Knight with Wand

Chapter 170 Heading to Achesburg

Sir Ledo came to the luxurious aristocratic carriage with black and gold decorations, and asked through the window: "Adelina, the team is assembled, shall we set off first?"

Lady Adelina turned her gaze sideways and looked back at the two young couples at the end of the team who were saying goodbye. She showed an aunt-like smile, feeling grateful for the love of young people, and shook her head at Ledo: "You , Where has the romantic energy of my youth gone? Don’t be in a hurry, just wait a moment.”

"Yes." Sir Ledo showed a wry smile of nostalgia on his face. No matter how romantic he was when he was young, he still failed to win the other person's heart. But now, he also has his beloved wife and children, and he can always make people obsessed. Pure brew of relief.

Pulling the reins, Redolema raised his hand, signaling the soldiers to wait for the knights of Selva.

At the end of the carriage procession, Leon comforted Olivia softly: "A month at most, half a month if it's faster. I'll be back soon. Archersburg is not far away. It's a quick trip." Only two or three days.”

"Yes, but after all, Glade County is still the front line of the kingdom's southern expedition. If you encounter trouble, you must send someone back to inform me. I don't want you to not be by your side every time you encounter danger." Ollie Wei Ya nodded obediently, but couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes.

She didn't know when she became so clingy. Maybe she was used to Leon's long-term companionship every day, but she suddenly had to be separated. Even though it was only a month at most, she still felt depressed in her heart.

Leon hugged each other, then lowered his head to look at the white dress and blue skirt that Olivia put on for him, and happiness surged into his heart again.

The girl always carefully kept this set of clothes in her closet, for fear of getting dirty and damaged, so she was reluctant to wear them out.

Unexpectedly, it was just a short business trip, and she was finally willing to dress up specially.

Olivia bit her lower lip lightly, suddenly put her arms around Leon's neck, stood on tiptoes and leaned into her lover's ear.

"I promise you, I won't wear pants on top of my socks. You must come back soon~"

The girl's cheeks were blushing and her voice was almost inaudible.

After enduring the shame and finishing the little love words she learned from Sister Elena, Olivia panicked and broke away from Leon's arms when she saw Leon's excited expression.

Leon's eyes widened when he heard this, and his heart became hot.

If it weren't for the public, he would have wanted to put his hand directly under this little girl's skirt to personally confirm whether this statement was true or false.

"Okay! Wait for me to come back as soon as possible."

Leon took a deep breath, calmed down, and swallowed the second half of the sentence. When I come back, I will deal with you, the little lion who knows how to tease people.

Helpless as he was about to go on the road and unable to carry his lover back to the bedroom to punish her for teasing, Leon sighed and felt a stronger reluctance than before.

After gathering his mood and getting on the horse, Leon discovered at this moment that Azarian on the side was looking in a daze on the horse, unable to suppress his smile, and he was leisurely thinking about something on his handsome face.

Leon looked at Miss Raya who had just said goodbye to Azarian. The little painter girl lowered her head and hurriedly left holding up her skirt as if running away.

Leon looked at her back, then at the good brother beside him, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

When did this kid take down Raya?

He couldn't help but nodded happily. His quickness of attack was only slightly inferior to his own. He was worthy of being his brother.

Looking back, Leon waved his hand to Olivia one last time: "Go back."

After saying goodbye, he gently tucked his horse under his belly and set off on the road, accompanied by Azerion, Rohak, Corvis, other attendants and six guards on war horses, a total of eleven riders. , and followed Leon closely.

In front were the red-robed soldiers of Farolis, leading the way, and behind were Ledo's Duwana halberdiers, as well as chariots and horses and baggage.

The men and horses led by Leon, plus a dozen attendants led by the three thorn flower knights Ledo, Sambu, and Tigas, and nearly thirty cavalry guarded the luxurious carriage riding in the lord's wife.

The long procession that escorted Lady Adelina to Archers set off immediately after being joined by Leon.

"Okay, thank you for telling me not to talk nonsense a while ago, for fear of bothering Miss Raya. Now that she is so enthusiastic about you, I don't see what bothers you."

Approaching Azarian's horse, Leon reached out and tapped his brother's shoulder: "How far have you two been silently?"

The noble son couldn't hide his joyful smile, and he didn't deny it this time. After all, everyone present was not blind to Raya's kiss.

"We plan to hold a wedding at the end of this year on the day of the Ascension Day of Hilalil." Azarian admitted openly with happiness and expectation in his eyes.

Is this the case for marriage?

Leon was even more surprised when he heard this.

In the memory of the original owner, of course, he clearly remembers the "Holy Prophet's Ascension Day" of the Holy Sun Church. Well, it is the day when Miss Laura "ascends" to the true god "Mosera Sol" in the church records.

I don’t know if the church records are accurate, and Leon didn’t ask Laura this question.

All in all, if converted from the church calendar to the Orland calendar, the Prophet’s Ascension Day is November 15th in this year’s Kingdom Calendar, with less than half a year left.

In his previous life, the efficiency with which the brothers went from courting to marrying a wife was enough to be called a flash marriage.

But for this world, it should not be surprising. Recently, there are couples in the territory who have only known each other for a few days and a half and then got married and started a family.

Although nobles generally would not be so quick, Azarian and Raya's situation was special, so it was normal for them to quickly enter into a marriage contract.

Both of them have experienced hardships, and if they can talk to each other and comfort each other, there is no need to drag each other for a long time.

Leon rubbed his chin. He didn't intend to stay with Olivia for too long, but he just didn't want to find a memorable day.

"Getting married at the end of the year? Haha~ Congratulations to you, we have to hold a grand celebration in the territory! We must make the Ascension Festival lively and lively." Lohak came over and blessed his brother.

As he said this, he looked at Leon: "What about you? Leon, haven't you and Olivia decided on the wedding date yet? You guys were the first, but Azarian will have to take the lead. "

Leon asked him helplessly: "You might as well hurry up and worry about yourself. Now, among us, except for Corvis, who is young and can wait a little longer, you are the only one who has no company."

Hearing this, Lohak scratched his face and sighed with a disappointed expression: "I don't want to either. In a blink of an eye, you all have the possibility of a partner. I'm not lovable, right?"

"You're not bad looking, and our brother's status is not what it used to be. Is it because your own standards are too high?" Leon shook his head. How could a young and brave knight lord like his brother not be liked by a girl? If In an open blind date, the surrounding nobles, big and small, would definitely be willing to marry their daughters to this promising little lord.

Azarian was thoughtful after hearing this, and suddenly tilted his head and whispered to Rohark: "Does your boy like Miss Saili?"

"Ah? Ah! No...!...I'm not, I didn't!"

Rohark blushed, leaned back, waved his hands repeatedly, and denied it reflexively.

When Leon and Azerion saw his unprovoked reaction, they were probably inseparable.

Looking back, it seems that it was actually quite interesting.

Leon could often see that when Ms. Vereesa and Ms. Sally were teaching the women and children at home to dance, Rohark clumsily approached and asked the petite Serian noble girl for dance steps.

But the physical difference between the two of them is...?

Leon looked at his brother, who was more than two meters tall and had a double-door refrigerator like a majestic iron tower.

I thought about Miss Sally again, with a petite figure even compared to Olivia.

Hamsters are popular

Pfft, Leon quickly slapped his forehead and forcibly dispelled it. The following emoticons from the Internet in his previous life suddenly appeared in his heart.

Rohark on the side also gave up hiding under Azarian's teasing.

He sighed in frustration: "I like Miss Saili, but... I'm stupid. I'm not as eloquent as the two of you. I don't know how to please the girl I like. Besides, I feel like Miss Saili is very afraid of me. I'm also afraid of being too proactive. scare her."

Rohark looked down at his burly and strong body, as strong as a tiger and a bear, and for the first time he was troubled by the physique and muscles that had made him so proud of him.

"Don't be discouraged. The days are still long anyway. When you have time, Azarian and I will try to create some opportunities for you, such as holding a dance or something. You should learn how to dance, and then let Miss Saili feel the fierce tiger you are. , and also have the heart to smell the roses," Leon joked.

Chatting and laughing all the way, the heavily armed team marched leisurely on the road between the woods.

After repeated expansions, the original temporary trail has been built into a thoroughfare almost as wide as the ancient forest road.

Even a large army moves smoothly.

Occasionally on the road, you can see sporadic cavalry patrolling on horseback.

After setting foot on the ancient forest road, Leon also discovered that there was a new branch road connecting the main road halfway. It should be the road built by the Gunnar family to lead to the wolf territory.

With the speed of infantry, the team of one hundred and dozens of people arrived at Fort Avalon as a transit point at sunset.

When he came here this time, Leon was very surprised by what he saw in front of him.

Even with only the dim moonlight, he could still make out the outline of the sprawling settlement houses outside Avalon Fortress.

Some of them are built in the form of baggage camps, with walls outside, and are probably resting places for troops passing by. Some of them are obviously built in the form of residential housing, and it seems that fields being planned for development can be seen on the outside. .

In the past two months, the area outside the city walls of Avalon Castle, relying on the winding riverside land, has become a large town.

Everyone alerted the sentry and slowly entered the city.

Leon chatted with the Knight of Thorns stationed in Avalon, and then he learned that in addition to the Faloris army stationed in the city and the Kingdom's army stationed in the city, there were also permanent residents outside the city who were moved here by Baron Earliver. More than 800 citizens serve as the basic manpower to develop the Avalon region.

It is said that the quality of the land in the Nightmare Forest seems to be extremely fertile after a simple survey, and it can be cultivated immediately with simple tidying up.

The rivers outside Avalon, or in other words, all the rivers within the Nightmare Forest, are as clear as water sent from heaven.

Although there are no fish or shrimps in it, which seems a bit strange, after trying it for livestock to drink, no problem was found. After drinking it, people were amazed by the sweet and clean water quality.

This is simply the legendary land given by the gods that can flow out milk and honey. If it were not busy with the war going south, the Thorn Flower Family would not only move so many people to develop it.

Leon felt greedy when he heard it.

I just hope that in the future, Boss Elliver will give me more good land in the Nightmare Forest for my great contribution.

There were so many people and eyes, Leon did not go to the Mage Tower to meet Lola privately this time. Thinking that he would have to pass by it on the way back, he rested early with everyone.

The next day, the team gathered early and set off. Along the strategic road opened by the Thorn Flower Family, they passed through several pass camps in the forest. In the evening, Leon saw the vast world outside the forest and the huge military camp built close to the south side of the forest.

This is no longer a camp exclusively for the Thorn Flower Family. Many kingdom armies with clear flags and complicated robes are stationed in the first stronghold of the southward march to Kantadar.

Having been fortunate enough to receive many noble lords who led the army, Leon can barely recognize many flying emblems in front of the military tent.

Needless to say, there were flags of the Farolis family, and even the flags of the Wolf family. The other emblems from the counties of the Grey Shirt Valley Territory were dazzling, and Leon guessed that the more unfamiliar family crests were probably the army of the Great West Territory.

After staying for another night, the Thorn Flower Army in the camp sent another cavalry escort, and the team finally arrived at Acherburg until the afternoon of the next day.

Entering the city gate, the city of Cantadar gave Leon the same feeling as the city of Farolis, except that it was more magnificent.

Of course, the residents in the city certainly could not say that they welcomed the foreign army that occupied the city.

Walking on the streets patrolled by a large number of soldiers, Leon could only feel the frightened eyes of the Cantadar citizens in the streets and behind the doors and windows.

This made Leon couldn't help but always think of the scenes in some European movies in his previous life, where assassins jumped out of the corners and assassinated the victorious generals.

However, the fantasy did not come true after all. In the city of Achers, where thousands of main forces had been stationed, every corner was tightly controlled by the Thorn Flower Family.

In addition to the thousands of Orland troops stationed around Achersburg, there were no reckless people who were eager to die in this land that had changed hands unexpectedly.

"These people are so lucky." Looking at the houses of the citizens of Kantadar, Lohak couldn't help but think of Rolandar's miserable situation, and said angrily in a depressed voice: "Lord Elliver's army was able to occupy their city so peacefully. Why did the Holy Land City suffer such a disaster!"

Although he had also come into contact with good people from Kantadar like Larian, he was moved by the scene, and the anger in his heart could not be easily extinguished by reason.

Azerien seemed much calmer now. He analyzed: "One of the reasons was that Lord Elliver's army easily took the city without encountering any resistance. More importantly, the city only had 20,000 people. It was not difficult for the Thorn Flower Family to control them.

And Rolandar. The city has a population of hundreds of thousands.

What's more, to attack Rolandar, the Kantardar people used a large number of mercenaries, not only the local Kantardar mercenaries who were half soldiers and half bandits, but also the more brutal Uriah nomads from the south.

They had no ability or interest in ruling the land of Serian. Burning, killing and looting were one of the rewards promised to them by the Kantardar Kingdom."

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