Knight with Wand

Chapter 169: Barracks Competition

"It's only one night, and it's so long again. Your hair grows so fast, Leon." Ms. Elena twisted the black hair behind his head and trimmed it carefully.

"It's just the side effect of that extreme training. I'm used to it." Leon leisurely enjoyed the housekeeper's skilled haircutting skills.

Every half a month or so, he would undergo the inhuman "magic training". Not only would his appetite increase dramatically, but his hair would also grow wildly overnight.

But there were no other symptoms. This should be just the extreme stimulation and influence of the body caused by the surge of magic in the body in a short period of time.

Olivia, who was sitting next to him, reached out and picked up a bunch of cut black hair from the curtain behind Leon's chair and played with it.

Since they lived and slept together, she was really shocked when she first saw this situation.

When she opened her eyes that morning, she saw a long-haired man hugging her. Olivia was so scared that she grabbed his neck and was about to punch the "thief" in fear.

Fortunately, Leon was choked and woke up, and he spoke in time to avoid the girl accidentally killing her husband.

"The hair color and eye color have changed so thoroughly. If I could learn to control magic earlier, I wouldn't have to hide from the nobles and could always be with you." Olivia rubbed her lover's hair and said regretfully.

She still remembered the first time they met, the embarrassed look of Leon with brown hair. Looking at him now, he was really a different person from the past.

It's not just the hair. Olivia doesn't know if it's an illusion. Leon's appearance has changed more and more from the past.

Although he and her age are in a stage of rapid physical growth, Olivia looked at her lover's face.

Even if she didn't care about her partner's appearance, height, weight, or body shape, the girl could still clearly feel the difference from the original one with his increasingly handsome appearance.

If it weren't for the fact that his eyebrows, eyes, temperament, and demeanor were still exactly the same as before, it would be hard not to wonder if Leon had changed his body.

Judging from the rapid increase in height and physique, if it was said that magic accelerated Leon's growth, it really surprised her that the appearance of a boy when he grows up in the future would be so different. It was incredible.

After cutting his hair and washing the stubble left on his head, Leon put on his armor very efficiently with the help of Corvis, Olivia, and Treya.

That day in the battle, the silver knight's armor that was burned black on the shoulder by the wrong spell had long been polished by the master craftsman in the barracks.

Although the original carving pattern could not be repaired, Leon did not care about the appearance. He put on a finely cut open-chested cape knight's battle robe on the outside to cover the wear and tear, and the original difference could not be seen.

It was just a pity that the winged helmet he cherished so much was lost.

Although the cracks and the wing ornaments on both sides were barely repaired, the structurally broken helmet body was obviously unusable for actual combat. Leon had to hang the love gift given by the girl in the bedroom as a decorative ornament.

Now he has replaced the original plate armor of Dason on his head.

The original venomous snake headdress of the Casoles family was removed by the new master craftsman, so Leon didn't feel so disgusted when wearing it.

After Olivia and others were dressed, and even Treya was dressed in a set of plate chain composite armor, everyone left the mansion and went to the completely completed Selva Barracks together.

The earth, wood and stone structure of the camp was surrounded by a trench with spikes. On both sides of the open drawbridge gate, the black flags of the Pendragon sword wings and swallowtails were hung. On the arrow towers and battlements, fully armed archers and spearmen stood. In the barracks, the soldiers' neat steps and shouts of training resounded.

Leon did not interfere too much with old Brian's training of soldiers except for a few suggested physical fitness subjects.

For an old knight from the previous dynasty who knew how to train soldiers, the modern military footsteps and formation drills he knew were not at all strange.

In this era, professional soldiers emphasized the uniformity and absolute order of the military formation, which was the most important part of combat effectiveness. Compared with the modern army that was already in a hot war in Leon's previous life, it was much more important.

Even if a knight of extraordinary military power was really alone and trapped in a dense forest of guns, he would eventually be strung like a hedgehog.

Moreover, it was not always the knights who bullied ordinary people with martial arts on the battlefield. There were knights here and there were knights on the enemy.

Unless he had the powerful strength and armor and weapons like "Garon" of the Yanyang Guards, he could crush ordinary opponents. Otherwise, a lone knight without formation soldiers and guards, facing the enemy's uniform military formation, even with the addition of enemy knights, would only die on the battlefield with his bravery in the face of a group fight.

According to old Brian, he is training these young men of Selva little by little by following the training steps of the former king's royal guards.

Physical fitness, archery, fighting, swimming, etc. If there were not enough horses in the territory, they could only be used by the guards, and fighting on horseback was also a subject that every lord's personal soldiers needed to learn in the plan.

Leon walked into the barracks under the salute of the guards on duty. On the huge training ground, thirty crossbowmen were practicing single-arms shield-propelled shooting under Brian's military whistle.

Sometimes when you come here, you can also see them forming mixed formations with spearmen and conducting combat training with each other, because in an ideal state, an infantryman assisting the crossbowman in moving the heavy shield will effectively reduce the combat pressure of the crossbowmen.

But everything on the battlefield is always unpredictable, and the crossbowmen must also know how to fight independently without the cooperation of friendly forces.

However, the soldiers care more about what needs to be done when fighting alone than the officers who lead them.

The most obvious manifestation is that in addition to the cloth jackets and light armor issued by the army to the crossbowmen, most of the wealthy crossbowmen have begun to submit applications to Azerien and pay for themselves to order more comprehensive protective gear such as chain mail.

Joining the professional army, with generous treatment and a promising future, every soldier is particularly willing to invest more money for safety.

The soldiers under his command are actually willing to pay to work. This is something Leon did not expect at first.

But think about it, if you change to work in the army, if you suddenly have extra money, you will definitely arm yourself as much as possible to protect your life.

Only by surviving on the battlefield can you get more military merits, more wealth and opportunities for advancement.

This also led to the fact that the elite crossbowmen equipped with swords, thorns, hammers and other portable weapons, and upgraded their chain mail by themselves, would still be a high-quality melee infantry even if they were forced into close combat in the future.

Continuing to rush in, passing the crossbowmen in training, Leon saw Lohak and Azerien who had arrived at the barracks in the distance and were waiting.

The two who were also wearing plate armor seemed to have already fought and exchanged.

In terms of martial arts, Azerien's talent was not bad among his peers, but in terms of strength, there was still a big gap between him and Lohak.

I saw that Lohak, who was waving a red-headed empty pole to simulate a halberd axe, beat the son of the noble holding a blunt-headed spear back step by step, exhausted from parrying and dodging. After a few rounds, it can be seen that there were more defeats than wins.

Around the two people who were sparring, their servants, as well as Hawke and other six guards, seemed to have just finished riding training, and watched the two knights compete with great interest.

To Leon's surprise, Canis, who had been released from the Neti card as usual, actually leaned against the flagpole with his arms folded and watched.

The young master of the Wolf family was strolling around Selva. He certainly couldn't enter the barracks alone. He probably came in with Azerien and the others.

This guy, who was unfamiliar with the place, was probably tired of the unchanging countryside scenery in Selva during this period. Only the barracks with abundant martial virtues could make him a little relieved.

Seeing that Leon finally arrived after taking care of his hair, Lohak and Azerien stopped sparring with each other.

Today was not a special day. Leon just suddenly wanted to try out his growing martial arts level with his friends during this period.

It was really depressing to always be beaten by Olivia alone every day.

Since the girl's life turned upside down, she was no longer restricted by holding a sword and had plenty of time to practice, and her strength grew at an extremely amazing speed.

This made Leon often feel that he didn't have much sense of progress. After all, the girl's upper limit was also rapidly rising in constant actual combat and practice.

You know, it was not until he killed the half-human giant snake summoned by Met last time that he truly realized how powerful he was compared to ordinary people.

"Well, why don't you two do it? I'll take a break first." Azerien took off his helmet, threw the blunt spear to Leon, sat aside and took the kettle handed by the servant to rest for a while.

Leon caught the spear, turned the gun flower, moved his wrist, and then walked towards Lohak who was carrying a weapon.

"It's been a long time since we two fought?" Leon looked at his brother who was eager to try, and was amazed at the guy's height.

He has grown to more than 1.8 meters, and Lohak looks like he is almost 2 meters tall. I really don't know what the angry demon did to Lohak's body at the beginning. Did he open the gene lock? Or what?

"It's been a long time since we've practiced together, but now it's different from before. I should ask you to show some mercy, Leon." Lohak smiled and put on his helmet visor.

He had watched his brother and Olivia practice together. Compared to when they were under the windmill tower, the two of them now had a big gap in strength and martial arts.

Leon smiled when he heard this, and did not dare to be careless. He also put on his visor to protect his face.

Although his brother's martial arts were still a little worse than the average of the Knights of the Order of Arms, his strength was not weaker than that of the knights. If he underestimated the enemy, he might get hurt.

"Be careful! I'm coming!"

Seeing that Leon was ready, Lohak took the lead.

Both of them were disciples of the founder of the "Olivia School", and their fighting styles were mainly based on active attack.

The heavy red-headed long pole, which was a size larger, slashed towards Leon with a whoosh. Leon thrust his spear from the side and stabbed back.

The collision made the two practice weapons tremble constantly.

This was a counterattack that Leon did not dare to use easily when facing Olivia's slash. If the inhumanly powerful girl exerted her full strength, he would definitely be defeated and hit by a stick.

However, once they started fighting and felt Lohak's strength, Leon realized that he must have let Azerien off just now.

As soon as this judgment passed through his mind, he heard another horrible wind sound.

Leon stopped attacking and blocked Lohak's pole tail sweep.

Bang——! A muffled sound sounded, and almost at the same time, Lohak's cat-spinning step sideways drove his burly figure, allowing the pole tail that was firmly against Leon's spear to suddenly pierce Leon's armpit.

This was an effective attack, because the end of the halberd axe he actually used had a cone tip like a spear head.

Leon twisted his waist and dodged in the direction, leaping sideways like a two-person turn.

He couldn't help but feel refreshed by his brother's fierce attack.

If Olivia's footwork is agile and elegant, it gives people the feeling of sometimes like a civet cat and sometimes like a bird of prey.

Then Lohak's steps are like a tiger that pounces on him, with a rather savage aggression.

Seeing that the attack missed, Lohak didn't choose to change his moves in an instant, and jumped forward directly. Relying on his physique and strength, he suddenly crossed the halberd with his right arm, and rushed over like a locomotive that suddenly accelerated.

Leon laughed and cursed in his heart, this kid still wants me to show mercy? With such momentum, it is obvious that he is holding back a bad energy and wants to make him suffer a little.

If it was half a month ago, maybe he would really let him succeed and stumble.

Leon's right leg retreated and rubbed the ground with a bow step, and the spear shaft between his iron fingers collided head-on with the halberd shaft that hit him.


With a loud sound of debris flying, the sturdy wooden poles in the hands of the two knights were bent against each other by the huge force.

Leon's body was pushed back by Lohak's weight and slid on the ground. His hind feet shoveled up a pile of soil, but soon stopped because his steel boots were stuck in the pit.


Leon, who had been saving his strength, roared, pulled out his right foot, turned his attack, and rushed forward repeatedly, pushing the strong iron tower-like Lohak back continuously with the bent spear shaft.

Lohak twisted his body and moved to his right side, trying to use the leverage to press down the red head that symbolized the halberd axe, but Leon stood up and stuck to him without dodging, and took the opportunity to loosen his right hand, and the iron glove pressed against the neck armor in front of Lohak's neck.

At such a close distance, long-handled weapons simply cannot use their power to cause damage to the armored enemy.

Leon let the opponent's "halberd axe" press on the shoulder armor, and took the opportunity to trip with his right leg, and lifted his right palm to hit the neck armor at the chin of Lohak's helmet.

The tall knight instantly lost his balance, spun half a circle like an electric fan blade, and fell to the ground with his own weight.

There was a dinglang bang, and Lohak lay on the ground, staring at the blue sky through the visor grid, not realizing how he lay down.

Leon pointed the tip of his spear at his brother's visor, symbolizing victory in the battle, and then reached out to pull Lohak up from the ground.

"What kind of technique is this? Olivia doesn't seem to have taught it?" Lohak opened his visor and asked curiously.

"All kinds of martial arts, this is ahem, I learned this from Uncle Brian, court wrestling." Leon laughed.

Ever since the battle of Longka and the fight with Canis, he has been eager to understand that it is too difficult to quickly decide the life and death of two steel cans in a one-on-one duel with similar strength.

And the main reason for the final quick victory over Canis was that Olivia rushed with a lance and knocked down the young master of the Wolf family who underestimated the enemy.

He thought about it and thought that at this stage, in addition to magic, learning wrestling would probably greatly improve his chances of winning when facing cans of the same level.

The problem is that Olivia is not proficient in this. She can still say one, two, three in boxing, but the girl has no experience of close combat since she was a child.

After all, with Olivia's strength, there is no violent problem in the village that she can't solve with a stick and a fist.

Fortunately, old Brian, who once served the previous king, unexpectedly learned a set of close combat skills.

"Alas, I secretly asked Olivia for this three-hit combo a few days ago, and I thought I could give you a surprise." Lohak looked at the blonde girl on the sidelines and couldn't help but say regretfully.

Olivia helplessly spread her hands to the big man. She didn't expect Leon's strength to increase so quickly.

"If it was not long ago, I'm afraid I would be caught off guard by a sudden attack." Leon laughed. Unfortunately, after the special training the day before, his physical fitness seemed to have improved.

Now that he can effectively control the magic power in his body, he can not only shorten the period of Corvis's assistance in magic training, but also feel that the effect of the special training is more effective.

"Come again." Leon was not satisfied yet.

Practicing with Olivia is like being a punching bag.

Practicing with the guards is like bullying.

Uncle Brian has been injured for many years and has long lost the strength of a knight of military honor.

Larian at the inn is not so familiar.

Now if I don't disturb the thorn flower knights around Lady Adelina, only the good brother in front of me is suitable as a reference for my martial arts.

"Okay." Lohak called the servant to replace the wooden pole that was about to break, and then they started to fight again.

While the two of them were fighting, the others were naturally not idle.

Corvis and Azerien, who had rested, competed in swordsmanship, and Olivia began to instruct the guards and Treya to practice armored combat.

The fierce exchange of martial arts here soon attracted the frequent glances of the soldiers on duty on the football field farther away.

The two teams of soldiers stopped playing football and whispered to each other, betting on the victory or defeat of the knights.

Leon naturally noticed the soldiers' gazes, but did not stop them.

After fighting many rounds with Lohak, during the break, Leon came to the sidelines to drink water and looked at the soldiers on duty who were watching.

To be more precise, it was the "football field" where they were.

This is really not a local entertainment. At least Leon has not heard from the original owner's memory or other people around him that there is a mature sport like football in the world. It is just a country game like kicking a ball, which is very simple and has no rules at all.

And right now, if nothing else happens, the Selva Barracks is probably the first football field in the world.

Leon understands that soldiers are not machines and always need to relax. Since he does not allow dancers to appear in his army, he must find a way to let his retired elite soldiers vent their excess energy, and training will never be enough. Probably all the time.

You know, even warriors as severe as the Astartes in the art works of previous lives rarely have entertainment activities in their spare time.

Then interesting sports are the first choice, especially large-scale team sports.

Basketball does not have such good materials, and rugby without suitable protective equipment is too easy to be injured, and the physical confrontation is too high. In this era without sports awareness, it is easy to get into a real fight and turn into a fight, which is not conducive to the unity of the army. So just Football, which requires a field and a ball and can control the intensity of confrontation, has become the first choice for relaxing and leisure sports.

Therefore, before the construction of the barracks started, Leon discussed with Old Brian and planned several usable open spaces inside the barracks.

He couldn't remember the rules that were too standardized, but even if the rules were simple, it did not prevent this world-famous sport from being welcomed by soldiers. Even in a different world, games are still human nature, and changes in identity and age have also changed. It's just about getting people interested in different "games".

Leon thinks that among other things, we earthlings are quite experienced in playing.

He also plans to build several civilian football fields in the three territories for adults and children to relax in the future. Maybe this sport will become popular in the Western Continent in a hundred years, and the next generation of the three territories will be able to win at the starting line.

"Are you interested in playing a few games with me?"

While drinking water, Leon looked back and saw Katniss walking up with raised eyebrows.

"Huh? I don't mind. Maybe you are dissatisfied with the Longka battle and want to take the opportunity to take revenge?" Leon put down the kettle and asked suspiciously.

"I'm just too bored. You can't even find a dancer in your territory. I might as well go back to sleep when the cattle and sheep are baring their teeth." Katniss curled his lips helplessly and said: "Besides, even if I want to beat you up, the contract won't work. Will allow me to hurt you."

Of course he was dissatisfied. He admitted that he was defeated and had nothing to say to Olivia, who had knocked him down. After seeing the girl's daily martial arts skills, he admitted that he was defeated.

But if the girl hadn't intervened, Katniss felt that he would never lose to the knight in front of him.

"Based on your current performance, if you didn't use witchcraft to increase your physical strength, you wouldn't have been able to go ten rounds under me that day." The young master of the Lang family commented arrogantly.

"Why can't I use the spells I learned based on my skills? I also said that if you don't wear armor, you can't walk under my sword for a round." Leon rolled his eyes at him.

Anyway, he is not a real knight. He is not obsessed with the spirit of chivalry. He cannot win without force.

As long as you can win, American Iai is not a bad idea.

"Hmph, it's impossible without armor, but without weapons, I am confident that I can defeat you, as long as you don't use witchcraft." Katniss retorted.

"Forget it, you are my witchcraft now. Seeing how stubborn you are, let's practice. I don't use weapons, let alone magic, to show you what all kinds of martial arts are." Leon moved his shoulders and stood up. , intending to let this country bumpkin experience the secret palace skills of the previous dynasty.

It was just a manservant who suddenly entered the barracks and interrupted the wrestling match between the two of them, which was about to begin.

"Master, I have an urgent letter from you, sent from Glade County." The servant panted and handed the letter bucket to Leon.

Leon opened it and took a few glances to understand.

The wait is finally here.

Earliver summoned them to go south immediately, and the Thornflower family was preparing to welcome the king, Ledwin III, who was leading the expedition at Fort Archers.

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