There are many motivations that can make people move forward, such as for family, for power, for money, etc. However, among these motivations, the most effective one is undoubtedly... hatred.


The team marched towards the village in a mighty manner. Perhaps because of the rebel activities, Orrick sent a number of guards to accompany them, including the butler Scott.

"Yufan, when can we get to the village?"

"At this speed, we should be there soon."The person talking to Chu Yufan was Abbott, who was sitting in the same carriage. The two of them didn't have much contact when they were in the village. So they were not familiar with each other. It was not until they went to the city that they gradually became familiar with each other and became companions.

"Now I can be with my family." Abbott said happily.

In addition to his parents, Abbott also has a younger sister who is two years younger. Originally, they wanted to bring his sister with them, but Abbott's parents were afraid that his sister was too young and finally did not agree.

"Yes, after all, we haven't seen each other for eight months.……"

"whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

"Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack! It's the rebels!"

Before Chu Yufan finished speaking, he heard a sudden sound of breaking air outside the carriage, and then he heard the guards outside shouting that there was a sneak attack by the rebels, and then the sound of swords clashing began to appear outside the carriage.

The team suddenly panicked, and the children in the carriage were also scared and screamed. Chu Yufan hurried to the small window of the carriage and secretly looked outside. At this time, there was chaos outside. The guards of the team were fighting with another group of people wearing different clothes. It seemed that this group of people were the so-called rebels.

"Quick! The village is not far ahead, let the children in the carriage take shelter first!"Scott had already come out of the carriage at this time. The rebels wherever he went were no match for him. However, the number of rebels was large at this time, so Scott let the carriage carrying the children leave first.

The people in the carriage heard Scott's order and immediately took action. The three carriages began to rush forward along the dirt road. The rebels saw that there was a carriage in the team trying to slip away, so they shot arrows at the carriage to stop it, but fortunately they did not succeed.

""Huh! Great! We are finally safe." After the three carriages left the battle site, Abbott touched his chest and said.

But are we really safe?


The three carriages were speeding along and soon arrived near the entrance of the village, but they suddenly stopped.

"what happened……?!"Chu Yufan felt the carriage stop and opened the door to ask what happened, but the scene he saw shocked him so much that he was speechless.

The peaceful and quiet village he imagined had disappeared, and now the village was completely on fire. There were a few people lying on the ground at the entrance of the village, and they looked like they were from the village.

The other children also opened the carriage door to check, and they were all shocked by the scene and speechless.


A child trembled and cried out, which was the sound that made the other children react. Everyone ran down the carriage, ignoring the driver's dissuasion, and rushed into the village without hesitation.

Chu Yufan and Abbott rushed into the village together. The village in their memory had turned into a sea of fire, and the familiar villagers fell to the ground covered in blood.

"Nothing must happen!"Albert prayed as he ran home. Chu Yufan followed him because he had to pass by Albert's house to get to the Hesha couple's house.


The two came to Abbot's house and stopped. At this time, Abbot's house had turned into a ball of fire. Abbot's parents fell at the door.

""Dad! Mom!" Abbott rushed over, only to find that his parents had already lost their lives. Tears kept flowing from his eyes.

"Sister! Sister! Where are you?"Abbott didn't find his sister, so he kept looking around.

"Let's search separately!"Chu Yufan saw this scene and said to Abbott, and then helped to search.

Abbott nodded, and then he and Chu Yufan searched separately. Abbott called his sister's name while listening to whether his sister replied.

"Come on! Come on! It's my turn!"

"Hurry! Leave as soon as you are done!"

"MD! It's such a pity that I can't take it away!"

Abbot suddenly heard the sound of several people talking, so he hurriedly followed the sound and walked through a meadow to a shabby little house where hay was stored. Abbot saw that the door of the little house had been opened, and four men were surrounding the house. One of them was kneeling on the ground and didn't know what he was doing. Abbot took a closer look and found that the person being pressed down by the men was actually his sister!

"Sister!"When Abbott saw this, he rushed forward angrily, but before he got close, he was kicked to the ground by one of the men.

"Oh, you're here so soon? How pitiful! If I had come a little later, I might have survived. The man said something incomprehensible as he approached Abbott.

"Bastard! What did you do to my sister!"Abbott quickly stood up and rushed towards the man again.

"Not only your sister, but also your parents were killed by us. Who said we were rebels? Hahahaha."

Although he had learned boxing from the Royal Fist Temple for a while at school, Abbot was just a child after all. Naturally, he was no match for the man. He rushed forward and was kicked away by the man.

"I'm going to kill you!"After hearing the man's casual words, Abbott's eyes turned red, and he raised his fist again and rushed forward.��But this time the man did not kick Abbott away, but reached out and grabbed Abbott's neck and lifted him up.

"What a poor fellow! You said you wanted to kill us, but you can't do anything about it? And you have to die here with your family." The man looked at Abbott, who was struggling in his hand, with disdain, and then he began to use his arms to strangle Abbott to death.

"Feel sister......What am I......Can't do it......"Feeling that his breath was being slowly taken away and his life was slowly slipping away, Abbott could only keep apologizing to his family in his heart.


"Cough cough cough......"

Suddenly, Abbott felt himself falling to the ground. The force that was pinching his neck also disappeared, and then he heard the scream of the man just now.

Abbott coughed and looked forward. At this time, a familiar figure stood in front of him, holding a dagger in his hand. The man who had pinched his neck just now was covering his bleeding arm and looking at him with horror.

He was Chu Yufan who rushed over after hearing Abbott's voice.

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