Time always likes to pass away without people noticing. When you react, you may not know how much time has passed.

Since entering the city, nearly eight months have passed unknowingly. During this period, the imagined conspiracy, human trafficking, or other crimes did not appear.

The day after Chu Yufan and other children entered the city, they were sent to the largest school in the city by the butler Scott to learn various knowledge. Including common sense of the empire, the history of the empire, the laws of the empire, etc.

In addition, in addition to learning cultural knowledge, you can also learn martial arts boxing in school. The teacher invited by the school is from a place called"Huangquan Temple". It is said that this place is recognized as the highest-level boxing temple in the empire.

And as long as the talents favored by the Huangquan Temple can enter the Fist King Temple for training, it can be said that as long as they are favored, they can rise to prominence in an instant.

However, for Chu Yufan, who has a breathing method, the level of this so-called teacher is actually just average. But in order to keep a low profile, Chu Yufan and other children cooperated very well to practice boxing every day.

During these eight months, the peaceful life made Chu Yufan begin to feel that his intuition was more or less problematic. Maybe Orrick was really a good person!

This thought made Chu Yufan feel a little embarrassed. After all, he was carrying a small dagger from the kitchen just in case, in case of any unexpected situation.

However, Chu Yufan still carried the dagger with him. Anyway, he brought it with him, so it was better to be prepared.


The place where Chu Yufan and others live is on the outskirts of the mansion, while the interior of the mansion is truly luxurious. Orrick, Scott and other internal personnel live here.

In the center of the mansion, there is a five-story luxury house, and the fifth floor is where Orrick lives. At this time, Orrick was standing by the window, staring at the distance.

That direction is the most prosperous place in the empire, and it is also the place where power struggles are the most intense and human nature is the darkest, the imperial capital.

Orrick was originally a senior official in the center of the imperial capital, but later he was defeated in the competition with other opponents, so he had no choice but to flee to this peripheral city. The main reason for Orrick's defeat was insufficient force.

To put it bluntly, there are too few people who can do dirty things.

In order to return to the center of power and avenge the previous defeat. Orrick decided to select some children from remote villages and train these children from an early age to make them killers who are completely loyal to him. In order to achieve this goal, the means used must be cruel and bloody.

"Sir, I'm coming in." Scott said respectfully outside the door

"Come in."

A knock on the door suddenly interrupted Orrick's thoughts. After hearing Scott's voice, Orrick let him in.

"What are the results of the test?" Orrick asked

"All 30 students have passed the test. Of course, some have good results and some have bad results. But I think we can move on to the next step." Scott said as he handed the test ranking list to Orrick.

"Since you think you can proceed with the next plan, then start implementing it."Oric did not take the list to look at it, because for a man like him, only those who can be used are useful.

This list has no practical significance in Oric's view, and those who are useless can just die. He is not a philanthropist and will not support useless people.

The reason why he is so good to the children's village is just to gain their trust. All this is within Oric's plan.

"I understand, sir. I will do it right away." Scott heard the order from Orrick and left the room after answering respectfully.

"Humph, I will definitely take back everything I lost!"After Scott left, Orrick returned to the window and looked in the direction of the imperial capital, muttering to himself:


"In summary, the rebels can be said to be the biggest threat to the empire now. They looted villages, killed civilians at will, and kidnapped children, forcing them to join the rebels and let them fight on the front line as cannon fodder. Therefore, the rebels are undoubtedly our enemies."

Chu Yufan sat on the desk in the classroom, listening to the teacher on the podium explaining about the rebels. This teaching content has not been explained in detail in the past eight months. I don't know why the teacher suddenly made this matter a focus these days.

"This is too much! These rebels are so abominable!"

"Yes! They robbed and killed people at will!"

"Alas, I don't know how many innocent people died because of this."

Listening to the discussions of other children in the same village, Chu Yufan didn't say anything. Although he has lost his memory now, Chu Yufan still understands some truths. For the empire, the rebels are destroyers. And for the rebels, the empire is the initiator who turned them into rebels.

Just when Chu Yufan was thinking about it, a person walked in from outside the classroom. He came to the teacher and whispered something. The teacher was obviously surprised when he heard it, but then he nodded.

"Children, Steward Scott has something to say to you. Please be quiet for a moment."The teacher said to the children.

At this time, Scott had walked to the podium and said to everyone

"Children, the rebels have been active around here recently. After thinking about it, Lord Orrick decided to move all the other people in the village to the city tomorrow. Children, you should have a good rest tonight, and tomorrow we will go together to help move all the things from your homes here, do you understand?"

"……Got it!"

After a brief silence, the classroom erupted into a warm atmosphere.

"That’s great, I can finally see mom and dad!"

"Haha, when you go back, you must tell your parents what happened in the city."

All the children were very happy when they suddenly announced that they could see their families, and Chu Yufan was no exception. After all, he missed the Hesha couple and wanted to know how they were doing.

After a brief excitement, Chu Yufan was a little confused. Why did they need to let these children go back together? Wouldn't it be troublesome? Especially when there were rebels active nearby, wouldn't it be too conspicuous for so many people to go back to the village in a mighty manner? Although he was confused

, Chu Yufan still followed the team and embarked on the journey home the next morning.

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