Transform into Marvel's Daisy Johnson

Chapter 244 The miserable Strucker

The people attending the meeting were sitting around the round table, namely Hotwire, Strack, Pierce, Daisy, Cynthia, Malik and two representatives of the Thule Association. In addition to Daisy and Strack, there were many high-level people from small interest groups present, including Cynthia. Everyone has their own evil intentions, and Daisy is not exempt from this. Everyone sat together and stared at each other. Before the meeting started, the atmosphere was extremely serious.

During this period, Daisy had been very curious about the two old men from the Thule Association. They were a man and a woman. Their combined age was probably less than half of the Eagle Flag.His old skin was trembling, and his face was as pale as a plaster statue.Such two old men gained the respect of Pierce and Malik, and Hotwire did not completely deny the existence of each other, even though they still said bad words to each other.

Hotwire made a special introduction to the two "newcomers" Daisy and Cynthia at the table.Especially when Daisy and Cynthia were put together, everyone smiled strangely.

Cynthia's identity has always been sensitive, and the fate of the forces standing around her can usually be imagined.

Hotwire's intention was exactly this. He deliberately said this to let everyone have an idea of ​​Daisy being sentenced. Cynthia's identity has always been an operable identity in front of him. Whether she is safe or not depends entirely on Hotwire's wishful thinking. In terms of approach, before Daisy came out, he had only two options for the remnants of the Schmidt family: forced or laissez-faire. But now that the two girls are mixed together, Hotwire has a lot of room for maneuver.

Cynthia has such an embarrassing and sensitive identity. She doesn't even know it, but Daisy can analyze it. Especially in such an atmosphere, the uniqueness of Cynthia Schmidt’s identity becomes even more obvious. Daisy was curious about how her identity could make the people present feel comfortable.

In Hotwire's introduction, he teased Cynthia about being late for the last meeting, which made Cynthia blush and become extremely embarrassed.Daisy was much thicker-skinned and knocked on the table nonchalantly.

"Isn't this meeting just for us two little girls? Let's start talking about big shots."

Straker took another look at Daisy, the most eye-catching and youngest member of the meeting.Hotwire's charter made Strack feel a threat to his position.But all threats are justified.

"Let us welcome the Dawn Goddess to Hydra! Long live Hydra!"

Hotwire's introduction was met with symbolic applause from the people around him. The two old men from the Thule Association didn't know why, so they pretended to clapped their hands gently, with question marks on their faces. It's obvious that he doesn't like watching the news. But everyone else present has already seen Daisy Johnson’s reputation!

You know that the other person is very strong and will surpass you, but you still have no way to defeat the other person. It was precisely because of this unhappy state of mind that Strack was particularly suffocated. He moved his back molars, and the mustache on his cheeks grew another 0.1 millimeter.

Malik is an egoistic neutral who represents the Hydra faction. One of the most important characteristics of the old faction is their insistence on maintaining the theory of blood. Hydra's senior leadership generally acquiesced in this statement, which resulted in Malik's authority being high. Often the arrogant Hotwire did not dare to despise things that he could talk about. At the meeting, most of the demands he filed were met without much resistance. The only person who could raise an objection was Hotwire. He would eventually let Malik get what he wanted, but he always had to make things difficult to demonstrate his authority. In a sense, Strack learned this aspect well.

Daisy mostly plays a listening role during meetings, and she is not able to convince others present in terms of rights. Moreover, since it was my first time to participate, my position did not match that of the others present, so I had little say.

For 08, the biggest melon. When Godzilla appears, Hydra wants to get involved. The people of the Thule Association felt that this was a wild beast that had tainted Hydra and should not be left in the world.

Such a statement made the old-school pure Hydra Malik extremely speechless, but he couldn't blame them.

"We try our best..."

It was said very reluctantly, and everyone could see that.

The hunt for Godzilla never stopped, and once General Kang was relieved of his duties, the Security Council took over.S.H.I.E.L.D. and the core personnel of the disbanded Monarch organization worked together to search all over the world.But the ocean is too big, and this exploration cost 1.2 million of the Security Council's savings for no reason.And to this day, no trace has been found.At this time, Nick's Avengers plan and Daisy's Overwatch plan were thrown into the Security Council's financial statements, which was a headache for anyone who knew how to calculate money.

The Monarch organization was disbanded and largely absorbed by S.H.I.E.L.D.Except for Skull Island, it is the only remaining place of the Imperial Organization.

Even though Godzilla is huge, in the vast sea, Godzilla is as thin as a noodle.You can't even find them, let alone kill them.If sonar detectors are used on a large scale, the ocean pollution is too serious, the area is too large, and the cost is extremely high.Satellite imaging is like a piece of cake and only makes a fuss.

The meeting didn’t talk much about Godzilla. Instead, it talked about humanism the most. There are very detailed instructions on which new forces to win over and suppress. This includes Cynthia, who all gave a very brief explanation of some things that happened within her sphere of influence years ago. Malik, who had a direct conflict, pretended sanctimoniously that nothing happened. Cynthia looked embarrassed, spoke fiercely, and almost flipped the table. She was caught by Daisy and the scene de-escalated.

Cynthia, who is about to run for three years, is getting more and more mature, but in the political competition, she is obviously still at a low level.Daisy is no better than the other people present in this regard, but in many cases, the pitch of her voice does not mean victory, and being upright does not mean it is the standard for others to judge.In short, silence can give oneself a back-up, caution can overlook the overall situation, and speaking out at the negotiation table is a thunderous blow accompanied by one's own perfect strategy.This is the experience she has gained from running a company for so long, and she hopes it can be used universally.

This was the first time Daisy had seen such a vulgar side of Cynthia. A woman who was usually so soft and soft showed such a tough side, which made me curious. Novelty winked at Cynthia, which silenced Cynthia.

On the issue of Godzilla, Hotwire scoffed at the Thule Association, but on the matter of Cynthia and Malik, he actually didn't stop them. The reaction behind this made Daisy hesitate several times, but just when she was still thinking about something, something happened to her.

It was Strack's turn, who was in charge of the construction of Sokovia, and stayed for a long time. Sokovia was in ruins three years ago, and Hydra decided to use it as a new secret base. Strack, as a foreign investor, contracted the work of rebuilding local infrastructure. But his work has never been very impressive. Hiring local people to rebuild houses is quite satisfactory. On the one hand, it solves the housing problem of local people, and on the other hand, it also needs to configure equipment. Strack is an out-and-out militant, but at this time he is asked to do the work of a philanthropist. From the moment this job was assigned to him, he was extremely reluctant. Inactivity, combined with low local productivity, has slowed the rebuilding of Sokovia.

Rebuilding Sokovia is of great strategic significance to Hydra.That continent has been plagued by wars all year round, and it is normal for civilians to be displaced and lack food and clothing. The war has brought about an excellent mood for revenge, and it is an excellent area for the development of Hydra power.And Sokovia is in the middle of a perfect terrain, surrounded by mountains, close to mountains and rivers, rich in minerals, and far away from the Wuchang sphere of influence. The current situation in the surrounding countries is in turmoil.If there is a slight disturbance, it will not be able to protect itself, let alone Sokovia, which is at its core.The United Nations liberated this place in the name of peace, but the distribution of rights for independent governance has fallen behind.If Hydra controls this place, it means it has a unique arsenal.It can lay the solid foundation for the future of Hydra's reign.

Strack failed to appreciate such a strategically important place and was passive in his work. There may be a sense of revenge, but such a thing is once again on the table. Straker was Hotwire's student. Hotwire could not publicly accuse him on such an occasion, so he had to find a reasonable solution among others.

Sokovia is not the first strategically important base chosen by Hydra. There are also some in Africa, but these things are often blocked by moderate Hydra, and Pierce is one of them.

As for the matter in Sokovia, it is easy to handle. To put it bluntly, it is a matter of money. Everyone looked at Daisy in unison.

Pierce winked and conveyed the news to Daisy, but Daisy looked confused. Secretly, Daisy speculated that the two masters and apprentices were playing tricks on her. She cleared her throat and asked why.

"Miss Daisy, it's time for you to show your loyalty to Hydra. Straker has a problem that I think you can help solve."

"Just, does Mr. Baron have the drawings of Sokovia? I can accept the matter, but I always have to know how much responsibility I have. You won't let me build a new Sokovia, right?"

Strucker lowered his head and took out his cell phone and dialed for a while. "I have sent you the message from Sokovia."

Daisy took off her glasses and projected the built-in content. Straker's original intention was to trick Daisy, but he didn't want the other party to take it out directly. Showcase Sokovia as it is.

Strack is just one of the Sokovia contractors involved in basic construction.Three years have allowed the surviving Sokovians to solve the problem of food and sleep. There are also schools and hospitals in the reconstruction area, which are already available for use.These are naturally not due to Strucker. Zemo, who now temporarily has the right to speak in Sokovia, is controlled by Strucker.Many constructions that usurped Hydra's interests were forcibly terminated by Strucker.At this point, no matter how you look at Daisy, she feels stupid.The mining factory mainly run by Struck has not been started on a large scale because Sokovia has not fully recovered.This phenomenon has led to constant internal conflicts in Sokovia, and in disguise has brought Sokovia into a stage of dire straits.

Hotwire is worthy of being an "old man who seeks the country". His proposal is to let Strack divert civilian emotions, elevate urban conflicts to the level of national hatred, instigate aboriginal riots to drive away other companies, and force the United Nations to compromise with the remaining companies. Reach an agreement. Daisy almost clapped her hands after hearing this. With this set of operations, all internal and external matters were basically solved. Daisy couldn't say anything bad about her except that she didn't treat people as human beings.

But the problem now is to get Daisy to invest in Sokovia.She was not in the habit of discussing human rights with Hydra. After reading through the information, she thoroughly understood the current construction status of Sokovia.

The infrastructure projects completed are mainly communication equipment and signal construction.Road repairs, transportation construction, and other miscellaneous items.These were all projects blocked by Strucker. Many things would expose Hydra, so Strucker had no choice but to do so.But the city's construction is half paralyzed here.

"If you look at it this way, although it is a bit more, it is still acceptable."

Daisy agreed without any objection, which made Straker relieved.

"It's just that these miscellaneous items, according to the price list on your quotation, will cost less than one billion. This is a big project expense, and our company cannot afford so much money at the moment. Come."

"Miss Daisy, Rising Tide is a big company, and in just two months, your company's market value has doubled." Hotwire reminded Daisy kindly.

"Good steel is used wisely. I am not the one who has the final say in the company. The allocation of money is based on the review and game of each transaction. It is impossible for me to let my company suddenly spend such a large amount of money without any reason." Throw it away for charity? I think the money will be well spent in Sokovia."

Strucker felt that this could be done. Obviously, the greater the success of Sokovia, the more noble his status in Hydra would be. He shook his head, his face full of interest.

"Then what title do you want? I can ask Mayor Du Zemo to agree to it."

"What kind of name does the goddess of dawn need? So besides the name, I also want something more substantial. After all, my money cannot be wasted."

At this point, Straker seemed to realize something, and his expression became extremely ferocious and embarrassed.

"Miss Daisy, I want to remind you. The project in Sokovia has always been directed by Strucker, and he has the absolute right to speak there."

"Dear Mr. Hotwire, aren't I discussing this with him? I am a businessman, and it is impossible for me to spend a large amount of money for no reason and get nothing. Mr. Baron Strucker, Do you think my request is reasonable?"

Pierce, who was watching the show on the sidelines, rushed ahead of Strucker and silently said something as if he was speaking to himself.

"I think it makes sense."

Strack was held up and unable to get off the stage. Hotwire opposite looked at Pierce maliciously, and Pierce smiled. "Children's Things"

Hotwire said even more displeasedly, "Then you, old guy, should not interrupt."

"Struck, as a real estate developer, you built Sokovia in ruins. Originally, you used the convenience provided by Hydra to seize the basic share of Sokovia. Now three years have passed, but you have made it a mess. I'm not teaching you how to do things, I'm just cleaning up the mess for you. So, at least I think you should give me a good face. Your current state is not one for negotiation."

Perhaps Daisy pointed him out, and the furious Strack calmed down a lot.He took off the monocle stuck on his eye, took two deep breaths, and calmed down for a while.

During this period, Daisy took a good look at the geography and surrounding environment of Sokovia on the screen.

"What are you thinking about?" Hotwire noticed Daisy's obsessed look.

"It's fate," Daisy said blankly.


"I participated in the operation in Sokovia. Three years later, I have so many words in my heart that I still can't help myself. I feel like there is some kind of bond between Sokovia and me." Daisy spoke her heart generously, In exchange for Hotwire's chuckle.

He didn't mean to despise Daisy, he just lamented that how could a little girl at this age understand the hidden providence of God?Her mother was dismembered by herself and her ability to live forever was taken away from her. Now she is unaware of it and is working for him in a ignorant way.What could be more providential than this?

Daisy didn't know what kind of psychological activity was behind Hotwell's chuckle. She just suddenly took a liking to the land of Sokovia. That’s a feng shui treasure land with no regard for anything!

In addition to the benefits favored by Hydra, the indigenous people of Sokovia are new citizens after the Great Rebellion, and they are malleable citizens.These people are often very easy to manage and are also good at implementing some of Daisy's ideas.The key is that it is remote, where you can hide some secrets about yourself and the tide, and where you can hide top-secret personnel.Such as Qin, such as Yukio, such as the members of Shadow Watch in my mind.Set this up as your own base camp, just like Tony Stark's Avengers base.If Jiaying's [afterlife] is discovered, the residents of the [afterlife] can be relocated to Sokovia.Meow!

Daisy didn't speak for a long time, and several people around were waiting for this contest between Straker and Daisy.If the old people pressured Daisy to force her to compromise, in their minds, it would be easy.Just because of their stance, several people who usually didn't deal with Hotwire were happy to see Strack's jokes.Straker pondered for a while before asking.

"We are all colleagues of Hydra. We should share joys and sorrows, honors and disgrace. If President Daisy Johnson can really help me to solve the problem in Sokovia. I am willing to give up all my rights except mines and factories."

This almost handed over most of Hydra's interests in Sokovia. Strucker's move made several old people look askance.In Hotwire's eyes, his apprentice was so embarrassed that it was very ugly to give in and take a big step back.But to be fair, if there was a step-by-step concession, like squeezing out toothpaste, it would make a few old guys laugh out loud.

Hotwire was angry in his heart, but his face remained calm, with a look of support or a good show.

Strack had obviously taken an overview of the overall situation and corrected his status and attitude between himself and Daisy.Take one step back, be crisp and clear, and don’t be sloppy.From Daisy Johnson's rise to fame, to becoming a world-class superhero, to taking the initiative to join Hydra.Even if the idea that men are superior to women is deeply ingrained, we must look directly at the power and meaning behind Daisy's appearance in this meeting.The heroes of the world are those who know the current affairs.Daisy Johnson is already a very powerful being. They are both Hydras, so there is no need to fight to the death.

Daisy looked at Strucker in surprise. She had thought that he would rather die than surrender, but she didn't want to be so cowardly. It was difficult for Daisy not to change her face at the development of the matter. The brief shock allowed Daisy to regain her senses. And said calmly

"You own the factories and mines, where are my interests? Did I really do charity in the past? Straker, I hope that the profits from the rising tide of investment can be reasonably distributed!"

Daisy's unsatisfied reaction stunned everyone present, which was obviously a sign that the lion would open his mouth.Straker thought that he could treat this move with full sincerity as an act of reconciliation with the goddess of dawn.What they got in exchange was greed and arrogance.The anger that had subsided emerged again.

Perhaps except for Hotwire, everyone else present felt that Daisy was going too far.Pierce originally disapproved of the construction of Sokovia, but now that Daisy was forcing him like this, it made him wink at Daisy crazily.

Hotwire had a strange appreciation for Daisy's greed, and he silently acquiesced to Daisy.This shows that Daisy can be influenced by interests, and he wants to know how it will develop next.

Daisy marked out Sokovia and started Sokovia in her eyes.

"The rich mineral veins are a very good thing, and Sokovia is of great strategic significance. The wars in the past few years have made the surrounding countries abandon this fertile land. The population is declining, and everything is waiting for development. Although the area is less than a second-tier city, But it is really a place with great potential. The value of this land is not just a vein of minerals, it is simply overuse of materials and killing the goose to get the eggs. The shining moment of this city is that it still remains standing after being devastated by war. Construction cannot be limited to a single direction. I am opposed to extreme mining and excavation. This will overdraw the life of this land. Because of the commitment of the United Nations, this land can be reasonably and legally independent, which represents a new The country can sprout, and a new surprising but acceptable military system can be born. Here, trade is developed. The surrounding land and trees are good, and there are many mountains, so small-scale large-scale transactions can be carried out. Beautify the city and militarize the city. Management, so that the city is open at night and the streets are not picked up, and the focus is on the development of tourism. Use the influence of the United Nations behind the scenes to lobby some small countries to promote a peaceful alliance and force surrounding countries to enter a stable state. Trade and investment, with a stable supply of production capacity , foreign export trade, and build Sokovia into the safest and most stable city. If we continue along this route, I think Rising Tide’s contribution here will exceed the three years of your busy work in vain.”

"This..." After listening to Daisy's description, Straker was speechless for a moment because he didn't know how to evaluate the other person's innocence or ignorance.

Malik and Pierce both looked at Daisy meaningfully. The old people knew Daisy's ambition and arrogance.

"Miss Daisy, don't forget that Sokovia is an important strategic location for Hydra! It is not a park for mortals to enjoy!"

"Why not? In the public eye, I think this is safer. Secretary Pierce of SHIELD can control it, but there is no investigation agency in the world. It is difficult for many small actions to escape the eyes of evildoers. .Now that Sokovia can develop openly and openly, the whole country is under international scrutiny, but your small actions behind the scenes can easily lead to unnecessary murders. How invincible is the openness?"

"Then you want it all? Do you want it all!"

"It's too early to say something about you and me here. How much I have done and how much I have taken, I just hope you won't interfere by then. Rising Tide Technology has sufficient capital to do this. Regarding infrastructure issues, I can’t give much this year. It happened so suddenly that I had no time for the company to make adjustments. Next year we will start to strengthen the construction of Sokovia on a large scale. This year, I can use some of my own money to fill in some holes. Go. I plan to complete everything that has not yet been done within two years. By then, Baron Strucker, we still need to connect. I will only touch that part of your factory. In terms of mining, I will develop a new type of intelligent robot. It can save you a lot of manpower.”

"If nothing else happens, you will have the final say in Sokovia from now on?" Strucker was furious...

Daisy acted extremely unconcerned.

"There are many talented people. Sokovia belongs to Hydra!"

Strucker wanted to explode again, but he was always stopped by Hotwire.

"Okay, this matter has been discussed here. We have other things to deal with. You guys, Xiao Jiujiu, should just communicate in private."

"Okay," Daisy said excitedly, and greeted Pierce and Malik on the side in advance. "Afterwards, I have to trouble you two to accommodate all the procedures between Rising Tide Company and Sokovia. The Baron seems like he can't afford to wait any longer."

Hotwire faced Pierce seriously, "As for the Insight Project, I think you have been given enough time. For the future of Hydra, you must step up!"

"I have some different opinions about the Insight Project." Daisy interjected

Hotwire looked at Daisy curiously and asked, "Any good suggestions?"

"The hardware aspect has always been unsatisfactory. As for the software aspect, my new system's efficiency and accuracy are very good. But I have a question..."

"All ears..."

"Since according to Zola's algorithm, we can find some candidates who can change the situation in the future, wouldn't it be a pity to kill them like this?"

"Killing them is to better allow Hydra to rule the world. What do you think?"

"It sounds like you're begging for mercy," Strucker interjected.

"This is the lesson the Hulk incident has taught me, sir. I may want to deny part of the content of the Insight Project. It would be a pity to kill tens of millions of people who may appear in the future. It is better to make targeted selection and use it for your own use. Just Just like Hydra has always done, train the next generation to be more determined and more fanatical. If all the smart people are killed, the rulers of Hydra will be stupid, which will bring a burden to the entire Hydra. Smart people manage stupid people. , Hydra controls smart people. I think this will be a sustainable operation route. Although it is more circuitous than the Insight Project, I believe the final effect will be very good."

"It sounds tempting, Miss Daisy. But how do you actually do it?"

"...emmmm, I just suggested it, I haven't thought about it carefully..."

"Very well, talk to me when you've thought about it. Pierce, go ahead."


A meeting, all farce.

Daisy has always been disgusted with formalism, such as this Hydra meeting.Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to have an encrypted video chat together all day long?It would be an unpleasant scene if we had to meet and talk in detail, move hands and feet, and saliva would fly everywhere.

The two old men of the Thule Association obviously didn't understand why Daisy was so arrogant at the meeting and why she could use her identity as a woman to shout around in front of her elders (barons).This led to the following conversation in which the two old men teased Daisy in a weird way.Especially the old woman, who seemed to be a representative of justice, etiquette, courtesy and frugality, denied Daisy in all aspects.Even if Daisy has a good temper, it is impossible for her to be ridiculed and scolded like this.He immediately waved his hand from the air and scattered the chairs of the two old people, causing them to fall heavily.Macri looked unhappy when Daisy did this, but Hotwire was happy inside.The meeting came to an end as the two frightened old men helped each other and left.

As usual, everyone has to leave the castle at this time and erase all traces of their activities here.Daisy and Cynthia took the lead. She held Cynthia's hand and ignored the whispers of the few people behind.

Malik walked to Hotwire's side worriedly

"This girl is hard to control, why are you so sure?"

"It's rare that you come and take the initiative to talk to me. I think we should move around more. Don't look at that girl showing off her power. In fact, there are many ways she can control it. I never do anything I'm not sure about." A lot of things happened at the meeting. On the contrary, it made Hotwire even more convinced that Daisy could be manipulated.

"It sounds like we have a chance to win. How sure are you?"

"A yellowed photo, a dusty past. Just like when you opened your father's book, many things are cruel and realistic." Hotwire's voice was firm and calm. This made Malik's face look very ugly, and he immediately stopped where he was. Hotwire smiled and left the area.

Daisy and Cynthia came to Hanscat because Daisy wanted Cynthia's family to take over the business related to the rising tide.It's not direct contact, but a third party's involvement in the sale.The power behind Cynthia is impeccable when it comes to sales.Even though it was overkill, it still solved a financial problem for Cynthia.This is a gift from Daisy to Cynthia to express her sincerity to her.The two did not go back immediately, but went crazy in Cynthia's castle for two days.

During this period, Daisy became familiar with Bob, Cynthia's childhood housekeeper, and learned many embarrassing things about Cynthia when she was a child from each other's mouth, which made Cynthia ashamed. For some unknown reason, Daisy’s impression of Bob’s impact was on the stage of having big arms, a round waist, and thick legs. Bob in Cynthia's family looks like he is in his fifties or sixties. He doesn't look old, but he is extraordinarily round. He has a sexy beard, but unfortunately it has turned gray. There is another Bob in my mind, a fat man who sold fried onion rings on the streets around college. This damn fat man’s frying skills are top notch. The onion rings are filled with juice, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Every time I go to eat with Emma...

"What's wrong...Daisy?" Cynthia hugged Daisy from behind and looked toward the distance through the window with her.

"I... never want to be separated from you in my life. Cynthia..." Daisy tilted her neck back and pressed her side face against Cynthia's face.

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