Transform into Marvel's Daisy Johnson

Chapter 243 9-Headed Snake Castle

The weather was cold and dry, so there wasn't much fog, but Daisy searched all over the three floors but couldn't find it.Her first thought at that time was that she was going to cross back to plant flowers, and she felt a little excited when she thought about it.

But due to my status, I definitely can’t do it, and I can’t explain my behavior of planting flowers during the New Year.She called up the picture of [Skye] when she came out, and compared some possible mountain peaks based on her impression.It took me a long time to return to the [afterlife].

Daisy's trip made Jiaying particularly worried, fearing that Daisy might not come back. Seeing Daisy land in the yard, she hurried out. Daisy told what she saw and heard, making Jiaying blush several times. The other strangers from [Afterlife] gathered around curiously, and Daisy gave the right to speak to Jiaying.

Jiaying didn't say anything, she just said some face-saving words about the New Year and dismissed everyone.She held Daisy's hand and asked Alyssa to disperse the people around to ensure that the mother-daughter conversation would not be heard.

"If you can't get out, you'll be surrounded by mountains." Jiaying told Daisy.

Daisy nodded in acquiescence. The population of [the afterlife] is quite large, and they are all aliens. A small number of them have experienced the baptism of Terrigen Crystal Mist.How this group of people leave here in an orderly manner is a big problem.

"But they have the right to know their situation, don't they? Mom, I respect your thoughts and I will never interfere with your management style here. But after all, you manage a group of people."

"It is impossible for someone to open a road for this place. Foreigners will never be discriminated against here, they are safe. No one knows what will happen if you accept charity from one party rashly. I was born in Hunan, you Yes, but I still don't understand the world. The best way is to stay away and avoid the shackles of these things. The road is impassable."

After hearing this, Daisy tiptoed, looked up at the bright moon, and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, she said

"But for them, this is not a paradise. There has always been a flaw in your management system. Even though you have controlled the qualifications for allocating Terrigen crystals in an absolutely fair and reasonable manner, there are still aliens who have not accepted the mutation, and The baptized aliens. Among them, the baptized aliens, those with strong abilities such as Alyssa and Gordon will be reused, while those with incomplete abilities will be marginalized. This has led to the formation of three types of aliens in the ecosystem here: large, medium and small. Class. Class contradictions have already appeared, but how can you change it? It is better to let them all go and get rid of your identity as the leader."

"You are making things simple, Daisy. You are really making things simple. They must be dissected when they go out. I don't want these people to be pressed on the chopping board and become meat in the future. It's very good here, and Isolated from the world, you have the final say what the rules are, and you don’t need to receive too many restrictions. Here everyone loves each other and respects each other, and the hatred between each other will not be expanded because of the identity itself. Those with strong abilities are the ones who protect and maintain the operation of the [afterlife] Yes, this is their natural responsibility and obligation. Maintaining the status quo is fine."

Daisy didn't want to argue with Jiaying, this issue didn't bite too much.After briefly staying for a while, Gordon sent Daisy back.

This was just a small episode during the 09 New Year, and Daisy didn't take it to heart. When she occasionally thought about it, what she thought about most was how to drag her mother out of the closed [afterlife]. The development of science and technology makes Daisy feel like returning to the countryside every time she goes back to the [afterlife]. The reality and the style of the [afterlife] are completely different. After knowing the geographical location of [Afterlife], Daisy understood more and more that it was unrealistic to develop there. So how to make her mother's life more comfortable is Daisy's deepest longing for Jiaying.

There was something about my mother who was obsessed with power during the conversation, but that didn't matter.There are also management methods, Daisy and her set of dialogues.Daisy is standing in the environment of the Eagle Flag, which naturally contains extreme racial overtones.And the mother's moderate management method has a very good balance to adjust this.It can be seen that Jiaying has very good skills in management.

Maybe we need a good place to move [the next life] to, so that we can continue to live like this while being in contact with the outside world.

The premise is that the current villain, Hotwell, must be dealt with first!

After Daisy was repeatedly named and criticized by the Security Council, the "Overwatch Plan" that Daisy ostensibly expressed was no longer strong.Daisy also knows that when even the Avengers plan is at risk, additional Overwatch plans are a luxury.

This day, Daisy woke up under the dazzling sun.He kissed Cynthia's white shoulders next to her and woke her up.The sleepy kitten curled up and refused to open its eyes.Daisy lifted the quilt off Cynthia's body, placed her hand on her heart and shouted to get up.Cynthia finally couldn't stand Daisy's harassment, so she woke up angrily, turned over, and pressed Daisy under her.The hair fell on Daisy's face, feeling very warm.

Not long after, Cynthia went to the bathroom to wash up, and Daisy rubbed her lips.At this time, Bob, the butler in Cynthia's castle, knocked on the door.He kindly reminded the two ladies that time was running out.

About an hour later, Daisy took Cynthia's soft arm and walked into the Hydra Castle located on the remote mountain of Hans Cat.

Daisy was already itching to wait for this day to come. She couldn't wait to see the "big world". Cynthia had a rather expectant look on her face. Daisy had already discussed the next course of events in bed last night. Just because she's not good at academics doesn't mean she's stupid. She has no political skills, but she has a unique intuition. As for Daisy's purpose, she firmly believes that it will succeed.

"If you want Bumblebee technology, tell me earlier. The early drawings were defective because I was the only one involved. I made changes as I went. There are many places that only I can understand. You!"

"I was wrong. I will tell you what I want next time..."

The two of them walked on the comfortable green grass, looked at everything around them, and whispered casually.

"The worst I can do is hand over the focus of Europe's factories to your company to take care of part of it. Anyway, it's the precise Hans craftsmanship."

When she stood in the hall of the old castle, the flag with the huge Hydra logo came into view unbridled.It felt a bit funny to show off one's strength in this deserted castle in such an unmaintained and unprotected manner.Daisy looked particularly fascinated, which made Cynthia, who was about to answer, froze. Then she and Daisy stared at the meaning of the flag.

The history of Hydra starts with the Kree people.In order to improve their combat effectiveness, they modified a batch of human DNA that was still in its embryonic stage to be used as war weapons.The first human to accept the change is set to be the leader who rules over all other aliens.He has a natural ability to control aliens. After his DNA was modified by the Kree, he underwent all-round mutations and became a giant human octopus, which is the original appearance of the Hydra flag seen now.

The Kree were divided over the Inhumans, which led to the Kree Civil War.There was a serious split among the aliens on the earth. A group of people used the space stone discovered on the earth to expel the first alien hive to the wild planet.But those who had followed the hive were unwilling to do so and tried to find this great being.Under such circumstances, the Hydra organization was established.This organization found the teleportation stone, but didn't know how to bring back the hive at the other end.The rules of blood sacrifice have been established since ancient times. Every period of time, a living person must be sent to the other side to let the great hive parasitize in his body until the next moment of human sacrifice, until the organization can clearly Solve the puzzle of how to bring back the hive.They beautified the glory of sacrifice internally, took being selected as the glory, and took the membership system as the core to develop the Hydra organization step by step.From civilization’s detectable beginnings to its present decline.

In this development, the organization becomes more corrupt and degenerate, and will be selected for misfortune, escape and happiness.Even though the organization has grown to include the military and the nobility, the corruption behind it is still deep-rooted.After experiencing the baptism of World War I, the credibility of the Hydra organization, which had developed well in Europe, dropped extremely, and the organization turned into a historical cancer and disappeared.At this time, a strong man descends from the sky!Johann Schmidt shouted loudly and was the first to respond to the call of the new head of state.As a defeated country in World War I, Hanshu decided to make the world tremble on that day.Schmidt, known as the Red Skull, began to use the influence of Hydra to plunder all the power that could be used as a weapon.Only those who have truly experienced the loss of power and humiliation to the country will be able to desire revenge and be so angry that it can burn everything!

Objectively speaking, Hans the tiger turned into Hans the cat, it is pitiful and sad.But his actions truly shook the whole world and plunged people all over the world into fear of war. No country in the world can objectively evaluate that period of history.

Crazy creates extremes, which also makes Hansi Tiger lose his future.

Red Skull once forgot about his own face in the mirror. Even though his face looked hideous, he firmly believed that it was all worth it.With this stubbornness, he fought against the current on the slippery road of the empire!The torrent of time was frozen by the biting cold.The flying clouds of ambition and the tragic song at night, everything disappeared and became a scratch in time.That was the saddest era since the establishment of Hydra, and the era that best proved its existence...

Today, Hydra is completely hidden, as if it has its presence in every corner of the world, as if it has spread out a big net and can capture the world at any time.But the upper class who are content with pleasure have long been corrupted and have become stubborn.They have become a stumbling block in the new era and a group of people who are unwilling to change.The reality has already trapped Hydra in the net, and they are not aware of all this yet.

Daisy sometimes thinks that the Hydra organization is quite magical. Looking at this huge flag, I feel that it would be more meaningful if it were replaced by a red star flag. Such bad taste just ran through my mind, and a disturbing voice came from behind.

That was Malik, John Bull's representative director on the Temporal Security Council, and one of the oldest Hydras, the old school Hydra.In addition to him, there are also representatives of the Thule Association in the old faction, as well as latent personnel developing in Mao Xiong. Now many people sit in high positions.People of the old school are generally content with enjoying themselves and being content with the status quo.

There are also many representatives of the fanatics, including Pierce, Hotwire, and many undercover figures active on the international stage.In essence, they are no different from the old school. On the one hand, they can't stand it.Cynthia Schmidt can also be considered an old-school Hydra, but she and Malik in front of her are more centrist and have no stance.

"Long time no see, Director Malik."

"Oh, Miss Daisy. The last time we met was in London. I'm glad to see you here. I've been seeing news about you lately."

Malik is an old gentleman, which makes Daisy very comfortable.She turned around and walked slowly with the other person.

"Overwatch is a terrible idea. The World Security Council has no extra budget to support you. You also know that in your application, this cost is on top of the Avengers project. It's good to have a plan, Dai. Xi, it's not the time yet." Malik has almost changed little from when he first met Daisy. The old man is no longer young, but he is very handsome.You can imagine how prosperous Malik was when he was young.Daisy is particularly fond of Malik because of his appearance and manners.After all, there is no good way to find gold in shit.

"I thought you would praise me for being handsome, powerful, and unique. This makes me a little regretful. I learned about some of your deeds in Hydra from Cynthia, and to be honest, it successfully aroused my interest. Can I come and visit you when I have time?"

Malik thought it was a polite comment, but Daisy really wanted to see it.The Malik family is the only member of Hydra who still maintains the old traditions, as well as blood sacrifices and attempts to bring back the hive.Even though they don't know what the other side is, they firmly believe that the other side will help them rule the earth.As the first alien, one of Hive's abilities is that he can unconditionally control aliens. This alone is the public enemy of all aliens.How could Daisy let it go?It would be best to throw Doctor Octopus's tritium fusion over and let the other party be swallowed up by the artificial sun along with the planet.

Even though Malik communicated with Daisy fluently, the restraint in his words was still revealed. Daisy didn't think that the other person was in awe of her because of her superpower. Instead, it was because the initiative and arrogance in her words made him feel uncomfortable. The instinct of a passive person is that they don't like people who have opinions, which will force the other party to make a choice. This was originally meant to be in line with Daisy's personality today. She wanted to act as a messy and annoying image to see how other people at the scene would react.

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