Kamen Rider from Douluo

Chapter 78 Thoughts

It was already approaching dusk at night, and Tiandaozun brought Ning Rongrong back. Because she was unconscious, Tiandaozun simply placed her in a nearby hotel. After placing her, he left without looking back. After all, he had no interest in Ning Rongrong. .

Taking advantage of the dim sky, Tiandao Zun returned to Shrek Academy lifelessly. Because Shrek Academy is dilapidated and backward (the most important thing is that there are few people), there is no dormitory administrator, and it does not take time for Tiandaozun to enter the dormitory, so Tiandaozun wanders around Shrek Academy alone.

Tiandao Zun is a little depressed now, and there are many things that he doesn't have time to react to. Grandma's story, the past life of the transcendent, and the "rightful master" Zhang Hai in the consciousness space, the overall mystery gradually unfolded, but Tiandaozun didn't know how to face it.

He is confident and arrogant, but that is all a disguise when facing others. Sometimes Tiandaozun still wonders if such a life will be too tiring.

Because of his own secrets and many things, Tiandao Zun had to hide his true self in his heart. Even he himself may not know what he really is.

Tiandaozun sat on a "tall building" in Shrek Academy, quietly blowing the cold wind. It was more like an ordinary two-story commune house than a high-rise building. Tiandao Zun sat on the roof like that, thinking about the direction of life.

The wind was depressing and miserable, and the people in the house were at a loss. The early moon shines brightly, and no one feels sad. The clear breeze is passing by in the waning moon. Who knows how sad it is? If you ask what you are thinking about, your throat will be speechless and choked.

Unknowingly, the first moon rose, and Tiandao Zun, who had nowhere to put his sorrow, did not care about the passage of time and allowed the light and desolate breeze to blow by. Who knows the sadness of Tiandaozun, and who can truly understand him?

Tiandaozun did not refine his soul power with his martial soul ring, nor did he learn various skills. At this moment, Tiandaozun is the most relaxed and the most depressed.

In the past, he was either practicing or fighting, and had no time to calm down. Even if I have time, I will "practice" the secret skills of Tendou-ryu. Until now, I have mastered the 500 skills above without knowing it. Some of the fencing, sports and fighting skills in the notes left by Soka have also been familiar with Tendou-sun. In the heart.

In addition, Zhang Hai's combat guidance and the skills of the heroes in the fifteen great eyes and souls are also familiar to Tiandaozun.

Tiandaozun didn't know what he was not proficient in, nor did he know what he should do. Tiandaozun looked down upon small things, but Tiandaozun had to admit that he couldn't do the big things.

Why does he have the status of a transcendent? Master Tiandao suddenly wants to give up this power and become an ordinary person. Isn't it good to live a peaceful life and be ordinary with your family?

Did fate choose him, or did he choose fate? Will the questions he raised at this moment be true in the next moment? Why does Tiandaozun think of something and the world will slowly develop according to that subconscious mind?

Tiandaozun looked at the moon idly, not knowing what he was thinking, but what he knew was that Tiandaozun was tired and he needed to rest.

Everyone has their own unspeakable secrets, and Tiandao Zun does more than just pretend on the surface. He also wants to be a "hero", a hero who can make people admire him with admiration.

But as he grew older, Tiandao Zun fell into confusion and contemplation. What should he want to do, the will of the Kamen Rider or the destruction of the world by the transcendent? Why, why can't he do things according to his own wishes?

Invisible pressure pressed on Tiandao Zun's heart, making him unable to breathe.

"Perhaps, this is the pain of being an alien. Because I am different from others, I bear the responsibilities that he has to bear. This is me. The superficial arrogance comes from my inferiority, and all the heroic spirit comes from My weakness. I speak plausibly because my heart is full of doubts."

Tiandaozun lay in the moonlight, as if he had merged with the moonlight, and gradually closed his eyes on the roof. Although he had too many difficulties, as a "superior", after all, he had to face it, Tiandaozun He can only continue to improve and strengthen himself to make him invincible. Only in this way can he have the power to determine his destiny!

"So, is that what you think?"

Zhang Hai in the consciousness space has been listening to Tiandaozun's soliloquy. Maybe others can't feel it, but Zhang Hai and Tiandaozun "coexist in the same body." As the previous controller of the body, Zhang Hai now also resides in the consciousness. in space.

How could Zhang Hai never feel like this? He is not the protagonist in the novel. He does not have his own thoughts, can make continuous progress, and unknowingly reaches the pinnacle of the world, but he does not have his own feelings.

Zhang Hai also had many emotional disputes during his constant travels around the world. He also knew that this was a "human" thought. As long as thoughts exist, emotions and thoughts will be changed by external influences.

As for Tiandao Zun, if he were converted to Aquamarine Planet at this stage, he would only be an adolescent boy. At this time, thoughts and will are most easily affected by external factors.

Due to special reasons, Zhang Hai only knew how to fight when he was in adolescence. But Zhang Hai didn't know that the minds of young people in this period tended to mature and they also had their own thoughts.

All along, Zhang Hai has been constantly guiding Tiandaozun, which has invisibly put tremendous pressure on Tiandaozun. Tiandaozun also subconsciously took the "omnipotent" Zhang Hai as his role model. Because of this, Tiandaozun pretended to be cold and arrogant, and also made a hard crab shell for himself to protect his fragile heart.

After all, Tiandaozun is just a twelve-year-old boy. No matter how powerful he is, he is still a twelve-year-old boy with a mind. They may have mature thoughts and ideas, but they still retain the innocence of youth and the kindness from the bottom of their hearts.

"It seems that I have been neglecting Tiandaozun's ideological work all this time. Am I subconsciously pushing him too hard?"

Zhang Hai also asked himself in his heart. After escaping from the Star Dou Empire to the Star Dou Forest, Zhang Hai also made plans for the all-round development of Tiandaozun. Tiandaozun also learned from Zhang Hai's teachings in the constant battles. Even at night, Zhang Hai would seriously criticize Tiandaozun.

It is because of this that Tiandaozun can reach the realm of Soul Lord at such an age.

But it was because Zhang Hai, the experienced predecessor, had strong hopes for Tiandao Zun, the reincarnated successor, that he continued to suppress progress.

However, Zhang Hai really knows, does Tiandaozun really want this? Has Zhang Hai ever truly understood what Tiandao Zun is like in his heart?

Zhang Hai did not continue to delve into this issue. He now clearly felt Tiandao Zun's wishes.

That is the word "freedom"!

"I'm really sorry for oppressing you all this time, but we are transcendents, existences that cannot be determined by fate! It is precisely because of this that fate will continue to oppress us."

Zhang Hai sighed again, "If I could choose, I wish I could be an ordinary person, whether in life or in death, why bother wandering around the world?"

Predict what will happen next, let’s see the breakdown next time.


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