Douluo: My Zanpakuto

Chapter 46 The Flower Goddess Comes to Tiandou City~

Heaven Dou City.

After leaving Lanba Academy, Yang Fan's depression has disappeared a lot. He can be a teacher who specializes in treatment. It saves trouble and can have more time to practice. It's just that the name is embarrassing. I hope Liu Erlong won't say it. Go out~

As the imperial city of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City certainly has a large number of soul masters. Among the people coming and going, there are many people with soul master badges. The entire Tiandou City is very prosperous and spectacular. Yang Fan calms down and takes a good look. After walking around Tiandou City, he found the largest restaurant in Tiandou City and had a meal alone. He turned his grief and anger into appetite and vented his anger. He spent dozens of yuan and then went to Tiandou with satisfaction. Walk to the city's big spirit fighting arena.

The Great Soul Fighting Arena in the Imperial City of the Tiandou Empire is much larger and more magnificent than the one in Soto City. There are more than one registration positions. The soul masters who came to register for the competition have already lined up in several long lines. Yang Fan He stepped forward to queue up, and after waiting for a while, it was finally his turn.

Raising his hand, he took out the Silver Soul Fighting Token and the registration fee of ten gold soul coins from his bracelet, and handed them to the registration staff.

"Soul Lord? 27 consecutive wins! Silver Fighting Soul!" The registration officer is a woman in her 20s. She looks like Xiaojiabiyu and is also a pretty beauty. She found Yang Fan's information and looked at Yang Fan's handsome face, her face turned red. There was a hint of exclamation.

"Sorry, there seems to be no Silver Fighting Soul-level soul master at the moment. You may need to wait a little longer." The beauty's eyes were filled with intimacy, dignity and respect, and she said to Yang Fan.

"Why are there so few soul masters in Silver Fighting Soul in Tiandou City?" Yang Fan asked helplessly, frowning as if he thought of something. "By the way, are there any Soul Sects at the Silver Fighting Soul level?"

"Yes, yes, it's just that Silver Fighting Soul-level soul sects are generally above level 45. You..."

"As long as you have it, sign up for me." Soul Master was too relaxed for Yang Fan. He interrupted the registration of the beauty, and Yang Fan said angrily.

"Ah, okay, you have been registered." When Yang Fan heard that the registration was successful, he walked towards the main battlefield Soul Master Lounge without a trace of nostalgia in the disappointed eyes of the beautiful lady.

In the lounge, there were not many soul masters. They were all soul masters, soul sects, and a few soul kings. They basically had no contact with each other and were waiting separately. Yang Fan did not know anyone in Tiandou City, let alone a soul master. He found one. The seat is vacant, waiting for it to leave the factory.

After waiting for half an hour, it was finally Yang Fan's turn to appear.

"Congratulations to Chen Hai for winning! Let's invite the next group of contestants!"

"The next group of players is..." The host of the main battlefield suddenly paused for a few seconds, and then shouted loudly, "It turned out to be a leapfrog battle!"


"This is interesting!"

"Who is it? So confident!"

The audience in the seats cheered.

"Hahaha, the cheers of the audience friends have said it all. Now we invite the contestant for this competition, Liu Yuan! Seven consecutive victories of the agile soul sect! Wuhun Blue Bird!"

"Yang Fan! Wuhun Dao! He has won 27 games in a row! He has never been defeated! Attacking Soul Master! Wow! Not only that, the introduction information actually states that he is called in the Great Soul Fighting Arena in Soto City, Balak Kingdom. For the "Flower God" in the same level! "

"What kind of strength and ability will lead to such a title? Let's wait and see! Cheer for the two contestants! The game begins!" said the host and exited the factory.

Yang Fan and Liu Yuan walked into the battlefield together. The audience bought it very much and kept cheering.

"Yo~Flower God?"

"Little brother didn't get the title because of this, hahaha." Liu Yuan is a 27-year-old young man with a somewhat vulgar appearance. After listening to the host's introduction, he sarcastically said to Yang Fan opposite.

"Oh my, I didn't expect to hear my legend everywhere." Yang Fan said narcissistically with a smile, and his spiritual power was running, "Are you laughing at me?" Yang Fan opened his eyes and looked directly at Liu Yuan. In the shocked eyes of thousands of people, three gorgeous thousand-year soul rings rose up from their feet, and they rushed towards Liu Yuan in the blink of an eye. The Zanpakutō had already been unsheathed and slashed at it.

The distance between the two was less than 20 meters. Liu Yuan was frightened by Yang Fan's thousand-year soul ring and came back to his senses. He had already dodged without haste and barely avoided the vital point. "Ah", but his arm was cut by Yang Fan with a large gash. Liu Yuan cried out in pain. With a sound, four yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings appeared at the same time and jumped into the sky.

"Bird wings!"

The thousand-year soul ring shone brightly, and a pair of medium-sized cyan wings appeared on the back. It flew up, and the soul power circulated, temporarily stopping the bleeding arm. The wings shook, and he rushed towards Yang Fan angrily.


Liuyuan's third soul ring lit up, and his speed doubled!The soul power surrounded Liu Yuan's whole body and turned into a large blue bird with its beak pointed at Yang Fan. If he was hit, he would be seriously injured even if he was not dead!

Liu Yuan's attack range was not large. Yang Fan turned around and wanted to hide to the side, but he didn't expect that Liu Yuan, who was using the soul ring skill, could still turn in the air and followed Yang Fan to move the attack position.


In a hurry, Yang Fan swung his Zanpakutō horizontally, resisting the sharpest spike of the blue bird's beak. The impact was so powerful that Yang Fan's legs gradually bent.Pushing Yang Fan and sliding ten meters across the ground, a ravine emerged.Yang Fan, who was half-crouching, stepped hard back with his right foot, stopping his figure.

The attack missed, Liu Yuan spread his wings and flew up, "You actually hurt me while I was distracted! Boy! Let you see the strength of the Soul Sect! Today I will let you lie down and go out! Break your winning streak!"

"Luo Yu!" Liu Yuan waved his left wing, and ten green feathers shot towards Yang Fan at such a fast speed that Yang Fan could only dodge.

"Bang bang bang~"

Ten deep holes were made on the ground.

As the soul power circulated, Liu Yuan smiled evilly.The right wing waved again, and ten more feathers were fired. The two wings continuously launched hundreds of feathers towards Yang Fan, covering Yang Fan's body within ten meters.

A large piece of feathers shot towards Yang Fan. Yang Fan seemed to dodge without haste, and was enveloped in the falling rain, followed by a roar.The broken ground was filled with dust.People can't see clearly what's going on inside the factory.

"Haha, let me see how you avoid it." Liu Yuan said with a proud smile.The figure slowly fell, looking down at the place where the dust was scattered.

"no one!?"


A fatal murderous intention suddenly appeared beside Liu Yuan, and Yang Fan suddenly appeared beside him. The Zanpakutō in his hand slashed at Liu Yuan's injured arm again, as if he wanted to cut it off!

"Shunying!" Green light flashed, the Zanpakuto flew into the air, and Liuyuan appeared in the sky ten meters away, watching Yang Fan fall back to the ground with a cold sweat.

"You're not injured?" Liu Yuan spread his wings again and flew a certain distance, feeling safe, and asked Yang Fan.

"A little soul master is not inferior to me in all aspects! Three thousand-year soul rings that have never appeared before! Which force are you from?" Liu Yuan asked uneasily.

"Me? I'm just a child from an ordinary village. At most, I have great talent and unrivaled luck. As for the strength you mentioned, I've never seen it before." Yang Fan simply praised himself and looked up. Looking at Liuyuan flying in the sky, "Do you think you are safe in the sky? Haha."


The Zanpakutō is sheathed.

"Scatter, Senbonzakura." The cherry blossoms all over the sky floated up, rushing towards the somewhat surprised Liuyuan in the sky.

"What is this!" Upon contact, it was discovered that the seemingly beautiful cherry blossoms turned out to be blades with astonishing lethality!Liuyuan flew up into the sky. Fortunately, the main battlefield of the Great Fighting Spirit Arena was built high and rose a hundred meters away from Yang Fan, so Sakura retreated from the attack.

"Luo Yu!" Liu Yuan, who was injured again, saw that Sakura had a distance limit, and his eyes flashed with anger, and he spread his wings to attack Yang Fan.The feathers kept hitting Yang Fan, and the soul rings flashed continuously. If he wanted to use his soul power, he would perform a carpet bombing! !


The feathers fell, and the cherry blossoms had a target to attack. The two torrents collided. The cherry blossoms of Senbonzakura were far more than the feathers of Liuyuan. None of the feathers came within ten meters of Yang Fan. Three minutes later, Liu Yuanshuai, who kept using his soul skills, stopped attacking first and was panting in the air. He had consumed too much soul power.

"Isn't this enough? Do you know why everyone calls me the God of Flowers? Because..." Yang Fan rushed to the Liuyuan Garden hundreds of meters above the ground with lightning speed on the cherry blossoms! "Among my peers, I am a god!" The cherry blossoms in the sky rose as Yang Fan rose, and in the blink of an eye they came to the panicked Liu Yuan.He said coldly: "Even if you are a higher realm than me now, I am still a god!"

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "Go against the wind!" The soul power circulated, and a large number of cherry blossoms surrounded Liuyuan, forming a rapidly rotating tornado. The layered reverse wind cherry blossom tornado pulled Liuyuan, making it difficult to move. As the tornado tightened, before Liuyuan could struggle When he got out, the sharp cherry blossoms had already cut his skin.

"I surrender!!!" With a shout, the cherry blossom tornado stopped immediately, Yang Fan dispersed the headwind slash, and Liu Yuan, who was covered with bruises on several sides, lost his strength and fell from the air.Yang Fan just wanted to save someone.

"Whoa~" The host ran over. He turned out to be a control-type soul master, and caught Liu Yuan at the critical moment.

Yang Fan then walked down under the cherry blossoms.See more!Prestige official account: hhxs665

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