choji, Ino and even Sakura didn't reject him when they were young.

It's just that this guy's personality was too unpleasant when he was a child, so he didn't take him with him when he played with children. The people who hated Naruto were mainly ordinary villagers in the village. Those who had ninjas at home, especially those who were above Chunin, did not reject him.

Fortunately, Kimoto's parents left him some money, otherwise the relief from the village would only be enough for him to barely survive. Kimoto usually doesn't spend much money.

The reason why he didn't move to the core area of Konoha is because the cost of living there is too high.

In the countryside, Kimoto's family still has a few acres of land, so it doesn't cost much to eat and drink.

And because not many people eat river fish, Kimoto has never lacked nutrition.

But the third generation saw that Kimoto lived in the countryside and thought that Kimoto had lived a miserable life in recent years.

In fact, Kakashi's original home was in the countryside, not far from Kimoto's home.

It was only after he became an Anbu that he moved to the core area of Konoha to live.

Kakashi stood in front of the third generation, and he actually wanted to see Kimoto's information.

Especially after experiencing that battle in person, Kimoto's performance really made Kakashi very impressed.

The third generation nodded as he read.

Finally, he put down the information in his hand and smiled,"But we still have to observe how capable he is. Kakashi, this matter is left to you. I hope you can check the specific situation of this child."

Kakashi didn't say it very specifically just now, and the third generation was also worried that Kimoto was just lucky at that time.

However, thinking of this possibility, the third generation shook his head.

This possibility is not very true, after all, the person who kidnapped Kimoto is a senior ninja.

As for Kakashi, the third generation trusts him very much.

With his character, it is impossible for him to lie. The third generation probably already knows Kimoto's strength.

But in addition to the strength shown today, whether Kimoto has stronger power, the third generation wants to investigate.

Kakashi picked up the information on the table, read it once, and nodded,"I will, Hokage-sama, this child's home is not far from my house in the countryside."

The third generation smiled and said,"This is the first time I see you so interested in a child."

The third generation actually always hopes that Kakashi will come out of the Anbu and become a guiding senior ninja.

Because the third generation is training Kakashi, it is impossible for him to stay in the Anbu all the time. He has to come out to be known by others and get the recognition of the village senior ninja.

Although being a Hokage requires the recognition of the previous generation of Hokage, it also requires the recognition of most of the village senior ninjas.

Danzo has never been able to become Hokage because he cannot get the recognition of most of the village's jonin.

After all, the village's jonin basically have no good impression of Danzo.

And if Kakashi wants to become the next Hokage, he needs to come out of the Anbu.

The Anbu is invisible and not much better than the Root.

Most ninjas don't like the Anbu very much.

But Kakashi has never heard of the third generation, and he doesn't want to be a guiding jonin.

Because his previous experience has dealt him too much of a blow.

He is afraid of experiencing the teacher again, the death of all his teammates, and even the death of his teammates by his own hands.

But today, Kakashi unexpectedly wants to investigate a child.

This is a good start.

The third generation also hopes that Kakashi can get out of it as soon as possible and not always stay in the previous sadness.

When Kakashi heard the third generation's ridicule, he was also stunned for a moment, and then smiled helplessly,"Maybe I am also a little curious about that child."

I don't know why, Kakashi is very curious about Kimoto, and he really wants to know how Kimoto can cause such great harm to a jonin.

And he was still being held hostage.

Sandai smiled and said,"Okay, I'll leave this child's affairs to you."

"You don't have any missions these days, so you can investigate this kid carefully."

In fact, the third generation had very high expectations for Kakashi. He graduated from the Ninja School at the age of five, became a Chunin at the age of six, and became a Jonin at the age of twelve. This record has been kept until now and no one has been able to break it.

Even in the entire ninja world, there are very few, or no one, who can break it.

Originally, the third generation thought that Kakashi might even surpass his father in the future.

Who knew that he would be completely sunk after experiencing that kind of thing.

A person who could have reached the level of Kage now can only mix among the elite Jonin.

Although he is the ceiling of the elite Jonin, he is only an elite Jonin. When he encounters a Kage-level strongman, he can only be completely suppressed.

At that time, he was already a ninja of the Anbu, and his strength had reached the elite Jonin.

But when he went to hunt down Orochimaru, he was so shocked by his murderous aura that he could not move, and let him leave in front of him.

That incident was definitely a very unforgettable experience for Kakashi.

It was also from that time that he knew that the elite Jonin... How big is the gap between a ninja and a real Kage-level strongman.

And Orochimaru was even injured at that time.

But Kakashi was still scared and did not take any action.

If Orochimaru wanted to kill him at that time, it would be a matter of raising his hand.

So the third generation is really sorry for Kakashi.

It is really uncomfortable for a genius to become like this.

The third generation also hopes that Kakashi can use this opportunity to cheer up, preferably from the Anbu and become a guiding jonin.

Kakashi actually knows what the third generation expects of him.

It's just that he can't get over the hurdle in his heart.

Especially since Obito entrusted Nohara Rin to him, but he killed Rin with his own hands, even if it was a conspiracy of the Hidden Mist Village, he killed Rin with his own hands.

This cannot be changed.

But Kakashi is indeed a little curious about Kimoto, so he took on this task.

After loading Kimoto's information into the file bag, Kakashi left. After

Kakashi left, the third generation stood in front of the window, looking at the night of Konoha outside the window, frowning.

""Kimoto, I hope you are someone who can be trained. The conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village has reached its limit. It's a pity that the three good ninjas who appeared in the village recently are all from the Uchiha clan."

Now Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Sasuke can be said to be the well-deserved geniuses among the younger generation of Konoha.

Even if Sasuke is not as talented as Uchiha Itachi, he is the most talented person among the students of his class. Of course, this person may become Kimoto now.

But Sasuke's talent also makes the third generation very satisfied. If he is well trained, he will definitely become a Kage-level master of Konoha in the future.

It's just that he is always from the Uchiha clan, and the third generation cannot train him. Because of the third generation, the Uchiha clan will not allow the third generation to train Sasuke.

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